Page 604 of Love Bites

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“Fine. I talk. I cry. What the hell did I say?”

“You called out for Hank every time I stayed over. It broke my heart, even though I don’t technically have one. I would just hold you and rock you till you stopped and fell back into a deep sleep.”

I didn’t have a smart-ass come back. I wasn’t embarrassed or uncomfortable. I was just quiet. The feeling of Hank’s hands on my back felt safe and right. When Dwayne added his bald head to my shoulder and Granny took my hand in hers, my world sat squarely on its axis and I knew whatever journey I had chosen had led me back to where I was supposed to be. Tomorrow would be a new day filled with uncertainty and very possibly danger, but right now all was right with my world.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go home,” Hank said.

“Will you guys be okay?” I asked my granny and BFF.

“Oh, hell yeah. We’re gonna play Twister and then try on wigs and girdles,” Granny informed us.

Hank seemed confused, so I pushed him out the door before he asked questions he didn’t want the answers to.

“That visual was disturbing,” he said as we climbed on the motorcycle.

“Yep,” I agreed. “Do you think we can go home and you can put some new visuals in my head?” I grabbed his perfect butt and squeezed.

He chuckled and pulled me forward for a toe-curling kiss. “I do believe that can be arranged.”

* * *

The morning dawnedbright and sunny. The familiar sweet smell of the ocean breeze was comforting, but even that and the memory of a night full of aerobic sex with Hank couldn’t erase the sense of impending doom that had settled in the pit of my stomach. There were too many unanswered questions. The humans were the wild card.

A block away from the agency, I hunkered down in my little car and wracked my brain for clues we had missed. The humans, if they had developed the self-tanning lotion, were brilliant and rich. I was convinced they knew about Shifters, which was highly unusual. They were the key…abducting Weres…erasing scents…possibly experimenting…Wait. Erasing scents. That was it. Could it be that simple?

I quickly texted Dwayne and told him to go buy some self tanner and then meet me at my car in ten minutes. I gave him no other directions. If I needed to send him back in I would, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t have to. It was 9:35. I was due at the agency in twenty-five minutes. There was plenty of time for some quick recon. If I was right, this was huge. However, if I was right, Hank would forbid me to go in.

Waiting in my car, I heard familiar nasal laughter. My gut clenched and my claws itched to come out and play. Slowly I eased the car window down and ducked low in my seat.

“I hope they take her today,” Tina #1 growled. “After they’re done with her and the rest of them, they’ll kill them.”

“Agreed. There’s simply not enough oxygen for losers like Essie McGee in this world.” Tina #2 laughed.

“Wait. Are you serious?” Tina #3 demanded.

“About what?” Tina #2 asked.

“The oxygen thingie.”

“I will pretend you didn’t say that, moron.”

“You don’t have to be a bitch,” Tina #3 hissed. “I could kill you so easily.”

“Like to see you try. Anyway, once she’s dead, I’ll get Hank for keeps,” Tina #2 purred.

“Why do you get him?” Tina #1 whined.

“Because I called him first. You two idiots can share the fire boys when this is over.”

“I just hope it’s over soon. None of us have gotten laid in a year,” Tina #2 muttered with disgust.

“Keep your voice down. No one needs to know our business,” Tina #3 shot back menacingly. “Once the fire boys complete the experiment they promised they would be all ours. In fact, Hank can screw himself. I like my guys hot.”

As their laughter died away, I sat bolt upright in my seat. Junior was correct, the humans were experimenting on the Weres. That was sick and what in the hell was the experiment? Why did the Tinas call them fire boys? Were those their stupid fake names or were they something more? How did the Weres let the humans take them? We could overpower a human with our eyes closed…Were the humans working for another species of Were and kidnapping wolves?

My need to walk into the agency and tear the limbs off of the humans, or whatever the hell they were, and the Tinas was overwhelming, but that would be a grave mistake. I needed them to take me to where the girls were hidden. If I killed the messenger, I’d lose the prize.

“Dragons,” Dwayne whispered into my cracked window.
