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Even my band has started to question if I’m okay. Which does not fly with me. I need to get myself together. I have to hold up the crew, give a good show. It’s my job. It’s why I get paid what I do and win the awards I do.

“Let’s go then.” I clip.

When our eyes meet, Liam’s smirk is gone. “After you,Ms. Wilder.”

I stop myself from rolling my eyes. Instead, I just bite out a short thanks, and we head out the door to my awaiting paradise. Thank goodness.

The spa is located not far from the hotel, but since it isn’t walking distance—not that Liam would have let me walk—we’re driving there.

Liam’s texting on his phone, which is unusual for him. Normally he’s glowering out the window.

“Are you talking to Ben?”

Liam jumps slightly, not expecting me to talk to him. We’ve made a routine out of riding in silence the last three weeks.

He lifts an eyebrow. “You’re talking to me now?”

“Oh please, it’s not like you were talking to me before either. I’m just asking if it’s Ben you’re texting, given you just invited my friends to visit without asking me.”

“You realize they were my friends first, right?”

Oh, so we’re being petty now. Granted, I’ve been petty since I spoke to Tawny at Rolling Stone. I knew he could hear every word I said, specifically when she’d asked me about “Desire Reigns.” I have a feeling that’s what led him to be so annoying the last few weeks. That and my drunken admissions. I still can’t believe he saw me partially naked!

My cheeks redden. “Right, well… you could have asked.”

“Do you not want them here? I’ll tell Wren that.”

I scoff. “Of course I want them here.”

“Doesn’t sound that way.”

“I want them here; you just should have asked me first.”

“Fine, next time I want to invite my friends for a visit, I’ll make sure to get a permission slip signed.”

“Now I remember why I don’t talk to you. It’s like speaking with a petulant child.”

“Then please, by all means, go back to silence. I prefer it that way.”

My body aches at his comment. We really can’t get along, can we?

I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I’m only upset that he invited them with no regard for how I felt about it. I do want them here, but I’m worried what might happen when they are. Not to mention, what if the stalker decides to strike while Wren is with me? I’d never forgive myself.

I look out the window. It’s hot outside, summer in Florida always is. I’m grateful for air conditioning, but right now it isn’t doing anything for me. My body is hot, and I can’t wait to get out of this car. Thankfully we pull up to the spa before I open the door and literally jump out while it’s moving.

Liam does his usual routine and gets out of the car first before holding out his hand to help me down. Just like I have for the last three weeks, I ignore it. I don’t know why he keeps on trying. Probably to piss me off.

As soon as we’re inside the spa, I’m greeted by Sarah, the owner.

“Welcome to Sun Spa, Ms. Wilder. If you’d follow me this way, we can get you started.” The pretty woman smiles and starts to lead me away.

Liam immediately protests. “I need to know where she is at all times.”

Sarah stops and smiles at him. As I’ve learned in the past weeks, every woman has some sort of reaction to Liam. Wren even goes so far as to call it the “Liam Effect.”

Sarah bats her eyes at him then flips her short blonde bob over her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Mr. Miller. Ms. Wilder will be well taken care of. I’ll show you to the room she’ll be in. The only time she’ll leave is while she’s in the sauna.”

Liam smiles, his charm turns up to ten. But there’s still a seriousness about him. “I understand, Sarah. And thank you so much for taking care of Ms. Wilder. I appreciate your help during this difficult situation.”
