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She giggles wildly. Actually, it’s kind of scary. “Of course. Anything for Birdie Wilder. We’re such big fans here. We play your music in reception all the time.”

I smile at her. “Thanks, that’s nice to hear.”

Sarah flips her hair again. “Well, shall we get started?”

“Yes please.” I’m itching to get away from Liam’s burning gaze and Sarah’s flirting.

Liam must notice something different about me because he looks at me with concern. As if he’s silently asking,Everything okay?

Something must be in the water today! All I can manage is a sigh and then I’m following Sarah through a hallway and into a large room. Inside there’s a personal hot tub, and a view of the ocean and lots of palm trees. A little patio is outside with a hammock, and I can’t wait to sip on some coffee and enjoy the heat and ocean breeze on my skin.

Sarah tells Liam that we’re going to get started, so she closes the door. The last thing I see is Liam’s chocolate eyes on me, his gaze still questioning. I shove down a shiver and get ready to be relaxed.



Thiswholespatripis a bad idea.

Renting out the entire place wasn’t cheap either, but that didn’t matter to Gia or Eric. I know Birdie is wealthy, but damn. Not that money matters, but sometimes I forget how famous Birdie is, especially when she’s ignoring me. But it’s what I wanted…she wanted… so I can’t complain. It does make my job easier, but also makes it monotonous and boring. One thing I’m glad for is that we haven’t heard anything from the stalker since Times Square. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t around. That’s why this whole spa excursion makes me nervous.

I stretch my shoulder a bit as I stand outside Birdie’s private room. It’s feeling much better this week than it did the week prior. I finally have a routine down now that I’ve been here for a bit. Since Birdie usually keeps to her room, I have more free time than when I first started.

Thankfully, big interviews like Rolling Stone don’t happen every day. That means I can wake up early, work out at the hotel gym, shower, follow Birdie around wherever she needs to go, do yoga backstage while she performs, then do green room duties. Oftentimes we travel in the evening after a show, or the morning after if we’re lucky.

I’m also thankful I get to travel on the second tour bus with the crew, I don’t know if I could handle sleeping in tight quarters with Birdie. Being around her almost every day is bad enough. Not that I hate it, it’s just so heavy, the tension is getting to me. This morning it boiled over when she answered the door with Wren on the phone. It had been good to hear Wren’s voice, and it made me wish that Birdie and I could be more cordial. We do share friends after all.

At first, I didn’t understand why I invited Wren and Ben to the tour. But the look Birdie just gave me a moment ago reminded me. The past week I’ve noticed her shrinking into herself. I shouldn’t care, but I’m not a robot. And the last thing I want is for Birdie to become angrier. At least that’s what I tell myself. Being concerned for her is to my benefit, not hers. By inviting Wren and Ben, I hoped it would boost her spirits, but I just stressed her out even more.

That means this spa trip better be worth it. If she doesn’t come out a new woman, I don’t know how else to get her to let loose. And I sure as hell am not going to give that woman a drink. I still have random daydreams about her breasts and those damn sheer underwear. My phone pings, and I see a message from Shea. I hold back a groan.

Ever since she walked in on me doing Yoga, she’s been a constant presence in my life here on tour. I’ve done everything I can to get her off my scent, but nothing seems to deter her. I don’t want to tell her off and risk losing this gig, or angering Birdie, so I keep things cordial.

She’s been asking me questions about Yoga and being a cop. The questions are tame, but I know she wishes I’d give her more in-depth responses. Lately, she’s been asking if I can give her pointers at the gym, but so far, I've avoided it. I don’t want Birdie to see us and get any wrong ideas. Not that it matters to Birdie who I have sex with, but I learned a long time ago not to shit where I eat. Shea is off limits, not that I want her anyway.

After I reply with a short answer, I turn my attention back to the spa. Meditation music plays over the speakers, and it smells like peppermint and incense. My stomach churns. I’ve been avoiding sitting in quiet meditation with myself since I had a flashback to the accident. Every night I’ve been fighting hard to keep the nightmares at bay. It works most of the time. But sometimes I wake up covered in sweat with the feel of warm blood on my hands.

I take a deep breath, count to ten, and remind myself I’m fine. That I’m here in the present and I need to be alert. Today is a big day, and I have to be on my guard while I’m in unfamiliar territory. This building is big, and although the place is fairly empty, and all of the doors are locked, I still don’t trust it. Anything can happen in this type of situation.

A while later, Sarah comes out of the room and gives me a smile. “She just had her facial. I’m going to get the masseuse to start with her, then I’ll rotate back in to remove her mask.”

I give a curt nod. “Thanks.”

She touches my arm lightly. “Would you like anything to drink?”

I shrug her off gently. “A black coffee would be great. Thanks.”

Her face falls a little, but she tries not to be too disappointed at my rejection. “No problem. I’ll be right back.”

After Sarah leaves, the masseuse walks down the hall shortly after. It’s a man, which I don’t much like. I try to get a read on him, but he ignores me and knocks on the door. I’m fully aware there are a lot of men who are massage therapists, but the thought of his hands touching Birdie’s naked flesh makes me feel… jealous? No. It makes me feel protective. Stress creeps into my shoulders and I clench my arms at my side.Birdie’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about. You did everything right here. She’s in good hands.That thought makes me want to vomit.

I listen through the door for a second, but nothing sounds amiss. I know Birdie will call out to me if she has any issues with the man in there. So, I will myself to relax. I’m just on edge. I count to ten again, and just as I finish, Sarah brings me a coffee.

“Here you are.”

“Thank you.” I take a sip. It’s hot, but I swallow it down anyway.

“Can I get you anything else? You know, I could give you a massage while you wait?”
