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My jaw ticks. Did this chick really ask me that? “Then I wouldn’t be doing my job.” I turn my gaze from her to the wall.

“Just thought I’d offer.” She tries to sound chipper. “You look tense.”

I grind my teeth. “I’m good.”

After that, Sarah finally takes the hint and leaves. I take a large gulp of coffee and suck in another deep breath. It’s times like these I wonder if I have a sign on my forehead that says,I’m available and don’t require commitment. I admit that screwing a random woman who’s into me isn’t an unusual occurrence, but sometimes I feel like an objectified piece of meat. I shake my head, curious if that’s how Birdie feels sometimes.

Day in and day out I watch her do as she’s told. She wakes up, does interviews, works on new songs, or has meetings with her band or the label. Her schedule is insane, and on top of that, she does a show almost every night and never misses a beat. I’m surprised she’s not dead on her feet, and we’re only one-third of the way through the tour. She’s a beast, and despite our dislike of each other, I respect her work ethic and ability to take things in stride.

After about an hour, and another cup of coffee, I hear some noise inside the room and then the door clicks open. The masseuse walks out and gives me a nod, then walks off. Like magic, Sarah appears, this time she manages not to flirt with me.

“I’m going to take Birdie to the sauna, you’re welcome to follow us if you need to.”

“Great. Thanks.”

After a few moments Sarah returns with Birdie behind her. When I see Birdie’s face, I must admit she looks refreshed, although still tired. Today she hasn’t worn her usual dark makeup, and her skin is slightly red from whatever they did to her in there. She’s wearing a fluffy white robe, and little white slippers. I’m so used to seeing concert Birdie, who looks like a sexy vixen, or daytime Birdie, which is usually in some type of pant/T-shirt combo or hoodie, that I’m slightly caught off guard by this relaxed and comfortable version. It’s nice, and for a second my dick takes over. I find myself wondering what it would be like to untie the robe from her curves and taste what I saw between her legs in Atlantic City.

Birdie glances behind her and gives me a weird look. It’s then I realize I’ve been staring and not following. And these damn tight pants I’m wearing… thank fuck they’re black, or she’d probably have seen the beginnings of my hard-on. I stop my thoughts in their tracks and stick my shoulders back. I take a few strides to quickly catch up.

“Daydreaming?” Birdie asks me, not caring that Sarah can hear us.

“That robe leaves little to the imagination,” I say a little too quickly.

Birdie flushes, the round apples of her cheeks turning pink.Shit. Why did I say that?Because you’re thinking with your dick you idiot.

Without saying more, Birdie turns her head forward, leaving me to wonder what she’s thinking now. I try to remind my little brain that we don’t really like Birdie. And that she doesn’t like us. But he doesn’t care. He’s seen the assets that lie underneath that robe, and he wants to wet his whistle.

Not quickly enough, we end up in the room that houses the sauna. It’s hot in here, which immediately kills my sexy thoughts. Wearing a suit near a sauna isn’t going to be a pleasant experience, so I decide to wait in the hallway. Just as the door is closing, I hear Sarah tell Birdie that she can disrobe and sit in the sauna in the nude since no one will bother her. I groan.

Great. Now I have to stand out here in the hallway and think about a naked and sweaty Birdie. Sometimes the world is a cruel and unusual place.

This time when Sarah exits, she doesn’t even look at me. After my comment to Birdie, she probably assumes we’re together. Which is only going to annoy Birdie more. Especially if this woman goes to the tabloids.

I rub my hands over my face and train my eyes to the wall. I can’t wait until this excursion is done. I need a shower and some “me” time before the show. If I don’t take the edge off, I’m going to keep thinking about my boss, my ex-best friend, my… sex fantasy? God. I’m losing it.

I strip off my suit jacket, the heat of this place starting to get to me; and try to focus. It doesn’t take long before I hear what sounds like a sob. At first, I wonder if it’s some random noise, but then I hear another, followed by another. I put my ear to the door. It’s coming from inside the sauna. Something in my stomach clenches. For me to hear her cries, Birdie is crying loudly. Against my better judgment I open the door.

I can see Birdie through the glass panel on the door of the sauna she’s in. Thankfully, or not, depending on the way you look at it, Birdie isn’t naked. She’s in a sexy red bikini. I have no idea where she got it from. If she wasn’t crying, I would’ve taken way more time to observe the way it hugs her soft skin in all the right places, how it pushes her breasts up just enough to make me want to kiss the soft skin there.

She’s crying you idiot.

With an internal sigh, I make my way toward the sauna door with caution. I don’t want to scare her. I watch her for a moment and see tears dripping down her cheeks, a little snot coming out of her nose. Her long blonde hair is tied up in a messy bun on top of her head. She’s very much sobbing; heart wrenching sobs that sound like grieving. Shit. I hope I didn’t make her cry. Now I feel like an even bigger asshole.

When there’s a small reprieve from her cries, I gently tap on the glass panel. I call her name just loud enough so she can hear me. My desire to not scare her doesn’t work though, because she jumps and bangs her head on the top of the box she’s in.Fuck. Way to go, jerk-hole.

Without a second thought, I quickly open the door, not caring I have all my clothes on. I’m already sweating, so at this point it doesn’t matter. I need to make sure Birdie’s okay.

“Liam! What the hell are you doing in here?” She grabs hold of the top of her head, tears still tracking down her cheeks.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, I swear. I just heard you crying and got concerned.”

Her face, already flushed from the crying and the heat, turns a brighter shade of red. “I’m fine.” Her voice goes into business mode. “You didn’t hear anything.”

I clench my jaw. “Don’t play this game with me right now, Birdie.”

“No more Ms. Wilder, huh?” Clearly she’s trying to change the subject.

“That’s not going to work. Tell me what’s wrong.”
