Page 82 of Tequila Burn

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Chapter Twenty-eight


“Hey Robert,” I answer, not sure why my best friend’s husband is calling me in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon.

“Emma’s in labor,” he rushes out, sounding frazzled and out of breath.

“Wait, what?” I hold my finger up to Bryan, the project manager standing in front of me, asking him to give me a moment. “She’s not due for another couple of months.”

“I know, but the baby is coming. Her water broke about an hour ago and the doctor said there isn’t anything he can do to slow it down. The baby is coming today whether we’re ready for it or not.”

“I’m on my way.” I grab my purse off the kitchen island, silently apologizing to Bryan before making a bee line to the front door. “What do you need? Is there anything I can do?” I ramble as I climb into my car.

“No, just help me keep Emma calm. Even though the doctor says everything looks good, she’s freaking out. While delivering this early isn’t ideal, he’s confident that the baby is far enough along to survive without complications.”

“Keeping Emma calm is my specialty,” I tell him, backing out of the driveway like a bat out of hell. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

“Okay, see you then.”

I toss my cell onto the passenger seat of my car and take off down Rosewood Avenue going about twenty miles an hour over the speed limit.

My mind races as I weave in and out of the afternoon traffic. I can’t believe the baby is coming already. God, it feels like yesterday that she told me she was pregnant and now here she is, getting ready to give birth. Granted her pregnancy has been cut a couple months short, but it still feels too soon.

Excitement and nerves meld together. Knowing I need to tell someone, I snag my phone, pausing mid motion when I realize the one person I really want to call I can’t.

It’s been seven weeks since the last time I spoke to Hudson yet he’s still the first person I want to talk to whenever anything happens. If I have a bad day at work, I want to hear his voice to make it better. Nana says something totally inappropriate at Sunday brunch and all I want to do is tell him about it, knowing what a kick he would get out of it. My best friend goes into labor and I feel like I’m having a mini panic attack, he’s who I want to call to talk me down.

I wish I could say that things have gotten easier. And maybe they have, but not as rapidly as I had hoped. I still miss him every single day. He’s still the last person I think of when I go to bed at night and the first person that crosses my mind when I open my eyes in the morning.

I wonder how he’s doing, what he’s doing, if he misses me the way I miss him. I imagine he’s in the studio by now. His tour wrapped about a month ago and even though I’ve been tempted to do a little digging on the internet, I’ve resisted the urge. Knowing what little progress I have made would surely die a painful death the minute I see a picture of him or read an article about him.

Colton texted me a couple of weeks ago to tell me Brittany was clean and back home after her stint in rehab. He thought I’d want to know given how involved I was with everything that went down to lead to her going to rehab in the first place. While I appreciated the update, a part of me feels like him reaching out was an intentional play. Maybe he thought I’d call Hudson once I heard the news. Or maybe he genuinely thought I’d want to know. Who knows? Either way I was happy to hear she’s doing so well. I know how relieved her parents and Hudson must be.

I shake off the thoughts of Hudson as I pull into the hospital and park in the first spot I can find behind the building. Shoving my cell in my purse, I throw the strap over my shoulder and quickly exit the car.

Right as I enter the main entrance of the hospital, a pair of familiar eyes brings me to a screeching halt.

“Gage.” The word comes out on a rushed breath, my heart not sure if it belongs in my stomach or my chest as I look from him to the pretty red head on his arm.

“Hey, Lennon.” He stops directly in front of me, clearly just as surprised to see me as I am to see him.

“What are you doing here?” we ask in unison, both of us smiling the instant it happens.

“My mom’s here. We stopped in to visit,” Gage answers, his gaze shifting to the girl beside him. “This is Hannah, my girlfriend.” He smiles at her before looking back to me.

“Nice to meet you, Hannah. I’m Lennon.” I wave awkwardly, wishing I could take it back. “Is your mom okay?” I backtrack, shifting nervously from one foot to the other.

“Yeah, she had to have a heart stint put in. She’s doing fine though. They’re keeping her overnight for observation. What about you?”

“Emma. She’s having a baby.”

“I heard she was expecting.” He rocks back slightly on his heels.

I don’t know why, but when I pictured running into Gage, knowing it would eventually happen, I didn’t expect it to be quite so weird between us. Then again, a lot has happened in the months that have passed since we were last together. Which oddly enough was in this very hospital.

He looks happy, relaxed. A hell of a lot more at ease than I feel. And while I’m glad he’s moved on, a small part of me secretly wishes he was as miserable as I am right now.

“Yeah, I should probably get upstairs,” I say, gesturing to nowhere in particular.
