Page 79 of The Road to You

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What the hell is wrong with me? Is it normal to feel so emotional and unsure when Kane has done nothing but prove to me over and over again that this is what he wants. ThatIam what he wants? Why do I suddenly find myself second guessing everything?

“Clearly it’s something.” He places his hand under my chin and lifts my face upward. “There she is.” He smiles when my eyes meet his. “Elara, you can tell me anything. You can say anything. You can ask me anything. Nothing is off limits here.”

“I was just…” I trail off, trying to figure out the right way to say it. “I was just wondering what happens when we get home.”

“What do you mean?” He tucks a chunk of hair behind my ear, leaning his shoulder against the brick building next to us.

“I mean, when we get home. What happens?” I pause, watching his brow furrow. “You live in Chicago. I live, hell I don’t know where I live. I guess technically Arkansas though North Carolina still feels more like home,” I ramble for a moment before refocusing. “You travel a lot for work and are gone weeks, sometimes months at a time. I guess I’m just worried…”

“You’re worried that when we get back to the states things will be different,” he finishes my sentence for me.

“Aren’t you?”

“No,” he answers honestly. “I know how I feel, Elara. I know what I want. The location doesn’t change that for me.”

“But it does change it. Whether you see it that way or not.”

“How so?”

“Were you not listening to me two minutes ago? We live hours from each other. You travel all the time. That changes a lot of things. The most important being when we will get to see each other.”

“That’s easy. Come to Chicago.” He smiles when my eyes go wide.


“I mean it, El. We’ve been here together for two months, therefore we’ve already been living together whether the location was permanent or not. I don’t have all the answers for everything but I do know I want you with me no matter what.”

“I can’t move to Chicago.” I gape at him.

“Why not?”

“Well for one, I have no desire to live in Chicago.”

“Not even if I’m there?” He gives me a playful smirk which lightens the mood significantly.

“Stop it,” I warn, fighting a smile.

“Stop what?”

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” He fakes innocence.

“Like, you know, like you’re looking at me.” I huff.

“I think you’re losing it a little bit, babe.” He chuckles, reaching out to cup my face. “I don’t have all the answers but wewillfind a way to make this work. If you won’t move to Chicago then I’ll move to Arkansas.”

“You don’t want to live in Arkansas,” I challenge.

“You’re right, I don’t.” I can’t help but laugh at his response. “But I would live there if it meant I got to be with you every day.”

“Now you make me sound like I don’t care as much as you do,” I whine playfully.

“How so?”

“Because you don’t want to live in Arkansas but you’re willing to do so to be with me when I basically flat out refused to live in Chicago. Now I feel like an asshole.”

Kane drops his hands from my face as his head falls back slightly. His laughter rumbles around us, filling my ears with a sound I could listen to on repeat for the rest of my life.
