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“I’ve been thinking about the story you told me about your name. Something occurred to me later. Something I’d forgotten.”

I leaned closer, my breasts flush with his bicep. “Tell me right now. I demand it.”

“Bossy.” He grinned into another light kiss. “You know what Amir means in Arabic?”

“I don’t.”

“It means prince.”

My breath hitched. “You’re kidding.”

He shook his head. “I’m not. You and me, we’re some kind of prince and princess out of a twisted fairytale.”

“I don’t know about twisted. The captor and the princess is pretty classic.”

Amir’s brow lowered over his intense gaze. “This is what I mean about you. I see us being together as something twisted, because a guy like me should never have anything so pure and sweet. But you, my sweet little mama, look at us like something that makes sense, something inevitable.”

“I don’t know about inevitable. But I’m okay with us having different outlooks. I probably could use a little cynicism, and I’ll be happy to shower you with puppies and rainbows.”

He reared back, hands up in defense. “The fuck? Do not throw puppies at me.”

Laughing, I grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him to me. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me right into his lap. Even though we were in a restaurant, surrounded by other people, I decided not to care since he didn’t. Not one little bit.

My toes were sinking into the sand. My body was sinking into Amir’s. His hands were on my rocking hips, knee between my legs, pressing against my core. He led our pace, stirring our bodies to the rhythm of the sultry Caribbean music. We weren’t alone, but it felt like it, the way we were wrapped in each other.

Amir coulddance. He’d led me out here after we finished our dinner, and we hadn’t taken a break since. He took charge of us both, leading me the whole way. The way he moved, fluid and confident, had me aching for him, to find somewhere dark and take him inside me. At the same time, I never ever wanted this night to end.

The music slowed but remained just as sexy. Amir spun me around and bent his knees so my butt was cupped by his hips. Under the light of the moon, we rocked together. His hands were all over me, running down my sides, over the curve of my stomach, faintly touching my breasts. I reached up and threaded my fingers together behind his neck, giving him full access to all of me.

We weren’t alone, not by a long shot, but we were so lost in each other, we might as well have been. Everything faded. My troubles, our differences, the secrets neither of us were willing to touch. We were whittled down to two bodies, breathing and moving, touching and feeling.

“You’re so fucking sexy, mama.” His teeth scraped my earlobe. “

Tipping my head to the side, I pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “You’re sexy too.”

I felt his smile on the curve of my neck. “Yeah? You think I’m sexy?”

“Mmhmm. I don’t think many men can dance like you do.”

He took my hand and spun me in a dizzying circle. We ended up with our chests flush, our hands clasped between us, his other so low on my back, his fingers brushed my ass, and my hand curled around his neck.

I’d definitely never had such a romantic moment in my life. Every inch of my skin prickled with awareness of the man holding me. My insides were thrumming. How could I have this? Dancing on the beach with the exact person I wanted to be with. This entire night was so far removed from my life two years ago, I would have thought it was a dream, except I would have never been so audacious to dream something like this.

Above us, lightning cracked the inky sky. I might have jumped had Amir not had his arms around me.

A fat drop of rain landed on my shoulder, followed quickly by another and another.

“Is it raining?” I asked, incredulous the weather would dare interrupt our perfect night.

He dropped his forehead to mine, heaving a sigh. “Damn. I didn’t even think about checking the weather.”

There was something about the way he sagged with disappointment that made my heart swell. He cared about giving me this. It was important to him.

“I would dance in the rain with you.” Once I realized the truth of my words, the raindrops smattering on my shoulders and head weren’t such a big deal. The night was warm, and my skin was heated from being so close to Amir, I didn’t mind the rain one little bit.

The sky took that as a challenge, because a moment later, it opened up with a deluge so powerful, we were soaked to the bone in an instant. This, I conceded in my head, was a lot less fun.

We ran, hand in hand, along with the rest of the crowd.

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