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“Would you just stop for a second? I know what you’re thinking and you’re incredibly wrong.” Finally, she stops squirming.

I pull her in for a kiss and at first, she doesn’t kiss back. I wrap my arms around her and use one hand to grasp the back of her neck. It doesn’t take long for her to stop resisting and soon we’re making out like horny teenagers.

I flip her around so her back is flat on the bed and place my legs on either side of her hips. She lets out a small sound of shock. I know what she’s thinking now too, that she’s too heavy for me to toss around. Another BS lie she’s told herself. I hate that I contributed to those shitty thoughts in her head. I’d have to find a way to make it up to her.

She looks up at me through hooded eyes, her dark lashes fluttering. I brace my forearms so I’m hovering over her.

“I want to have sex with you,” I tell her as I press my hardness into her. “No, scratch that. I REALLY want to have sex with you, but not tonight. You’ve been through a lot, and you need to rest. I want tonight to just be about you.”

She takes a deep breath. “That’s sweet but…”

I kiss her to shut her up. When I release her lips I almost growl. “No, Birdie. I don’t want the first time we have sex to be after some trauma. Let me have this moment with you. Let me hold you and we can talk like we used to.”

“What if that’s not what I want?” Her hand quickly finds its way to my groin, and she squeezes.

I groan and let my forehead drop against hers. “You’re so stubborn.”

“I want what I want,” she smirks.

“I’ll be here, Birdie. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” I kiss her deep before putting my lips to her ear. “And when we do have sex, I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t walk for days.”

Her gaze turns hot. “And that can’t be now?” she plays with my dick again.

“You drive a hard bargain.”

She moans as she pushes her hips into mine. “Give in to me, Liam.”

I groan. “Please baby, I want it to be special.”

“What if I want to take care of you, too.”

“You are,” I kiss her softly. When I look into her eyes, I try to convey how much I mean it. “God, you are.”

I kiss her one more time and see she’s finally starting to give in. When I make the kiss a little deeper, she suddenly pulls back and yawns. Her cheeks turn rosy with embarrassment. I can’t help but give her a shit eating grin.

I kiss her nose. “We should sleep.”

When I try to stand, she grabs my hand so I have to turn back. Fear flashes across her beautiful features and my heart feels like it’s been stabbed. The events of the night come rushing back. Being here with her, it’s been easy to forget how close she was to danger just hours before.

I squeeze her hand and make short work of the distance between us. I cup her face and brush my thumbs over the apples of her flushed cheeks. “I’m not leaving. I’m just going to clean up.”

“You’ll stay?” Her voice is quiet.

I press my lips to her forehead. “For as long as you want me.”

I wake up to a warm soft body, pressed into me, and my dick hard as a rock.

Sun streams through the window and I wince from its light. I should’ve never drunk that cheap vodka. Birdie shifts in my arms and a stupid grin clings to my face. When I run my finger over the flesh of her bicep, she lets out a cute sound then snuggles closer to me.

Last night after we’d cleaned ourselves up and got into bed, I hadn't hesitated to pull Birdie in my arms. My actions surprised me. I’ve never been one for cuddling, but now I know that Birdie makes me say and do things I don't expect. I rubbed her back and reassured her that she was safe, and she’d fallen asleep within minutes.

Bringing my attention back to the present, I brush a piece of hair off her round cheek, then check my watch. It’s already approaching nine in the morning. Which means I’m skipping the gym. It also means that Birdie has to get up to start her Atlanta press tour. Just as the thought crosses my mind, I hear a knock on the door. Birdie mumbles something but I decide to let her sleep for a few more minutes.

I gently get out of bed and quickly find my clothes. I stop to check myself in the mirror to make sure I don’t look like a guy who almost had sex with his boss last night. I run my fingers through my tousled morning hair and resign myself to the fact I look… well, tousled.

When the knocking gets louder, I quickly leave the bedroom and look through the peephole. A groan escapes my mouth. It’s Shea. I flip on the light and hope she doesn’t have a sixth sense. I’m not sure if Birdie would want her assistant to know that we did anything last night. I sure as hell wouldn’t pick Shea as the first to know.

I take a deep breath then open the door to the awaiting purple haired thorn in my side. When she sees me, her smile falters.
