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“Want me to call her and take care of the tickets, etc.?”

“Since when have you handled that?” I clip, my tone cold.

Shea’s eyes widen before she holds up her hands. “Geez, B. Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? I’m your assistant, I’m trying to make your life easier.”

The tour bus goes quiet, and I try to stave off the embarrassment from being called out. I breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth.

Liam stands and everyone's eyes go to him. “Can I talk to you privately, Ms. Wilder?”

I push my shoulders back and nod. “Um, sure. I’ll be right back,” I tell my band. Shea glares at Liam, then turns her annoyed gaze back on me. Something is definitely happening that I’m not aware of. I feel my palms turn clammy.

Grateful to leave, I stand and make my way to the back of the tour bus. Beyond the bunks and the bathroom is a small space we often use to call our families, do business, or whatever we need. Once Liam and I are inside, I slide the door closed and lock it.

Before I can blink, Liam’s lips are locked on mine. I let out a quiet sound of surprise, then kiss him back with gusto. I melt into him, almost letting my anxiety fall away.

After a few moments he pulls back and brushes a lock of hair off my face. “I’ve been wanting to do that since this morning.”

“Damn tour,” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. Liam strokes my hip through my black T-shirt, and I almost throw caution to the wind. It would be fun to have sex right here, but then I remember the reason for my anxiety. And the reason we came back here in the first place; to talk.

When Liam goes in for another kiss, I bring my hand up to stop him. “We have a day off tomorrow and we can do lots more kissing then. But you said you wanted to talk. So, let’s talk.”

He licks, yes licks, my hand, then grabs hold of my wrist. “Oh, we’ll be doing way more than kissing.”

I laugh and shake my head at his antics. After one more peck, he pulls me to the small loveseat, placing us side by side. His face is serious now, but he massages my thigh to calm me, or maybe to calm himself.

“What did you want to talk about?”

He looks down. “I’ve been meaning to speak with you about Shea.”

I pull our bodies apart slightly, that familiar bite of jealousy returning. “Funny, because I’ve been wanting to talk to you about her, too.”

Liam looks taken back by my reaction. “What are you thinking right now, Birdie?”

“You don’t want to know what I’m thinking.”

His concerned brown eyes search mine, then realization colors his features. “Do you think there’s something going on between us?”

My throat becomes thick with emotion. “She keeps looking at you like she wants to jump your bones… or like she wants to kill you. Then you’ve been glaring daggers at her. Was there something?”

A sad sort of laugh comes out of his mouth. “No. Never. Though she wanted there to be.”

Anger flashes through me, but I try to keep my emotions in check. “And you’re only saying something now?”

Liam’s hand squeezes my thigh again. “She’s backed off since we started this between us. I’m pretty sure she knows we have something going on. She’s been suspicious ever since she came to the door the morning after I slept over the first time. Then she said some things, trying to get information out of me. Look, Birdie, I know this may be hard to hear but I think Shea might be behind this stalker thing.”

My head reels. “Woah, back up. I thought maybe she kissed you or something, but you think Shea, my assistant Shea, is in cahoots with the crazy stalker? Horny for you yes, but that? No. She’d never betray me like that.” I shake my head vehemently.

Liam takes his hand from my thigh and runs in through his hair. “It’s often the people closest to you that screw you over, Birdie. You of all people understand that. Just like I do.”

I inhale deeply. “There’s really nothing going on with you two?”

He shakes his head. “Of course not. I would never cheat. Never.”

That ugly jealousy quells a little in my stomach at his words. Though Liam has hurt me in the past, I know he’s not lying now. I can see it in his eyes. He’s not a sixteen-year-old boy anymore, he’s a grown man who’s here doing a job. A man who I’m sharing something important with. Plus, if he did do something with Shea prior to whatever happened with me, I couldn’t fault him for it. Though I still wouldn’t have liked it.

“You really think Shea could have something to do with the stalker?”

He nods. “There’s something off. I have enough experience in my line of work to know when someone is hiding something.”
