Page 11 of Ronan

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I shake my head at him and storm up to my floor. I’m inside my apartment, slamming the door shut before he even has a chance to say anything.


Making sure the door is locked, I lean my back against it and slide down. This day has turned into utter shit.

Chapter 7


I haven’t slept for four goddamn days, ever since I saw Liv at Banna and screamed at her to leave New York. I was such a prick; I can’t believe I ordered her out of the city.

I find myself pacing my apartment. I need a kill, or some sleep, and some sex––fuck, I need all three. I’m spinning out. I need to know if she left the city, I need to make sure Dan and I are good and that he hasn’t fucked her, and I need to fucking kill someone. I need some release.

I look over at the window that covers the entire wall from one side to the other. I didn’t want this place when I bought it, but Ma convinced me it was a good idea. She said I would need space for when she visits. Why the fuck she wants to stay with me when she can stay with the others, I don’t know. Their penthouses are so much more spacious and inviting.

When I moved in, Rory and I skimmed the walls and removed all the plaster. I took it back to the raw brick. It’s an open-plan apartment––you walk in the front door and the kitchen is right there, large with an island in the middle that houses the oven and has space to sit and eat. I chose black worktops and a white finish on the cabinets. It’s in contrast to the main area and the walls are floor-to-ceiling dark red brick. On the main wall the brick comes up to arse height then tops off with windows that reach the ceiling. The furniture is dark brown, with a dark tan leather sofa. Ma made me buy the damn chair to match. What did she call it? The cuddle chair. Jesus… women.

There is a corridor leading off the front door that leads to a second small bedroom and separate bathroom and toilet, and a small office space.

There is a spiral staircase in the main room in the far corner that leads up to a second level––my bed is up there, with an ensuite bathroom.

Despite my objections and reservations when I bought the place, I love it here. It’s the only place I don’t have to hide.

My brothers think they know me, but I’m not sure they really do. I have a darkness in me that even I can’t control, even Da couldn’t stop me. The only person who’s ever been able to was Rory, and he’s gone.

I should have done something, I should have stopped Liam years ago, maybe then Rory would still be here.

I stew for another thirty minutes then decide I need to run and to fight. I could use the gym we all use, but I need space from them.

I grab my gym bag then head to André’s gym over in the Bronx. I can fight one of his men without people watching my every move.

Two hours later, after sparring with two of Andre’s men and showering, I jump in my car and head to the local coffee shop. Just as I pull up outside, I notice Kill’s car. I look around and see him sitting inside the coffee shop with Connor, Bella and Alex. What the fuck are they doing in this neighbourhood? I huff out a breath and consider pulling away, but just as I look up, I see Alex wave through the window. Fuck, busted.

I shut off the engine, grab my phone and keys and head into the coffee shop. Alex and Bella both get up and hug me. They aren’t yet married to my brothers, but I love them like sisters. I’ve known Bella for more than ten years, and Alex… I’m comfortable around her. My cousin and his right-hand man, J, did some horrific things to her, then sold her to a psychopath––we got her back but not before he hurt her. Another thing I feel guilty for. The security I left on her building failed to notice her making a run for it. She pulls back from our hug and gives me a knowing look, then gives a shake of her head that only I can see.

“We ordered your usual.” She smiles again then pulls me to the table to sit.

I look at Connor, then Killian, giving them a look, silently asking them what they are doing here. They look at one another then look back to me, and they both have a look of uncertainty on their faces, like they aren’t sure what to tell me. I sigh, about to let rip, when Alex speaks up.

“Just tell him, boys, or we will.”

I look at her, but she’s glaring at Connor––and Bella at Kill. I look back at my brothers, but right as I turn to look at Kill, I catch a glimpse of her, walking down the street and heading into a dump of an apartment block across the road. I feel my blood start to boil, and I look to my brothers. Sensing the tension, Alex puts her hand on mine.

“Hear them out before you lose it, Ronan, please.”

I glance at her, take a deep breath and nod, turning back to my brothers and raising an eyebrow. This better be good.

Connor looks to Kill, indicating for him to take the lead. Killian sighs then nods his head.

“The night you grabbed her at the club, told her she no longer had a job, and then ordered her to leave New York, I dropped her off in that shithole across the road.” He pauses briefly as the server brings my coffee over and fresh ones for the others. When he leaves, Killian continues.

“I followed her inside to make sure she made it to her apartment safely, only on the floor below her, she was accosted by a neighbour...”

“What the––”

“Easy, brother, let me finish. I handled the situation, but she was pissed, worried what I did would get her kicked out of the building, not that it would have been a bad thing. She told me to leave her alone and promised that she would never turn up at the club ever again, and would ensure she stayed away from you.”

He takes a sip of his coffee and Connor takes over.
