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I’m cut off by a rapid knocking. “Hold on.”

I make my way to the door. When I look in the peephole, I see Liam standing there.

“Who’s there?” Wren asks.

“Who do you think?” I open the door to find Liam’s RSF is in full force. He’s about to say something, but Wren wants to put her two cents in first.

“Liam are you there?!” she calls from the phone. And to my surprise, Liam’s face breaks out in a smile. Not just a half grin or a smirk like the ones he’d sometimes give my team or Kevin, somehow the two have become friends over the last few weeks, but a full blown one. White teeth and all. A pang of jealousy hits my stomach, but I push it away. I have no right to be jealous.

I put Wren on speaker and against my better judgment, invite Liam in.

Liam speaks louder so she can hear. “Is that Wren Jones?”

“What other Wren do you know?”

He laughs. “You’re right. You’re the one and only.”

“Is my girl treating you well?” she asks him.

Liam’s brown eyes flash to mine. He’s no longer smiling when he says, “All is well. It’s a long tour, but things are good. Ever thought about coming to visit?”

My stomach drops at his suggestion.

“Ooh, now you’re talking.” Wren’s voice is giddy.

“You should. Bring Ben, too,” Liam adds.

“That’s not a bad idea! What do you think, Birdie?”

My throat feels thick, and my nerves are wound tight. Ben, Wren, and Liam… all here? Sounds miserable. Like a double date gone wrong. I can’t believe Liam even suggested it. Maybe body snatchers have taken him over.

“Umm, yeah. If you guys want. I won’t have much time to hang out, but I can give Liam the day off when you come.”

His jaw clenches, like he’s offended I’d give him a day off. He’s so weird. I can never tell what he’s thinking, if he really cares about me, or just about doing his job well so he can get his paycheck.

“We won’t mind! You know Ben and I can find things to do. We haven’t seen you in concert in years.”

“Okay, pick a date and let me know so we can arrange it.”

Wren squeals. “Sweet! Good idea, Liam.”

“I hate to cut this chat short, but I have to get Ms. Wilder to the spa,” Liam says, back to business.

Wren snorts, “Please don’t tell me you call her Ms. Wilder all the time?” Silence. “Birdie?” she asks. But I’m currently in a stare down with Liam. He’s trying to get a rise out of me.

“We’ll chat more about it later, Wren.” I start to grab my things so we can leave.

“Fine. But don’t make Liam call you Ms. Wilder. That’s ridiculous.”

When I find Liam’s eyes he’s smirking.Ugh. “Bye Wren.”

“Bye you silly goose.”

I let out a breathy laugh as I hang up the phone. Part of me regrets it because the silence that follows is deafening. Liam is still smirking, and I honestly wish I could smack him. But I don’t have time to question it, my massage and facial await.

I don’t think I’ve been this excited for anything in a long time. I seriously need an afternoon of care and attention. The shows every night are intense, and touring is stressful. I think my hair is starting to fall out with all the added anxiety of the stalker and a certain bodyguard.
