Page 47 of A Perfect Discovery

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His jacket and jeans were covered in dust. Unpleasant reminders of an otherwise very pleasant encounter. Pleasant but not sensible. He pulled out his phone to message her and a woozy sensation came over him. He opened the car door and flopped into his seat. His head whirred. Whichever way he swung it he’d asked Rhona out. In the heat of the moment, yes, but there was no getting around it. He was going on a date with the sister of his nemesis.

His fingers moved over the message but his mind was elsewhere. How would they fill the day? His dates followed a set pattern: dinner somewhere smart, a second dinner somewhere else, followed by a third. If they were still ok after that, he might invite them back. They rarely lasted after that. He didn’t do fifth dates.

CALUM: Back in the car. That was an interesting morning. Remember to find out the cost of keeping the reconstruction. See you at the dig later in the week.

He didn’t sign it with a kiss. It would be a lie to say he didn’t want more, but a littleXin a message wouldn’t satisfy anything.

When he passed the house, Rhona was still at the summer house door, checking her phone. His lit up with two sharp beeps.

Back at his office, he checked the message.

RHONA: An interesting morning?!?! Hot more like! My mum saw nothing and doesn’t suspect a thing. I wish we didn’t have to sneak about, but I’m really excited about the boat trip. You’re fulfilling one of my fantasies… Maybe more *wink emoji* Roll on the weekend! XXXXXXX

Calum shook his head. So much for not bothering with any more kisses. But that was Rhona. Other people might have been satisfied with a gentle kiss, but Rhona wanted six or seven, all intense, all passionate, an affection overload. He rubbed his hand over his forehead. Come Saturday, he needed to be prepared for whatever she threw at him. His mind and his heart raced in tandem. A thrill ricocheted through him.

With nervous tension building in his system, he prioritised his week, altering his diary to ensure he was anywhere but at the dig. What if they got caught together on Friday afternoon and had to call everything off? He didn’t want anything to ruin this.

He messaged Rhona, apologising that he had to sort out his Gruline property. Not a lie. Those tenants were constantly moaning.

Rhona’s reply told him she was almost finished. His heart sank.What happens then?Could they keep on seeing each other or would she fade away? Come Saturday, he would get a better sense for what was going on. Thinking beyond that filled him with fluff or messy visions of his parents’ faces and Rhona’s family. A shot at something bigger would slash into a lot of other relationships. Was it worth it? Life had no guarantees. He couldn’t cut off his family for a fling. What was to stop Rhona leaving in a few weeks, abandoning him with no one and nothing? He couldn’t risk it. ‘What we’re doing is transient,’ he told his laptop. Rhona would pass and fade like the others.


‘Your boat’s called the Dawn Treader?’ Rhona’s gaze skimmed over the gleaming white yacht. Calum had given her a lift from the end of her garden into Tobermory where his boat was moored at the marina. At this time in the morning only a handful of people were about. Still, the crew on the fishing boats might recognise him or Rhona, so he was keen for her to get on board quickly.

‘What’s wrong with that? Don’t you like C.S. Lewis?’

‘I do but I didn’t have you down as a fan.’

‘There’s lots you don’t know about me, Miss Lamond.’

She beamed and eyed him over. ‘I’d like to find out, Mr Matheson.’

‘Let’s stop talking.’ He pressed his finger to his lips. ‘You never know who might be listening. Now, jump aboard and I’ll get her ready.’

Dressed in her purple waterproof and jeans, Rhona looked ready for a dig. She slung off her backpack and laid it on a bench. ‘This boat is stunning.’

‘What’s in the backpack?’ Calum raised an eyebrow. ‘I’ve already stocked up on food.’

‘Mostly clothes.’

‘Clothes? How long are you planning on being away?’

She giggled. ‘Just today. But the last time I went on a boat trip in Scotland, I dressed for a cold day and ended up roasting. The time before was the opposite. So, this time I’m prepared for whatever the weather throws at us.’

‘Sounds sensible.’

‘The forecast said sun, rain and possible high winds.’

‘I noticed that.’ Calum lifted the final tarp. ‘Let’s get going. It’s nice just now.’ He climbed into the cabin and Rhona followed.

‘Calum.’ She grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.


Before he could get another word out, she threw her arms around his neck. ‘I’m so happy we’re doing this.’

He gripped her waist; his fingertips twitched with the urge glide over her –save it. ‘Me too.’ He gazed into her dreamy blue eyes. Her curves pitched into all the right places. Like a magnet was pulling him, he dipped his head and kissed her. Slow and steady, he held her lips, wallowing in soft caresses. A dream state overwhelmed conscious thought. Rhona upped the pace, finding his tongue and drawing him closer. Being wanted like this was so new. Breathtaking. She didn’t conceal how much she desired him and a raging fire burst through his soul.
