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Those words sent a shiver down her spine. What was he intending? Where was he going? Would he be taking her? What would happen to Crispin and Henry?

After being dragged to her chambers and locked inside, Ruby found a small trunk in the center of the room. Inside were garments he provided along with the clothes she wore the day they took her. Clean, of course, and neatly folded at the bottom of the trunk. Ruby searched the rest of the contents but could not find her dagger or her jeweled belt. Her heart sank at their absence.

The disappointment had not dissipated in two days. Neither had her fury at Francis for locking Crispin and Henry in the dungeon and then wrenching her from her chambers to be thrown in an airless carriage. Left with only her thoughts, Ruby replayed the conversation between Francis and Crispin over and over in her mind.

A thousand questions buffeted her, but all remained unanswered as time progressed. She could not be certain of how long they traveled, but the little bit of sustenance contained within the carriage dwindled to nearly nothing. The carriage reeked of sweat and piss. She tried to sleep, blocking out the scent, but the rough roads made rest an impossibility.

When the rocking ceased, Ruby straightened immediately, her body bracing for another onslaught of abuse. The carriage door opened, and sunlight streamed through, blinding her for a moment until her eyes adjusted to the brightness. A pair of hands reached into the tight compartment and pulled her out into the fresh air.

Ruby inhaled deeply, thankful for the rich scent of pine and dirt surrounding her. As her eyes adjusted, she recognized the forests around them. She shivered against the chill in the air even as the sunlight warmed her from above. Her stomach settled along with her mind, and for a brief moment, she felt free.

“Whatever thoughts are in your mind, I suggest you banish them.” Francis’s brusque command shattered the illusion.

Spinning around, Ruby searched for her captor. He stood beside a small cottage, wearing a simple tunic and hose with a plain doublet. Gone were the ostentatious garments he flaunted in hiding and the humble robes of the monk’s order. The overgrown vines and thatched roof blended in with the surrounding brush, hiding the small building. He looked every thread a humble servant, not the villain she knew him to be. He leered, allowing his gaze to roam the length of her before speaking again.

“Inside you will find a bath, fresh garments, and some food.” He unfolded his arms and stalked toward her.

Ruby stumbled back, colliding with one of her expressionless guards. “Where are you taking me?”

“Culver. Where we belong.” His smile did not reach his eyes. “When we return to the castle, I shall tell the tale of how I rescued you from certain death. And you will remain silent if you wish to ensure the continued survival of both your loyal hounds.”

A sliver of hope shone through the darkness. Crispin and Henry were alive, at least this is what Francis implied with his ominous threat. Before she could reach out and take hold of it, he crushed it beneath his boot.

“We have parts to play, Ruby. You and I.” He leaned close. She cringed when his breath brushed over her skin. “Should you choose not to remain faithful to the story I choose to tell, I shall send word to have my men torture Henry first. They will strap him down and carve him like a wild boar, bit by bit while he screams for mercy.” He licked his lips as though aroused by the mere thought of inflicting such agonizing pain.

A tear slipped from her eye. He continued, unrelenting in his passion.

“Then I shall set my men upon Crispin.” Wicked intent glinted in his gleeful expression. “When they begin, I shall have them send the pieces wrapped in velvet. A reminder of your failure to save them.”

How could this vile creature’s twisted mind devise such a torment? More tears slipped free, but Ruby remained steadfast, refusing to show him how much his words affected her.

“Do you understand the consequences of your actions should you fail to adhere to the details I provide?” Francis cocked his head, waiting.

“I do.” The response was soft and trembled with emotion, but Ruby could not form any other words. There was no pleading. No begging. She could not argue with a monster. If she wished to fight against him, it would take an act of God and a band of heavenly hosts to send this tormented soul to hell where he belonged. Defeated, Ruby hung her head.

“Very good.” He stepped aside and gestured toward the cottage. “You must prepare for our arrival.”

Desperate to be away from him, Ruby entered the cottage. Emma and Eva glanced up from their tasks as she closed the door behind her.

“Come, pet.” Emma rushed forward to help her disrobe.

A steaming bath lay before the small hearth. Ruby conceded to their instruction, allowing them to lead her to the bath, wash and dress her, and then feed her as though she were an invalid child.

Her mind replayed Francis’s threat over and over searching for any possibility of deception. But it was hopeless. He intended to follow through with every horrific threat.

Once they left the cottage, Ruby was relieved to see the carriage had vanished. In its place were two horses. Francis was already astride the dark chestnut gelding. He motioned to the gray dappled gelding Ruby recognized as Ghost. Why would he take Ghost of all horses? The servants would surely recognize Crispin’s horse. She pushed aside the thought and, with one of the guard’s help, settled in the saddle.

Ghost danced beneath her. Being in the saddle once more revitalized her. She missed this. It would only take a nudge to send Ghost into a gallop and race ahead to the castle.

“Remember my promise, Ruby.” Francis’s voice cut through the haze of her half-hatched plan.

Instead of testing his resolve, Ruby nodded, choosing instead to wait for an opportunity that would not only ensure her success but reveal his duplicitous nature to the whole kingdom.

Francis led the way, and Ruby followed behind. Her gaze fixed on the road and not on the man before her. She would find a way. There was no other alternative. Crispin and Henry would not come to her rescue. She would have to come to theirs.

Even if she were able to convince Vivienne to send knights, she had no idea of the location where Francis had held her and now kept his prisoners. God’s blood, he was clever. Keeping her in a concealed carriage for part of the journey and then allowing her to arrive as though she were rescued.

Ruby indulged in a vivid fantasy of herself burying a blade in the bastard’s back. She only hoped when the time came, she could be the one to end him. Justice for what he had done to her and her unborn child.
