Page 101 of I Like You Like That

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“That’s the deal. My boy drama for your boy drama.”

She contemplates for a moment, then holds out her hand.


We shake on it, and with another drink, I begin the story of me and Liam.

Wren listens with rapt attention every second I speak. When I get to the kidnapping, my stomach is in knots. But she hears everything and even holds my hand. It feels so good to talk to her, someone who knows me. By the time I finish I’m glad we made this deal.

“God, B. What a dick!!!”

I’ve just finished the story with the morning Liam left.

“If it makes you feel any better, if Liam told Ben any of this, Ben is going to rip him a new asshole. You’re like a sister to him and he’d protect you till the very end.”

My heart squeezes. “That means a lot to me. But I don’t know, even though it hurts, I think I understand why he did it.”

Wren raises an eyebrow at me. “That’s very mature of you to say.”

A laugh bubbles out of me. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hurt. Really hurt. When I woke up and I saw his suitcases… I think I knew before he walked out that he was struggling. Right before I was kidnapped, he told me all about his accident.”

Wren’s shoulders straighten. “About that… sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to; I swear. But Ben thought it would be best if we left you out of it. You were on a European tour and working on an album. And—”

I cut her off. “It’s fine Wren. I’m not mad, just—I wish the past was different sometimes, you know?”

She releases a tight breath. “I know. Me too, but it’s not. All we can do is move forward and, can I be frank with you, B?”

“You know you can,” I tell her seriously. “You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t expect any less.”

“Liam is a dick for what he did, but I think you know he acted out of fear. And I know you couldn’t have, but you didn’t see him after the accident. He was a totally different person. I’ve never seen him so withdrawn and scared. For a while Ben thought he had an alcohol problem, but when he asked Liam about it, he immediately cut back on his usage. Then he went to Nashville and finally pulled himself together, but he never really was the same after that.

“The accident changed something in him forever. I can only imagine what seeing you in that situation was like for him; what memories it brought back. Liam wouldn’t leave someone he cares about without a reason, and I think for him this is the best one.”

I listen to all her words carefully. Part of me completely understands, but the other part that was rejected—it doesn’t.

“So, you think he’s justified in his decision to leave me? I told him I loved him, Wren! He just walked away without looking back.”

She squeezes my hand. “All I know is that he’s scared shitless. He’s never had a stable relationship, Birdie, not even with his parents. You’re the closest thing he’s ever had to one. Then you almost died on his watch. He’s broken up about it and he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions. He doesn’t know how to deal with loving you.”

I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. She’s right. I know she’s right. But there’s still a part of me that doesn’t want to forgive him so easily. He hurt me once ten years ago, and the second time hurts worse, especially since we were together this time around. My heart aches for him, yet I also want to slap him.

“Relationships aren’t easy, B. They never are. But if you believe in what you and Liam have, if you really do love him, just give him time. I think what he said and did is stupid and I think Ben is trying to make him realize that too. But it sounds like what you two have is really special. Not a lot of people can say they found the love of their life at fifteen. And all these bumps in the road? You’ll figure out how to work around them. There’s a reason you came into each other’s lives again after so long.”

Love of my life. Is that what Liam really is? I sure as hell have never felt this way about a person before.

“You really believe that?”

“I do. And I know it may be hard to hear, and I know you’re hurt, but just give yourself some time, see what happens. I think you’ll find your paths will cross again someday; when you’re both ready.”

I grin at her. “Since when did you become so good with words?”

She chuckles. “Flower arrangements aren’t the only thing I’m good at.”

I laugh with her. “I do have something to say though, about something you said.”

“And what’s that?”

“Something about finding the love of your life at fifteen—you know that’s rare,” I tease.
