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“Sure thing.” He nodded. I watched and waited to see if he was going to bring up anything that might allude to where his mother was. “Anything else?”

“Niccola,” I moved on to him, “has Trigger settled in?”

“Trigger’s here?” Vinni’s face dropped. “When was I going to be told that?”

“You just were.”

“You crooked ass hair.” Vinni glared at his brother. “And you were sending me down there this weekend.” Niccola smirked at me, and Papa started to laugh.

“Yes,” Niccola answered me, “he and Tess got in last night and have everything they need.”

“Good. Make sure it stays that way.”


“Francesco,” I turned to him, “get Ugo and Oscar to start questioning the Coppola staff. See if they can give you a starting point to finding out where Rosa could have run to. If they comply, offer them work here. They either work for us, or they’re out on the street.”

“Of course.” Francesco smiled. Did I see pride there? Then he left with Niccola and Vinni, and Mama headed to her office to get things set for her part of the plan.

“Pretty impressive for your first official meeting as the Don.” Papa sounded pleased.

“I was late.” I sighed as I cleaned up my belongings so the staff could clear the table.

“I think we can all agree that it was perfectly understandable.” He smiled.

I checked the time and headed back down to my place, wondering if Sienna was still in bed.

I was stuck in a sex trance. There was no other word for it. My brain was in a constantly delicious loop of pleasure. Many times, I tried to pull myself out of it but was unsuccessful, so I gave in and let my mind wander back to last night. My thighs flexed as blood heated my chest and neck. Visions of Elio’s hands around me, the noises he made, and…

My phone broke the moment, and I glared, frustrated at the hunk of technology that buzzed at me.

I didn’t recognize the number, but something told me to answer anyway.

“Hello?” I stood and made my way over to the window to look at the view from our bedroom.

“I wasn’t sure if I should call, but I had to know if you were all right.”

The air got caught in my throat as I registered the voice.


“Sorry it took me so long to call. Things haven’t been the easiest since…well, it’s been hard.”

“What happened to you? Where did you end up going?” I tried not to push, but he’d just disappeared into thin air.

“Rosa gave me strict instructions before I arrived at the church that if anything was to happen to get you out of there then meet her in the next town.”

“Is that where she is now?”

“She never showed. I gave it as long as I could. Later, someone called telling me to leave town and wait for further instructions. Those never came either.”

“Where are you now?”

“Staying at a friend’s house right now, but who knows where tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry.” I wasn’t, really. I wasn’t sure if I could trust Salvo or not, but he might be the key to finding out where Rosa was.

“If it’s not too forward to say, I’ve missed you.” He went quiet, and so did I.
