Page 5 of Tequila Burn

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How did everything shift so quickly? How did Gage go from being the biggest asshole in the world to showing me he actually does have a heart? How does Hudson go from being the center of my world to someone I can’t even think about without wanting to vomit?

How? How?How?

I’ve almost reached my car parked in the back of the lot when I feel the shift. I don’t know how to explain it, but whenever Hudson is near it’s like the atmosphere charges with energy and I can feel it.

Glancing up, my knees nearly buckle under my weight at the sight of him leaning against my car. Hair disheveled, dark aviators pulled down over his eyes. It’s enough to make me momentarily forget why I hate him so much right now.

Only I don’t hate him, not even a little. No matter how much I wish I could. Hating him would make this all so much easier.

I don’t even question how he found me. Clearly, like Gage, Hudson knew I would come here. Normally, I love that he knows me so well, but right now my feelings on the subject are on the other side of the playing field. I’m irritated and annoyed that my efforts to avoid him have failed.

Gathering my resolve, I quickly close the distance between us, not bothering to look at him again as I step past him and attempt to open the driver’s side door of my car.

Before I can pull the handle, Hudson shifts, pressing his weight against the door so I can’t open it.

“Lennon.” His voice is a soft rasp and damn near breaks me. “Lennon,” he repeats when I keep my gaze on the ground. “Fucking look at me.” His desperate plea has my eyes darting to his face even though it’s the last thing I want to do.

“Get out of my way, Hudson,” I grind out, managing to keep the water works that threaten to spill over at bay.

“Steph isn’t my wife.”

“Get out of my way,” I repeat.

“She hasn’t been for a very long time,” he continues as if I didn’t even speak.

“Get out of my way,” I lower my voice in warning.

“Not until you let me explain.”

“Explain what exactly?” I explode, everything I’ve been holding in for the past few hours bubbles over and pours out of me at rapid speed. “Explain how you lied to me? Explain how youconvenientlyneglected to tell me that you were married? I trusted you.” I shove at his chest. “I trusted you and you fucking lied. You are no better than Gage. Now get the fuck out of my way!” I scream in his face.

“I am nothing likehim,” he says the word like it’s poison on his lips. “You’d know that if you’d stop for two fucking minutes and let me explain.”

“The time for explaining has passed.” I step to the side, attempting to pry open my door even though it won’t budge.

“Seriously?” He spins on me forcefully, causing me to stumble backward a couple of steps. “After everything, you’re just going to turn your back on me so easily?”

“Newsflash, asshole! You’re married!”

“Wasmarried,” he counters just as loudly, stepping toward me. “As in not anymore.”

“So you just happened to be married this morning but not this afternoon.”

“Actually, yes.”

This catches my attention and I pause, trying to wrap my head around what he’s saying.

“Steph was at the courthouse to sign divorce papers. That’s why I called her. We haven’t been together for a long time but because of her family I never made it official. I never thought I’d find someone I’d care for enough that it would even matter. But I did. You, Lennon. I found you. And I knew I was going to have to tell you but every time I opened my mouth to say it the words wouldn’t come out.”

“Well how convenient for you,” I hiss.

“I wasn’t lying to you, Lennon.”

“Omission is the same thing as lying.”

“Maybe so, but the fact still remains that even though Steph and I are legally married, we haven’t actually been together in years.”

“And what about that night? Were you still with her then?” There’s a pause as confusion covers his face. “The weekend after we met. I saw you with her, Hudson. In Nashville. She was the girl you were kissing. So you what? Go on vacation and screw whoever you want before going home to your wife?”
