Page 46 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Insane.’ He withdrew his fingers and trailed them over her cheek.

Rhona pulled herself onto her knees and looked down on him, her chest thrust forward. He raised his eyes to her and it was all the invitation she needed. She clutched his face again and kissed him. His body stiffened. Would he pull away?Please no.Palpitations attacked her. Then he relaxed and kissed her back. Their tongues met again, and an electric shock struck her deep. Calum’s hands slipped around her waist, moving restlessly. She owned his mouth, moaning as she let herself go. This was so hot; much better than anything she’d imagined at thirteen. At twenty-eight, it brought a rush of pleasure.

A car door thumped in the distance and Calum pulled back. ‘What the hell are we doing?’

‘I don’t know, but my god it’s good.’

She resumed the kiss but Calum pulled away almost immediately, Rhona still nibbling on his lower lip. Her ears pricked. A sound like a door opening and closing reached their ears. Rhona let him go and, still on her knees, shuffled to the window and peeked out.

‘Shit. My mum’s back.’

Judy sauntered across the lawn towards her studio.

‘How the hell can I get out of here?’ Calum said.

‘I’ll go and talk to her.’ Rhona straightened her t-shirt. ‘You can climb down and jump the fence onto the road.’

‘Jesus.’ He threw his head back and leaned on the wall. ‘Without her seeing me?’

‘I’ll keep her talking.’ Rhona slumped her bottom onto her heels. ‘But I need to get out first. I’ll have to climb over you.’

‘Any excuse.’

She smirked and rolled her lips together.You’re not wrong.Pushing one knee over, she straddled him. Their eyes met and she had to have him. He got there first. His arms shot around her, gliding his long fingers over her curves, still maintaining eye contact.

‘Let me take you away.’ His lips were so close.

‘What do you mean?’

‘On my boat. Come with me. Just you and me, we can get away from everyone.’

‘Yes. Oh god, yes. When?’ She wiggled her hips, searching for a hotspot.

He drew in a rapid breath. ‘This weekend.’

‘Ok.’ She held her forehead against his and inhaled slowly. She didn’t remember ever wanting anyone this much.

Bending her neck, she sank onto his lips, grinding her hips at the same time. The rush of fire through her tummy made her gasp. She drowned him with kisses, thrusting her tongue into his welcoming mouth. He groaned and slid his hands around the curves of her bottom.

‘Rhona.’ His voice was a whispered growl. ‘Please, get off me and get out. We can’t go on like this. Not here, not now. Save it.’

She swallowed and composed herself. ‘You’re so annoyingly right.’ As she steadied her breathing, her chest heaved up and down. Calum squeezed his eyes shut and turned away as though forcing himself not to look. ‘Right, I’m going.’ She swung her leg over and slid out the hatch, finding the ladder with her foot. ‘Get ready to run.’

‘Run? I can hardly move, never mind run.’

Rhona gave him a quick wink and descended, hoping her mum hadn’t broken the habit of a lifetime and was in her studio with the blind drawn, noticing nothing except her painting.

Chapter 14


Calum slumped against the wall in the tree house.What the hell just happened?Years ago, Arran had snogged Hannah McDonald in here. The same girl he’d later called a fat slut, fuelling the rage in Calum that had eventually sent him over the edge. And now Calum had kissed Arran’s sister. The irony. But, Christ, what a kiss. Rhona was all excitement and enthusiasm. No finesse, just Rhona. Rhona. God, he wanted her. Now, he needed to calm down but he couldn’t hang about.

With a groan, he dragged himself to the window. Rhona dallied at the studio door, hands in the back pockets of her shorts, her chest thrust out.Christ.Why did she do that? It made her too delicious. Her pink t-shirt clung to each curve, accentuating her perfect breast shape, her slender waist and generous hips. Flesh memories of where those parts had touched scorched him from the inside out. Kissing and cuddling weren’t his thing so why was that all he wanted to do?

It could wait until Saturday. He had no choice. Once they were on the boat, they could go anywhere; far from prying eyes and gossiping tongues.

From the lawn, Rhona glanced sideways, slipped her fingers up her arm and rested her thumb up on the bare skin beneath the sleeve of her t-shirt. The cue to move. Slipping his legs over the edge, he felt around with his foot. Each step creaked as he made his way down. He screwed up his face but couldn’t bear to look round. What if he’d been spotted? His feet hit the ground and he glimpsed Rhona still at the summer house door. Without wasting another second, he legged it across the garden, vaulted the wall and jogged along the road, round the bend to where he’d left the car.
