Page 96 of The Road to You

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I wish I could say that my father’s advice somehow made everything miraculously better but that simply isn’t the truth. Don’t get me wrong, him being here has meant the world to me, but between him and Lynette, who’s fussed over me more than anyone else these last two days, I feel like I’m suffocating.

Needless to say that when the doctor announced this morning that I would get to go home today, I did a silent little dance in my head at the prospect of getting a little time to myself. Time to process. Time to let all this sink in. Time to figure out how to proceed. None of which are things I can do with my father and Lynette hovering like they’re waiting for me to fall apart.

I haven’t seen Kane since that first night. I know from Lynette and my father that he’s around but for some reason he’s opted to keep his distance. I’m just not sure if it’s for my benefit or his.

I’ve tried not to dwell, tried to reassure myself that we’ll get through this and that he probably just needs time, but I also can’t shake the feeling that maybe he’s finally seen the light. Maybe he’s finally seen that I’m not the girl he thought I was. Maybe I’ve lost him forever.

The thought makes my stomach twist so hard that I have to physically fight back the urge to throw up.

Watching Lynette with my dad has made me feel a little better. Just seeing the smile that lights up his face every time she’s near is enough to calm the storm inside me. Even if only for a short time.

It’s clear to see he cares a great deal for her and her for him. And while the whole thing is still a bit of a shock to me, you’d probably think I’d known all along given how easy we’ve all fallen into our roles.

I’m sitting on the edge of the bed as my father slides on one of my shoes and then the other. A light knock sounds against the door right as he stands and Kane appears in the doorway moments later.

I suck in a sharp inhale at the sight of him. He’s as breathtaking as ever but there’s also something so different about him at the same time. His dark eyes are rimmed with red. His normal short scruff is longer and unkempt. His hair looks like he’s run his hands through it a million times over; his silky locks wild and disheveled. But it’s his gaze that knocks the wind right out of me. The haunted, pained stare I first saw at Kam’s funeral is back, only this time it’s so much harder to see because I know it’s me that put it there.

“Kane,” my dad greets him, turning to shake his hand as he steps completely into the room.

“Sam.” Kane nods, keeping his eyes on my father. “Would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with Elara?” he asks, looking to Lynette for a brief moment and then back to my father.

“Of course.” My dad slaps him on the shoulder before nodding his head toward Lynette, both leaving the room in a silent hurry.

“My dad really likes you,” I say to fill the heavy air between us.

“He’s a good guy.” He nods slowly, his dark gaze finally finding mine after what feels like an eternity.

“I wasn’t sure if I’d see you before I left,” I say, my voice weakening.

“Neither was I,” he admits, blowing out a slow breath.

“Kane, I…” I start but he quickly cuts me off.

“I need you to know that what I’m about to say has nothing to do with what you told me about Kam.” His words instantly hollow out my stomach and I attempt to brace myself for what I expect to come next.

“My brother’s death wasn’t your fault, Elara. But that doesn’t mean it was easy for me to sit here and listen to you tell me what happened during his final moments. The image of him pinned beneath that four-wheeler, fighting for air, I haven’t been able to shake it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I needed to know. I’m glad I know. But it made me realize something I didn’t want to see when we were in Italy.” He pauses, takes a slow breath, then continues, “I wanted you so badly I didn’t care that you weren’t ready. Or that maybe I wasn’t ready either. I ignored the signs. I was careless and selfish and I pushed way too much on you way too quickly.”

“No you didn’t,” I object. “I was there, remember?”

“Yes, I did, Elara,” he states firmly. “And this.” He gestures around the hospital room. “All of this could have been avoided if I had listened to myself from the beginning. You wouldn’t be here. You wouldn’t be hurting the way you’re hurting. You wouldn’t be experiencing yet another loss in such a short span of time. I did that to you.”

“No, you didn’t.”

“I did, Elara. And I can’t change it. What I can do is make sure I do right by you from here on out and that starts now.”

“What does that even mean?” I question, panic rising in my voice.

“It means I’m going to do what I should have done two months ago. I’m going to put what you need first. You need time to heal, Elara. And I’m going to give it to you.”

“What I need is you, Kane,” my voice strains as I push to a stand, cringing at the pain in my stomach.

He grimaces at the sight of me in pain and even though I feel like every part of my heart is shattering, a small part of it still swells.

“What you need is to deal with your pain, Elara. I can’t be your distraction anymore. I can’t be the person you pretend with. I want all of you. The ups and downs. The accomplishments and failures. The good and the bad. I want it all. But until you deal with Kamden’s death, and I meanreallydeal with it, I’m afraid I won’t get that. I’m afraid I will only ever get the version of you that you want me to see. The one where the pain and guilt are eating you from the inside out and yet you smile and pretend like they aren’t there.”
