Page 102 of I Like You Like That

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Her cheeks turn red. “Yeah, yeah. I get where you’re going with this. Next, you’re going to say I should listen to my own advice.”

“You definitely can talk the talk, Wren my friend, but can you walk the walk?”

She shoves my shoulder. “Things between me and Ben are complicated.”

“And as you said, relationships aren’t easy.”

Wren sighs. “No, no they’re not.”

“What’s stopping you from being with him?”

“Distance mostly,” she sighs. “He can’t leave his gym and I can’t leave my shop. He said he wants to open a place in Parker, but he doesn’t have the finances yet. His rent in NYC is expensive. I try to be supportive, and I want to wait for him but—it’s getting hard, B. Really hard. I want to get married and start a family.”

The memory of speaking to Ben about becoming an investor re-enters my memory. I make a mental note to have my financial advisors look into it. If I can help my two best friends be together, I will. Especially for Wren.

I squeeze her hand this time. “It will work out, Wren. You and Ben are meant for each other. And not just because your names rhyme.” I joke.

“Ha-ha.” Her voice drips with sarcasm. “We're quite the pair, aren’t we,” she gestures between us.

I finish off my drink in one swig. “That we are, my friend. That we are.”



Ihitthepunchingbag in front of me in rapid succession, imagining it’s Nick’s face.

“Wow. Glad I’m not that guy.”

Ben’s voice is full of mirth as he comes to stand next to me.

“If you want, I could get you into a fighting ring, make a few bucks.”

I flash him a look.

“What?” he says, “I know a guy.”

“Sure you do.”

“Anyway, Wren’s in town. Thought maybe the three of us could go grab a beer.”

Her name piques my interest. The last I heard him talk about her was when she went to visit Birdie in Louisiana. Just the thought of Birdie’s smile, her soft, curvy body and golden blonde hair makes my blood simultaneously heat and cool. Every day is a fight not to think of her, and I’ve been losing miserably. Ben knows it too. He’s constantly on my case to get over myself, but he doesn’t understand. Nobody does.

“What’s she doing here?” I ask. Ben scratches the back of his head, and I feel my stomach flip. “Birdie’s here, too?”

He nods. “Tour is on break for a bit while the band records a new album. I guess she has some awards thing this week. She invited Wren as her plus one.”

Shit. I totally forgot about that. “I see.”

“Birdie won’t be there if you’re wondering. I know your ass is too scared to see her face-to-face.”

I grind my teeth. I have to stop myself from going back to the punching bag and pretending it’s Ben’s face. “If you’re going to be an ass, then no, I won’t go.”

Ben sighs. “I’ll be on my best behavior. Wren really wants to see you, man.”

“If you promise not to get on my case about Birdie, I’ll go. But I already made my decision. Don’t make me go through this with you again.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll make sure Wren doesn’t say a word.”
