Page 57 of The One to Heal

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“Yeah, me too.”

She pops up out of her seat. “I’ve got an idea. Come on. I can finish this later. It’s not going anywhere, but you are. Come on. I need to talk to Mabel.”

AN HOUR AFTER TALKING WITHMabel, Mabel’s taken it upon herself to bring the party forward to today. In just a few hours. She’s got Tally on food duty, and thankfully, she has pre-baked a lot of things. There’s plenty of candy and chocolate in the cupboard since we’re a houseful of girls, and the candy and chocolates are needed. Mabel has sent Hudson and Harley to do the rounds and get the family together, along with any other families who want to participate.

“Don’t worry. Things are going to be great. You two go play with the horses. I’ll get all this ready for your return,” Mabel assures Sebastian and me.

We collect Rylee from vacation care and take her to Butter’s pen. Butter was saddled up and ready to go.

“Oh, so pretty. I’m so excited,” Rylee squeals with a little jump and stomp of her feet. The dust stirs beneath her.

I drop down to Rylee’s level, take the helmet I have tucked under my arm, pop it onto her head, and tighten it. “Now you have a choice. You can ride Butter with me, and we can go a little bit faster, or we can walk Butter around on the lead with you on your own in the saddle. What do you want to do?”

She hasn’t been able to wipe the smile off her face. She glances up at her dad.

He says, “This is your choice, Ry.”

Rylee shrugs her shoulders high and keeps them there while she bows her head. “I’d like to do both, please.”

“You know what, Rylee? I think we can,” I say. Her shoulders relax right away. “Which one do you want to do first?”

“Can I go with you first?”

“Of course, you can.” I hold my hand out to her, and she takes it willingly. We open the gate to Butter’s pen, and he neighs a greeting. Rylee giggles.

“He’s saying hello. That’s why we named him Butter. He melts everyone as easily as butter. Plus, he loves little kids,” I say.

“How come you don’t wear a helmet?” she asks.

“Well, I’m a little older, and I’ve been riding since I was your age. My mom and dad taught me all I know about horses, and I’ll teach you what they taught me and all that I’ve learned myself. How does that sound?”


We stop at Butter and scratch him on the nose and neck. Sebastian has been following closely behind us but keeping quiet.

“All right, I need you to hold Dad’s hand while I climb on, and then he’ll pass you up to me,” I say, and she nods. With one swift move, I hook my foot into the stirrup and then hoist myself up easily. Butter doesn’t move as I adjust myself. He’s so well trained.

“Wow.” Rylee beams.

“Now it’s your turn,” Sebastian says as he lifts her to me. I take her leg and guide it over the saddle so she’s got one leg on either side. We adjust ourselves until we’re comfortable.

“I’m up really high,” she gushes.

“Yes, you are, baby girl,” Sebastian says with a tear in his eye.

“Hold on here.” I place her hands on the horn, keeping her tucked tightly between my arms as I hold the reins.

“Look this way. Let me get a photo,” Sebastian says. Rylee and I turn to him and give him our best grins. Holding up his phone, he then says, “Perfect.”

“Ready?” I ask Rylee.

“Yes,” she responds eagerly. I click my tongue. Butter starts forward, and with a little push from my legs, he speeds up—only a little, though. I’m not going to let loose with Sebastian’s daughter on here with me.

We spend the next hour out here. We do a little bit of riding with me, and then Rylee rides on her own. Sebastian watches close by and snaps lots of photographs. His smile hasn’t left his face, and neither has Rylee’s. I’m glad I can do this for her and give her good memories to keep forever.

When we’re finished, I lead Butter back to his stall, and Rylee helps me take his saddle off, freshen up his water, and top off his food. “You’re such a good helper, Rylee,” I say as I brush down Butter. It’s always important to teach kids how to care for the horse—not just ride it.

I glance over my shoulder to Sebastian, whose eyes bore into mine. Something silent passes between us, and I hate that I feel as though each hour that passes by is going to be our last. The moment he leaves, I may be erased from his thoughts. What he says and what he actually does may be two different things, and only time will tell how things will play out between us. I do need to find myself and rediscover who I am. I spent so long in Eli’s shadow—now it’s time for me to rise from the dark pit of despair and live and find love again. If that’s with Sebastian, then things will work out. If they don’t, then that’s okay too.
