Page 35 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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Chapter Twenty-Two

They’d stopped at her apartment to pick up some of her things and while she was there, Sable had felt like she hadn’t been to her place for a hundred years. She also felt…cold.

Her apartment was beautiful, sleek, modern, and located in one of Clover City’s most exclusive buildings. But it wasn’t warm, and it wasn’t really her. She’d become so wary of her parents’ comments on her decorating choices that she’d just stopped trying. Not like she spent much time at her apartment instead of at work anyway but still—the place looked like it could’ve been the tour unit to show prospective tenants.

It had embarrassed her, but Jethro hadn’t seemed to think anything of it. Had simply helped her clean up in the shower, gotten her dressed in her elf costume—which he’d had cleaned overnight by what seemed like magic but he insisted was simply being owed a favor by a dry cleaner for making an enormous flower arrangement after close when the guy had forgotten his wife’s birthday—and then insisted on carrying her bag down to his truck.

Now they were parking in the lot at the ballroom that was hosting the charity Christmas party, and it occurred to Sable that she was wearing a sling and her parents were going to have questions. And they’d have more about Jethro.

She started to take the sling off and was interrupted by a rumbly voice from the other side of the truck’s cab.

“What do you think you’re doing, little miss?”

“I just… I don’t want to have to answer any questions about it, okay? I promise I’ll be careful.”

Jethro shook his head. “Absolutely not. I’ve seen you work these events. You bust your tail. If you’re putting in less work than usual then you’d have to answer questions anyway. And if you’re working as hard as usual then you’re not behaving.”

He was right, and she knew it, but the frustration and dread mixed in her stomach to make a noxious cocktail. “Then what the fuck am I supposed to tell people? I’m sure as hell not going to explain to them that some perv from Hive wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

It was rude and it was mean and she shouldn’t have said it but it was too late now. When she looked at Jethro, he was sitting there as calm as could be.

“First of all, I don’t appreciate you using that kind of language. It’s not appropriate for a little girl, and we’ll discuss the consequences when we get home. Second, I know you wouldn’t mention Hive to anyone but you shouldn’t joke about it. Trent was a complete asshole, but the problem wasn’t him being a pervert. The problem was him not being a decent human and accepting a no thank you graciously. Third, we’re going to tell people that someone tried to snatch your bag last night and your shoulder got wrenched when you wouldn’t let it go because you don’t take that kind of shit from anyone. Right?”

He reached out a hand and passed a thumb over her cheek. She wanted to climb into his lap and bury her head in his shoulder, beg him to take her home because she couldn’t do this. She was already a mess and the night hadn’t even started yet.

“Right,” she agreed, even though she didn’t feel tough.

“Is there anything else you’re worried about? Maybe you could try asking for help nicely instead of lashing out. You know I’d do anything for you.”

She supposed she did know that but it was still hard to believe. To feel so alone one moment and then to have someone like Jethro the next, it was emotional whiplash.

Her stomach curdled for being called out like that, but it wasn’t unfair of him. She’d been the one who was unfair.

Sable picked at her nails as she stared at her hands in her lap and gathered her courage. It was easier to be snappish and rude than it was to ask for help, but Jethro deserved better than that.

Finally she took a deep breath and looked up at him. “My parents are going to be here. They’re…”

She rolled her lips between her teeth, trying to think of how to describe Duncan and Deirdre Hollingsford without sounding like a bitter shrew or a bullied child.

“I’ve met your parents before. I’ve done business with your dad’s company. They’re very smart and real fancy, but…” His thick brows went up and he shook his head. “You know they’re not nice people, right?”

Sable practically barked a laugh. “Um, yeah, I know that. So I would understand if you didn’t want them to know. About us. Because I have no doubt that they’ll say something rude to you.”

Jethro looked at her like she’d suggested they crack a hole in the ice covering Clover Lake and go for a swim. “Are you kidding me? I can handle Deirdre and Duncan and their petty insults. What I cannot handle is pretending I don’t know you, like you don’t matter to me. So unless you don’t want to tell them yet, I’m going to be by your side all night, making sure you’re taking it easy but still having fun. And then I’m gonna take you home, give you a bath, and put you to bed.”

“That sounds really nice. But…”

“Baby, what is it?”

He cupped her cheeks and turned her head toward him.

“They’re not going to understand. I mean, I don’t really understand. Last night we were almost strangers and now I’m sleeping at your house?”

Truth be told, it felt like she’d moved in. It’s just that not all of her things had followed yet. That this was her life was now. But was this her existence after a truly whirlwind courtship or was it the eye of the storm? Was this for real? How could it be? Why would Jethro want her?

“Does it feel wrong to you?” he asked, so earnest it hurt. “Are you not ready yet? I agree things are moving real fast, but it doesn’t scare me. It feels good. I feel like you’re mine already but if you need more time, we can slow this crazy train down, pump the brakes a little.”

“I don’t want that. I want to be with you. Like this.”

The idea of going backwards was actually kind of terrifying.

“Me too, baby. Me too.”

He kissed her forehead then and she wanted more than ever to just go home and pile on the couch with a blanket and the dogs.

“Just do me one favor?” she asked sheepishly, feeling like she was asking for too much when he’d already given her the world.

“Name it.”

“Can we tell them we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks at least? If I say yesterday, they’re going to have me committed.”
