Page 56 of Perfectly Matched

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Fifteen minutes later, Hannah’s stomach was a mix of dread and hope as they dismounted in front of the castle. She glanced at Piper, who remained on her horse. “Aren’t you coming in?”

“I’m afraid this is where I leave you. The request was for you and Payson. I’m just the messenger. However, I’ll wait here for you if you’d like.”

Hannah desperately wanted to ask Piper to come in with them and be by her side. Piper was like a sister, and for as long as Hannah could remember, they’d conquered the ups and downs of everything life threw at them, together. They’d picked each other up when one faltered, and they did their best to alwayscover each other’s backs. And now, as Hannah stood on shaky legs, about to be handed her fate, she wanted Piper to stand beside her because if Nikita refused to alter the law, the decision would impact Piper as much as Hannah.

But instead, she nodded and replied, “Yeah. That’d be great.” She’d gotten into this predicament by herself, so it was only right she face the consequences by herself.

“Then I’ll see you soon for what I hope will be a celebration.”

Hannah nodded as bile burned the back of her throat, and she swallowed the impulse to vomit. Sweat began beading on her forehead as she reached for Payson’s hand.

“I’m nervous.” Payson entwined their fingers.

“Don’t be. Everything’s going to be all right,” Hannah said, even though her own nerves were beating on her stomach like a punching bag. “No matter what her decision is…” She presented a forced smile. “I promise that we’ll figure it out.”

“Hannah, my dear,” Nikita said as she approached. “Please.” She gestured with a wave. “Join us in the sitting room.” They followed in Nikita’s wake until they settled on plush velvet chairs on the balcony of the second-story room. Three untouched glasses of wine graced a nearby table; a fourth rested in Anna’s hand.

Nikita bent and kissed Anna. “I’m assuming Hannah has given you a little tour of the island?” she asked as she handed over two wineglasses.

“We just came from the lake. It’s magnificent.” Payson gazed at Hannah and smiled as her face blushed.

“Ah, yes…yes, it is. And on a full moon, I’m sure it’s all that much more spectacular.” Nikita gave them a knowing glance.

Hannah averted her eyes as she took a drink and repositioned herself in her seat. The small talk was nice, even a little distracting, but Hannah’s nerves could only handle somuch. She wished Nikita would get to the reason why she’d summoned them.Just rip the bandage off and give me the bad news, then leave me alone to sort out my life.

“I suppose you’re wondering why I called for you this evening?” Nikita said as she crossed her legs and settled deep into her chair.

“I must admit, you’ve piqued my interest,” Hannah said as she let out a shaky breath.

Nikita began fidgeting with her ring. “You have put me in an awkward place, Hannah. A place I had no intention of revisiting, as you can imagine.”

Hannah nodded. “Please forgive me. That was not my—”

Nikita raised her hand. “Has Hannah filled you in on the reasons why mortals are not allowed on the island, Payson?”

Payson shook her head. “She didn’t, but Piper did.”

“Then you can understand why the request to have one back on this land could cause quite a flutter with the elders, for they’re the ones who lost the most in the uprising.”

Hannah’s stomach soured with each word. She didn’t mean to cause anyone trouble or for past pain to resurface. She just wanted Payson to be by her side on the most beautiful place in the world.

Nikita continued to play with her ring as she regarded Payson. “My child, you are lovely. Truly lovely. You remind me of a best friend I once had, and I can also tell that you make our Hannah happy.”

Hannah was waiting for thebut.But I’m sorry, we still cannot allow mortals on the island. But no matter how lovely you are, you will never be one of us.

“That’s why it pained me to make my decision regarding Hannah’s request, but I had no choice.”

Hannah hung her head as she felt the words suffocate her. Tears began to drip one after the other on her lap, and as Paysonreached over and squeezed her hand, she struggled to breathe. Nikita had handed the decision of whether she would stay on the island back to her to make.

“And then,” Nikita continued. “Something nagged at me. Something I couldn’t shake from my mind.” Nikita stared at Payson again. “Your eyes, they haunted me the moment I saw you walk into the castle. The color is one of a kind, and it’s unmistakable, so I asked our historian to confirm my suspicions as much as she could. You see, my dearest Gemma had a twin sister. One who chose to live with her mortal husband after the uprising. Our books show they had a daughter, and that’s as far as we know.”

“My mother had eyes like mine, and so did my grandma and great grandma,” Payson said.

Hannah stared at Payson as the jolt of those words settled in.That’s why you could see me when I was performing my duties. You are one of us.“Nikita, that means–”

Nikita held up her hand, silencing Hannah as she continued to address Payson. “If you are who I think you are, then the island’s blood runs in you. But the elders could not confirm this because we do not trace mortal lineage, so I have no verification of what I believe in my heart to be true.” She turned to Hannah. “And because of that, I’m sorry to say the final vote was not in your favor. But then my sweet Anna reminded me, rather insistently, I might add.” She pulled Anna’s hand to her lips and gave it a gentle kiss. “Of the day I too had to make a heartbreaking decision out of love. You see, the day I cast all mortals from Archer Island and swore to the heavens above that I would never again allow one to live on this land, I broke my own law.”

“I don’t understand,” Hannah choked out as she wiped her cheeks.
