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I look at Gia and she nods her approval. “Sure.”

Katelyn holds out a tape recorder, then starts to shoot off questions. They start off simple. Questions about the tour, some about my new songs, and then she asks if I’m dating anyone. I notice her gaze move to Liam, and I immediately shake my head. “He’s my bodyguard. I’m single.”

Katelyn blushes after Liam gives her a small grin. It makes me want to puke. Is he seriously flirting with this reporter? I can’t believe him right now. He’s been acting moody all night, then he sees a pretty reporter and he’s all smiles. I can’t wait to get my gamble on. After this day, I really need it.

After what is probably only a few seconds, but feels like minutes, Katelyn eventually focuses back on me. “I’m glad you mentioned a bodyguard. I want to ask you about the stalker situation. How are you feeling?”

I set my shoulders back and put on a brave face. “I’m feeling fine.”

“That’s good to hear. If you could say anything to them, what would you say?”

“That I’m not afraid. That if he or she needs professional help, I’d be more than happy to pay for their needs,” I respond, hoping that didn’t come off too asshole-ish.

Katelyn opens her mouth to ask another question, but Liam steps forward. “I think that’s all for today, Katelyn. Birdie thanks you for your time.”

“Wha—” I don’t get the full word out of my mouth because Liam is practically dragging me away by the upper arm. I don’t want to make more of a scene, so I follow him with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Once we’re in the hallway away from prying eyes, Liam pins me to the wall. His body is so close I can smell his sweat and aftershave. I’m tall, but he still has five inches on me, so I feel small. Smaller than I ever do. Again, this would be hot if I wasn’t so upset at him and his shitty behavior. And if he was, well… not Liam Miller.

“You can’t say stuff like that to reporters,” he scolds.

His voice is harsh, but I manage not to let it get to me, at least not on the outside. I put my chin up and puff out my chest, “I just did what Gia asked me to do.”

“From now on, you don’t say anything about the stalker to the media. You shouldn’t provoke them or offer them help like some savior. It’s going to get you hurt, or worse.”

His face is only a few inches away, and I can feel his hot breath against my already heated cheek. This close, I’m able toreallylook at him for the first time in our adult lives.

I can see the way his skin is tight over his cheekbones, and he has slight bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. I notice how his eyelashes kiss his skin and his eyebrows need a slight trim. From the depths of his chocolate irises, I see the concern for me within them mixed with his visible anger and layers of another emotion. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s pain. For what, I don’t know.

Liam’s hand flexes on my bicep, and for a moment I think he’s going to kiss me. Or hit me. No, Liam would never do that.

“Liam,” I breathe, my voice comes out huskier than usual. The sound breaks his trance, and he steps back like I’ve smacked him across the face.

“Sorry,” he clears his throat. “I shouldn’t have gotten in your space like that. It’s unprofessional.”

I swallow thickly, “You’re right, it is.” With the spell of him now broken, I come back to my senses. I remember how embarrassed I am that he pulled me from the green room like a child.

“And, Mr. Miller, I’d appreciate it if the next time you want to tell me something, you just ask. You don’t need to drag me out of a room full of people who admire and look up to me. You potentially made a PR nightmare for Gia.”

He nods roughly. That stony look back on his face again. “Understood, Ms. Wilder. Would you like me to escort you back to the green room or to your hotel?”

“I’m going back to the green room. I have more press to do and fans to meet.”

He makes his “after you” motion again, and I quickly make my exit, happy to not be alone in a room with Liam Miller any longer.

I’m on my fourth shot of liquor, and a few beers have been thrown in here and there.

After I met with my fans, the band stuck around, as well as our openers, to toast to our amazing show. Now we’re gathered around discussing some of our wild fans. Tonight’s show was fruitful. I got one bra, two thongs, and three pairs of briefs. They’d been thrown out long ago, but it’s hilarious to talk about.

I can practically feel Liam’s brooding from where he stands in the corner thinking about whatever it is he’s thinking about while he watches. Kevin even tried to get him to join us a few times, but he politely declined each time. After our little showdown in the hallway, he hasn’t so much as looked in my direction. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it’s for the best. We need to stay complete strangers if I don’t want him to invade my life again.

“Well,” Kevin says, slapping his knees. “I need to hit the hay, or I’ll be asleep on-stage tomorrow night.”

“Me too,” Jane chimes while she stretches her hands over her head. “I’m already going to have a hangover after all these drinks.”

That starts a chain reaction, and soon everyone gets ready to go. I text Eric to get our cars sent and make my way to my dressing room to collect my things. Liam follows me, but I don’t acknowledge him.

I make my way over again to the little bar. It’s after one in the morning, but I’m not tired. I’m also notquitedrunk enough yet. I take another shot, and once I hit the empty glass on the table, I feel Liam’s eyes on me. I can tell he wants to say something about that last shot, but he bites his lip. Smart man.
