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Linc had sat in meeting after meeting, and he was about ready to call it a day. It had been a few weeks since he and Ella had moved into Ethan’s place, and he had to admit that he was surprised at how well everything was going between the three of them. They had settled into a nice little routine that he found himself craving. Maybe it was just what he needed to find the kind of commitment that he wanted to give to them both.

Linc had never really considered himself the settle down type but being with Ella and Ethan had changed that for him. He looked forward to their little family-style dinners every night, back at Ethan’s place. He loved waking up with them every morning and finding a routine to get ready to go into the office together. Hell, he didn’t even mind the fact that Ella had practically taken over half of his office while trying to figure out where her place was in their firm.

She had agreed to come to work for them full time, under the condition that she gets to keep her firm and run it through her new managers. She agreed to be on site with them three to four days a week, and that would give her time to run her own company and show up on other jobs that might need her attention. The change seemed to make her happy and she never complained about the extra workload. In fact, the woman seemed to thrive on it. She was a workhorse and he and Ethan would never be able to keep up with her, even if they wanted to try. He loved her work ethic and hell, if he was being honest, he was falling for her too.

She came storming into his office and dropped armloads of whatever it was she was carrying onto her temporary desk. “You need some help?” he asked, looking up from his desk.

“No,” she mumbled. “I’ve just got to figure out what to do with all of this stuff. I mean, I’m already taking up over half your office, and well, I just talked to the guys remodeling the security wing of the building and they said that it’s going to take another two months to have my offices ready. Two months,” she repeated for good measure.

“Sorry to hear that, honey, but I’m fine with sharing my office with you,” Linc assured.

“I know that you are, but I’m taking up your space and I hate feeling like a mooch,” she said.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t feel that you’re a mooch. In fact, I kind of like having you close. I mean, I couldn’t get a better view and you’re fun to be around.”

Ella giggled, “Thanks,” she breathed. “I guess I’m just flustered. I got a call about the break-in at your place, and they have no more answers for you than they did weeks ago. You’d think that they’d be able to catch the guys who robbed nine units in your building. They have good descriptions of both of the men and they’re sure that there were two of them, but that’s still all that they have to go on. It’s frustrating.” He had to admit that he agreed with her. He had heard from the detective in charge of the case earlier that morning and was told about the same thing about the break-in at his place. He was also told not to get his hopes up for them being able to catch up with the guys now after so much time had passed. Linc had just resolved himself to moving on and processing what happened to him; not expecting resolution of either man being brought to justice.

He was always careful not to ask about the progress over at his penthouse. He really didn’t want the security system to be fixed and ready for him to move back over there. Honestly, he was thinking about selling the place and just asking Ethan if he could stay with him until he found a new home. The only problem with that was that Ethan’s place was beginning to feel like home to him and he was sure that it had everything to do with the two people who lived there with him.

“I guess we might have to be okay with not getting answers in my case,” he said. “I mean, it’s already been weeks and well, I’m sure that the trail has gone cold.”

“Probably, but the good news is that I’ve got your penthouse just about finished,” Ella said. Linc slumped into his chair and ran his hand over his face. “You don’t look happy about that news,” she said.

“I’m not sure that I am,” he admitted. “What happens once you get it done?”

“Well, I guess we move back to our places, right? There will be no need for the three of us to be living over at Ethan’s place. Heck, I’m not sure why he insisted that I move into his place with the two of you. My condo is more secure than most banks. I’ve got that place locked down tight.”

Linc chuckled, “You moved into Ethan’s place with us to see where this thing was going,” he reminded.

“Oh, yeah,” she teased, rolling her eyes at him. “Listen, if you don’t want the three of us to go our separate ways, why not just say so?”

“Did Ethan put you up to this?” Linc asked.

“What—no,” she said. “I just think that the three of us have something good going and well, I like the way it’s progressing, don’t you?” she asked. He did, but he also worried that Ethan or Ella would get on board with their living arrangements and want out. He was afraid to say that he was happy out loud, for fear that their entire relationship would fall apart, and he’d end up alone again.

“I guess I’m afraid that if I admit to liking the way things are going, I’ll jinx it or something,” he admitted.

Ella laughed and shook her head at him. She crossed the room to sit on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her body as she leaned into him. “You believe in jinxes?” she asked.

“Well, not really,” he said. “But I don’t want to take any chances. I like the way that things are,” he admitted.

“I do too,” she agreed. “So, how about we let Ethan in on all of this and see what he has to say?” Ella asked.

“Let me in on what?” Ethan asked, walking into Linc’s office as if on cue.

“Well, our guy here has admitted that he doesn’t want to move back home even after I get his security system up and running. He said that he likes things the way that they are between the three of us,” Ella informed.

“It’s about damn time,” Ethan growled. “I was wondering if I was going to have to stall Ella’s progress by demanding that she spend more time working on things around here. How do you feel about all of this, honey?” he asked Ella.

“I have to say that I agree with Linc—I’m happy with the way things are. I like living with both of you at your place, Ethan,” Ella said.

“Well then, it’s settled, we’re going to keep things the way that they are,” Ethan said.

“What about our places?” Linc asked.

“We don’t have to make any big decisions right now,” Ethan insisted. “We know what makes us happy right now, and that’s a good thing. The rest will fall into place when it’s supposed to.”

“I’ll need to grab some more of my things if I’m going to be staying with you longer,” Ella said. “How about I run over to my condo on the way home and then, I’ll meet you guys back at our place?” she asked. Hearing Ella call Ethan’s place, “There place,” made Linc’s heart do a little flip flop. He didn’t want to get his hopes up that he was finally going to have everything that he ever wanted, but it was hard not to when the two most important people were standing in front of him smiling like loons.

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