Page 81 of Tequila Burn

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“I want you to keep the house,” he continues. “I bought it because you loved it. It wouldn’t feel right without you there.”

“I can’t do that.” I wipe at my cheeks with the back of my free hand. “Sell it, live there, do whatever you want with it, but it’s your house, not mine.”

“Lennon,” he starts to object.

“Being there is a reminder of the life I hoped we’d have. I can’t live my life looking backward.”

“Okay.” He looks down. “I don’t know how to say goodbye to you.” His voice breaks and I damn near lose my resolve.

“Then don’t,” I say after a few calming breaths. “Let’s not look at it as goodbye. Who knows, we found each other a second time. Maybe the third time will be the charm.” Even though I feel like I’m dying on the inside, I force a smile through my tears.

“I’ll wait for that day forever.”

“Me too,” I admit, deep down believing that day will never come.

“I love you, Lennon Claire.” Hudson leans forward, brushing his lips against my forehead as he stands, releasing my hand as he does.

“I love you too.” Emotion is thick in my throat.

He shoves his hands deep in his pockets, his shoulders sagging forward as he makes his way down the stairs and out to the road where the Chevelle is parked.

Memories of driving that car flash through my mind. The windows down, the wind blowing through my hair, Hudson singing old Johnny Cash tunes as we’d drive around with no real destination. Those are some of my fondest memories. Ones I will hold onto tighter than all the rest. When it was just me and Hudson and the outside world would fall away.

I blink rapidly, trying to clear my vision, wondering how this could possibly be right when it feels so very wrong.

Hudson walks around the car and pulls open the driver’s side door before glancing back in my direction for the briefest moment. I swear I see a tear slide down his cheek seconds before he slides into the front seat and fires the engine to life.

Moments later he’s pulling away and I’m left to face the decision I’ve made. I’m not sure yet if I made the right choice or a monumental mistake. I guess only time will tell.
