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‘Exactly. And you don’t want any more upset on top.’ Nessa’s smile was sympathetic. ‘Why do you want to save the house anyway? I know I said it’s a Heaven’s Cove icon and we’ll be sorry to see it go, but you’ll be back in Spain, so it doesn’t make sense.’

‘I know. My head keeps telling me to cut my losses and get on the first flight back home. But my heart… well, that’s a different matter.’

Nessa stared at Rosie for a moment and then started piling paintbrushes and rollers into a large paper bag.

‘In that case, you’d better get started. Take what you can now and I’ll drop the rest off to you later in Scaggy’s van if I get a chance. Or, brilliant timing’ – she glanced towards the shop door that had just opened – ‘we can ask Liam if he’s out and about later and can save us both the trouble.’

‘Ask me what?’ said Liam, wandering towards them.

He was looking particularly ruggedly handsome today, in tight jeans and a navy sweatshirt, with dark stubble on his chin. Rosie felt her cheeks growing hot and dipped her head. She’d never been one of the girls who blushed when Liam came into the room and she wasn’t about to start feeding his ego now, even if he had listened to her ramble on yesterday about her plan to save Driftwood House.

‘I was just saying to Rosie that I might not have time to drop off all these supplies at Driftwood House later, but maybe you could, if you’re out in your van?’

‘I’m quite busy, but I suppose I could…’

‘Please don’t worry about it,’ said Rosie, hastily. ‘There must be loads to do on the farm at this time of year, and I can drive down later to collect the rest.’

Nessa leaned across the counter and put her chin in her hands. ‘You’ll be far too busy sploshing paint over the walls, Rosie, to come down into the village again.’

‘I really won’t,’ said Rosie, giving Nessa the same look she often gave Matt when he opened a third bottle of wine.

‘Of course you will. Big, falling-down houses don’t decorate themselves.’

‘I’m still sure I can spare half an hour to nip in again later.’

‘But there’s no need to bother if Liam can help instead, is there?’

She frowned at Rosie, clearly not sure why getting Liam involved was being met with resistance. Rosie wasn’t sure either, but it felt like a really bad idea.

Before she could say anything more, Liam chimed in. ‘Ladies, stop fighting over me. I need to collect a few things from Selderfield later so I can pick up Rosie’s stuff and drop it at Driftwood House on the way.’

Nessa grinned. ‘Great, and you could always stay and give Rosie a hand with transforming the place into the Eppings’ new guesthouse…’ She stopped and clamped her hand over her mouth. ‘Sorry,’ she mumbled.

‘It’s all right.’ Rosie smiled. ‘Liam knows about the guesthouse plan, which is just as well because you’re not being very discreet.’

‘Maybe not but, in my defence, buying up a load of decorating essentials in the village hardware store is a bit of a giveaway. So are you going to give Rosie a hand with the decorating while you’re up there, Liam?’

Now Nessa was going too far. Rosie shook her head. ‘I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you. And I’m sure you’ve got better things to do, Liam.’

He held her gaze when she looked at him properly for the first time since he’d come into the shop. ‘The farm is pretty busy right now, and I’m also helping out with Mum and Dad.’

‘Of course. Don’t let Nessa bully you.’

Nessa looked affronted at the very suggestion, but the corner of Liam’s mouth lifted. ‘I’m very easily bullied, to be honest.’

‘Really? I find that hard to believe.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘You’d be surprised. I can be bullied into all sorts of things.’

Was he flirting? Rosie grabbed the paper bag of supplies and shoved it into her canvas bag. Of course not. Liam was simply making conversation to cover his unease at being put on the spot by Nessa. And even if he was slightly flirting, he’d probably slipped into it out of habit.

‘I really can collect all of this later,’ she told him.

‘It’s no bother.’ Liam pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. ‘I’ll drop the stuff round to you later this afternoon.’

Nessa grinned, looking very pleased with herself. ‘That’s all sorted then. You OK with that, Rosie?’

‘Yes, if you’re sure, Liam. Thanks very much.’
