Page 75 of Strength

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Chapter Twenty-Two


Today was something Emmett and I had both needed. Not just for the sex—though that was over-the-top awesome—but to bond further together as a couple. After our pool sex, we’d devoured the platter with the wine and lounged around all day, chatting and laughing. Being with him made all my worries disappear. I hadn’t felt this carefree since I boarded the plane from Australia to head off on a gap year that would change my life forever.

The only good that ever came out of everything that happened was Charlie. My little boy was always my light. The beacon that led me through rocky, wild seas of living on the poverty line, an emotionally violent marriage, and a shitty boss. I’d screwed up so much of my life and Charlie had often paid the price.

Now, after all this time, I felt like I was finally getting it right. We had prospects. I could send my son to a good school, I could further my education, we could live our best lives without the constant struggle.

Another thing I noticed was that my confidence and sexiness was coming back. I’d grown up with a sexually confident mother who had instilled the same kinds of values in me. That one should never be ashamed to feel sexy or be afraid of their desires. Sometimes she was embarrassing about it, but I always admired her positivity around that stuff.

It had taken Emmett to reawaken these parts of me. With him, I didn’t have to be afraid or ashamed. All I had to do was be myself. Emmett loved me for me.

It wasn’t like a magic click of the fingers and I’d be fixed, though. These years had taken a great emotional toll on me, and I’d developed behaviours that would not easily be broken. But for the sake of my new relationship, I wanted to work on them, and I wanted to trust his family.

I wanted tonight to be fun. I wanted to be the best girlfriend I could be. Dressed in my usual black dress, and armed with my gift for Samantha, I went to check on my boys, who were getting ready in the room Charlie was staying in.

Emmett was kneeling in front of Charlie and helping him with the buttons of his blue shirt. It was the nicest shirt he owned. “There you go, buddy.”

“Look at my two handsome boys.” I held my arms out and Charlie raced into them. “You both look wonderful.”

Emmett was dressed immaculately in a suit again. He got up off his knees and joined us in a group hug, except his included giving me a brief kiss. He played with a tendril of my hair, which I’d curled. “You look beautiful.”

“It’s the same old dress I always wear,” I said with a wrinkled nose.

“It doesn’t matter, it looks good on you.” Emmett took mine and Charlie’s hands. “Now, come on, you two. Let’s go and party.”

* * *

As we walked toward the fancy restaurant, I looked down at my son. “Now, this isn’t a running around kind of party, okay, Charlie. This is a posh restaurant and there will be other people dining here.”

“Okay. What will we have to eat?” Charlie asked. He was walking between Emmett and I, holding both of our hands.

“We’ll have to wait and see.”

“I’m sure we’ll find you something you’ll like, Charlie,” Emmett said. “I’ve never dined here, either. It’ll be interesting to see if it lives up to the hype.”

“Trust me, it’s delicious, darling,” June assured her son.

“Harris has an incredible talent. You know, he trained all over Europe before opening this place.” Brian sounded like Harris’ biggest fan. He’d done nothing but sing the chef’s praises every time he was brought up.

We filed past the waiting area to a table that had a reserved sign on it.

A bearded guy in a chef’s uniform came out to greet us. “Happy birthday, Samantha.”

“Thank you, Harris.”

Harris turned to the rest of us. “Welcome to the best restaurant in Wayborough, everyone. I hope you enjoy your evening and your meals. I’ll leave you in Dora’s capable hands.”

Brian patted Harris’ shoulder. “Thank you, son. I’d like to check in with you sometime about the next wine order.”

“I’ve got a busy night ahead.” Harris jabbed his thumb in the direction of the kitchen. “Maybe we can catch up during the week?”

“A wonderful idea,” June said pointedly.

“Alright, then.” Brian nodded.

“Thanks. Enjoy your evening.”
