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The man raises an eyebrow, looking caught between anger and amusement. “Because I said so.”

“You think just because you’re rich that you have the right to buy human beings like fucking property? That you can order them around and fucking rape them?” Carter growls, filled with a sudden outrage at this entire situation. It feels good. Much better than the terror or grief of the past.

But then the man’s amusement wins over, and he smirks at Carter, and Carter is immediately regretting the outburst. “Yes.”


“Yes,” the man says again. “I do believe because I am rich that I can buy human beings like fucking property. That I can order them around and fucking rape them. Though, it takes much more than money, of course. One needs connections. Respect. Power. A man like me can have anything he wants, sweetheart. Anything in this goddamn world. The sooner you give into that reality, the easier this will all be.”

“All be for who? Me or you?”

“You. I’ll enjoy taking the hard way with you if that’s what you choose, but I can guarantee that you will not feel the same.” The man’s smirk turns positively wicked. “I bet you’ll be beautiful when I finally beat this defiance out of you, though.”

Carter can practically hear Casey screaming in his head, panicked and angry. He’s doing everything he shouldn’t. This man gave him a blanket, didn’t hurt him when he tried escaping, and is getting him food. And what is Carter doing? Giving him the proverbial middle finger. He should be complying right now. Behaving. Biding his time.

“Final warning,” the man says in a hauntingly calm voice.

Any fight left in Carter dissolves. He starts to move forward, trying to avoid touching the man as much as possible. The man doesn’t have the same qualms. His hands immediately find Carter’s naked hips, maneuvering him until he’s settled exactly where the man wants him to be. Every spot where the man touches Carter feels like fire on his skin. Part of him worries that he’ll look down to find the man’s fingerprints seared into him like some sick sort of brand.

Carter’s face goes red hot when the man cradles his caged cock and balls like they’re nothing more than a semi-interesting piece of decoration. He skims a thumb along the curved plastic. “How long have they had this on you?”

“I – I’m not sure.” Carter clears his throat, trying to think. He doesn’t want the man to be upset. He wants to be able to give himsomethingat least. “It wasn’t too long ago, I don’t think…”

“How do you figure?”

“I haven’t been given water since it happened. So, it couldn’t have been that long, right?”

The man’s expression goes dark. Carter’s breath catches, his shoulders curling forward as he realizes he said something wrong. He doesn’t know what. He was just being honest. The man hadsaidto be honest.

Carter waits for the man to scold him or hurt him. Instead, the man just sighs. “Right. Not too long at all. I believe it’s time we remove it, though. What do you think?”

Before Carter can even worry it’s a trick question, he’s nodding. “Yes, please.”

“Hold still, then.” The man reaches into his breast pocket, pulling out a small silver key. He shifts Carter’s caged cock before sliding the key into the little slot and turning it. Carter sighs in relief when he hears the softclick. The man is surprisingly careful as he guides the first plastic piece off Carter’s cock. Carter watches in both fascination and horror as the man continues disassembling it, wondering how many of these the man has handled. Probably a few if the ease of which he slides little rods and twists tiny screws is any indication. As they’re removed, the pieces of the cage are tossed to the side without care, a fragile hope fluttering in Carter’s chest that this man doesn’t plan on putting him in the cage again. Heart pounding, he watches as the man does the final step, pulling the plastic ring around his balls apart and twisting it. The end catches on Carter’s sack, pulling at the sensitive skin. He accidentally whimpers, his hips jerking to show his dislike of the situation.

“I know, sweetheart.” The man gently takes Carter’s balls in his hand, massaging them. He’s extra careful around any of the places where there are indents in the skin from past abuse. It feels good. Humiliatingly good. Carter closes his eyes to keep from having to watch. It thankfully only lasts a few more seconds before the man is letting him go and giving the next order. “Now lay flat with your stomach on the seat beside me, your head by the door, your ass in my lap.”

Swallowing hard, Carter moves into the position as directed. It makes his sensitive cock and balls rub against the man’s expensive pants. Carter bites his lip to make any sounds of pain or pleasure, hating his body for betraying him as he feels his cock fill from the simple stimulation.

The man grabs each ass cheek in a gentle but firm grip. Carter cries out before quickly hiding his face in both fear and embarrassment. One of the man’s hands comes up to stroke along his spine. “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Don’t you see? When you behave, I’ll take such good care of you. It’s when you forget your place that things will hurt. Understood?”


“Yes,sir,” the man corrects.

Carter squeezes his eyes shut to stave off the tears threatening to fall. “Yes… sir.”

“Good. Now, hold still. I just need to make sure there wasn’t any damage done earlier.”

Doing as told, Carter focuses solely on his breathing. It works for a few seconds, but then he’s losing control again, his body trembling as the man spreads his cheeks to reveal his hole. It’s impossible to stay calm then. Flashes of being back on that stage, back on that bench, restrained, terrified, raped by this very man holding him, assault his mind until he’s gasping for air.

The man hushes him, his hand gentle and soothing as it returns to rubbing Carter’s back. But the other hand is prodding at Carter’s sore hole, clearly about to remove the anal plug there, and Carter can’t focus on anything else. At least the man doesn’t yell at him for his reactions. He just sighs in frustration and removes the plug, working quickly and efficiently as he checks Carter out. It takes an eternity before the man finally hums softly and tells Carter he can kneel again. Carter slides off the seat in relief, settling himself between the man’s legs like before. He can feel lube and cum trickling out of his hole and onto the feet he has tucked beneath him. He curls in on himself until he’s a tight little ball. It helps slow his heart rate, his breaths coming easier.

“Your hole is going to be fine. And it seems that your shoulders are thankfully not dislocated. They’ll be sore for a while, of course. We’ll keep an eye on them. I’m concerned about your head, but with all that you’ve been through, I doubt we’ll be able to watch you for any signs of concussion. Your poor body is already too out of whack.” The man grabs the blanket from before and drapes it carefully over Carter’s shoulders, not making a comment about his fetal position. “We need to set some rules now.”

Feeling pried open and vulnerable, Carter grips the edges of the blanket and wraps it tightly around himself, leaving only his face free as he clasps his fabric-covered hands together. He pretends it’s someone else holding his hand. Casey, maybe. Maison. His mom.God, Carter would do anything to have five minutes with his mom right now. He’d curl up in her lap like when he was little, letting her play with his hair as she sings him a lullaby.

“Don’t cry,” the man says quietly, lifting a hand to Carter’s face. Carter flinches before sagging in relief when he realizes all the man is doing is wiping a tear from his cheek. He hadn’t realized he started crying again. He starts and stops so often lately. “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Not if you’re good.”
