Page 82 of Force of Gravity

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“He lives!” Brennonannounces as I sleepily make my way into the living room, rubbing my eyes that are having a hard time adjusting to the light pouring in from the open balcony blinds. “Man, I was starting to think you were going to sleep all day.”

“I thought about it,” I admit, heading into the kitchen. “I’m fucking exhausted.” Of course, I don’t mention that the reason for said exhaustion is caused by an insatiable little minx that happens to be his sister. Though if I had to guess, she’s dragging ass today, too, considering she didn’t leave my room until after two and had to be at work at seven.

“You gonna be good for the party tonight?”

“What party?” I ask groggily, pouring myself a cup of coffee despite the fact that it looks to have been sitting in the pot for a few hours. Fuck it, right now I don’t care. I need caffeine.

“Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten.” He gives me an exasperated look. “The Halloween party I told you about last week. I promised Rita we’d all go.”

“Don’t go getting your panties in a twist, I’m just fucking with you.” I take a sip of coffee and cringe at how potent it is.

“You’re an ass.” Brennon props his feet up on the coffee table.

“So,” I make my way into the living room and plop down into the chair, “what ridiculous couple’s costume can I expect you and Margarita to be wearing?” I say her name with a shit accent. Honestly, I’m not even sure what I was trying to sound like.

“I don’t do costumes, you know that.”

“Just thought maybe she would have talked you into it.”

“Nah. She asked what I was wearing and I said clothes. That was that.” He chuckles.

“Are you two officially a couple yet?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

“If you must know, yes, we are.”

“Knew that was coming.” I snort, taking another drink of the coffee that’s so strong I swear if I poured it on the floor it could probably walk.

“What the fuck does that mean? Why you gotta say it like that?”

“I’m just saying...” I hold up my free hand as if to sayI mean no harm. “You were like a little puppy dog the moment you laid eyes on her. It’s kind of pathetic.”

“What’s pathetic? That I have the capacity to actually view a woman for more than what’s between her legs?”

I wince at his words that hit me harder than they normally would. Probably because of who’s been occupying my bed for the last month.

“You wound me.” I hold my hand to my chest.

“Truth hurts.” He shrugs, dropping his feet to the floor before leaning forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “Speaking of women, have you noticed anything off with Barlow recently?”

Thank fuck I’m taking a drink of coffee when he asks so the panicked expression that very briefly takes over my face is skewed from view. I take my time lowering the cup, trying to figure out what the fuck I can say as to not make myself seem super obvious.

“Not really. I don’t see her much. Why? What’s going on?”

“Not sure. She just seems... different. I can’t pinpoint it. Something is definitely going on with her. Haven’t you noticed how fucking happy she’s been recently? It’s weird. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so chipper. You know, she was singing in the kitchen this morning. Singing. Barlow. Have you ever heard her sing?”

“I can’t say I have,” I admit, not able to fight the smile that touches my lips. “She has been in a pretty good mood. I mean, if she’s being nice to me you know something is up.” I play along because fuck... what else can I do?

“I think she’s seeing someone.”

I’m positive you can see the tension in my shoulders it’s so fucking tight.

“Really? You think that’s something she would keep from you?”
