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I’ll remember you and everything you adore

Sweet summer boy

Keep your head high above

Sweet summer boy

You are the sweetest boy I know.

Sweet summer boy…ooh, ooh, ooh

Sweet summer boy…ooh, ooh, ooh

Sweet summer boy…ooh, ooh, ooh

I finish the last few chords, and when I look up, I find Liam staring at me. Did he know I wrote that song about him? Crap. I’d been too obvious about it. Gosh, I could be so stupid. I ruined everything, I—

Abruptly Liam stands up, a wide smile on his face. He starts to clap and then lets out a big whoop. “Birdie! That was amazing. Your voice, it’s like… I don’t know. It’s so good. You really wrote that?”

Warm relief rushes through me. He didn’t realize it’s about him. Quickly, the relief is replaced by sadness. Part of me did hope he knew it was about him. Then I could finally come clean about how I felt.

“I did write it. You really think it’s good?”

“More than good. That was… I don’t really know how to describe it.”

“Thanks, Liam.”

He sits back down and pops a cold marshmallow into his mouth. After a few moments, his eyes flick back to mine. “So, are you going to tell me who the boy you’re crushing on is?”

My stomach sinks and my cheeks turn pink. Liam Miller thinks the song about him is about another boy. F my life.

A hand waves in front of my face.

When I come back to reality, I find Kevin looking at me funny. I can’t help the embarrassment I feel from drifting off while we were collaborating. My neck is probably covered in red splotches.

“Where’d you go, B?” he asks.

My eyes dart to Liam. He’s wearing that concerned stare of his.

I turn my attention back to Kevin. “Sorry. The lyrics… it made me think of a memory.”

“A good one?”

I can’t help but glance at Liam once more. My heart aches. It’s as if I’m looking at my sweet summer boy all over again.

“Yeah,” I whisper, “it was a good one.”

The rest of the trip to Atlanta is filled with song writing and Kevin and Liam playing way too much chess. It amazes me how long they can play for. It looks super boring to me, but I’ve never been one for games.

Once we arrive, and everyone has left the bus, I’m left waiting, as usual, for Liam to get everything secure. I tap out a text to Wren about her and Ben’s impending visit. They decided to meet us in New Orleans in another two weeks, which gives me some time to figure out where my relationship with Liam stands.

Since we’d just called a truce of sorts, I’m curious what will happen from here on out. I hear footsteps come up the stairs of the bus, so I go to pull my travel keyboard out from under the seat across from me. I’m on my hands and knees when I hear the steps stop behind me. I yank on the case, but it’s stuck.

“We’ll don’t just stand there Liam, help me!” There’s a pause before I hear a throat clearing. Okay, not Liam. My arms break out in goosebumps.

Still on the ground, I turn my head to find a man, covered head to toe in black. I can’t see his face because he’s wearing a ski mask. My heart pounds in my chest.

“JOE!” I call out to our bus driver. He doesn’t answer. He must be outside somewhere. How the hell did this guy get on the bus?Fuck. Why am I thinking about that right now? “LIAM!” I cry next. But he’s probably in the hotel.Shit. Shit. Shit.This is it, I’m going to die, or…No!I can’t think like that.
