Page 12 of Ronan

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“When Kill mentioned her reaction and where she was living, we did a little digging. She is stone broke and is living in New York because this is where her little girl is.”

I look at him, confused and dumfounded as he continues.

“She lost custody around three month ago, not long after you left Chicago. The dad’s parents claimed she was an unfit mother, and because they have money and power, they won. She is allowed to visit her daughter but not have her over, and her visits are supervised.”

“Why the fuck are her visits supervised? Where is the dad?” I am so confused. I have so many questions, and I have no idea what I need answered first.

Connor looks at me, and I know he’s assessing my mood before continuing.

“The dad is in the army––he’s stationed abroad somewhere. All we can find out is that it’s classified and he cannot be contacted, although it looks like she has tried on a number of occasions. His parents have used everything against her to win––where she lived, said it was dangerous, the work she did, the fact that her hours aren’t good for the little girl, that she had no support, and she is flat broke. Their claims are unfounded, and based on what we’ve learnt, it’s all bullshit.”

Alex reaches out and rubs my arm, giving me a sad smile.

I look at Killian to see he’s watching me… he wants to tell me something.

“Spit it out.”

“I came back the next morning, bought her coffee and told her that you were an arse and that she still had a job. I would have told her the previous night, but shit went down. She told me no thanks and slammed the door in my face. I went away and came back at lunchtime, bringing Bells with me for back up. I got further this time, and she gave me ten minutes. We both tried to convince her to come back to Banna, I even offered to put her up in a better apartment, but she said it was nice to meet Bella then told me to fuck off and stay away from her, slamming the door in my face again.”

Bells laughs and kisses my brother.

“You know how my man gets when he doesn’t get what he wants. Actually, scratch that, you’re all the same. Anyway, between us, we’ve been camped out in this coffee shop since, watching her, making sure she’s okay. We figured we owed her that much after the way you treated her.”

Shit, her comment does what she intended it to do. I was a complete arsehole and they’re just trying to fix it. It’s not their place, it’s mine.

I sit back in my chair and watch the door to the apartment block she just entered while I drink my coffee. I feel like shit, I should apologise, but I can’t face her, I’m not ready.

I stand, grabbing my keys and phone from the table, then look to my brothers.

“Make sure she agrees to come back to Banna and put some damn security on her while she’s living in that dump. I gotta leave town for a couple of weeks.”

I see the disappointment in their eyes, but neither says anything. I give a short nod then leave before I do something stupid and storm her damn building.

Chapter 8


I can’t work out if I should be flattered or concerned that Ronan’s family have been watching me for the last few days. They think that I don’t know, but I’ve seen them sitting in that bloody coffee shop across the road. Actually, now that I think about it, I’m pissed. I love the coffee from there and I haven’t had any for days, trying to avoid them.

I let my anger boil a little more while I scour the internet, looking for jobs. I have an interview at a diner not far from here tomorrow, but the pay isn’t good. I’m going to have to get a second job just to cover the rent on this place.

Just as I’m about to check out an ad for a barmaid in Manhattan, my phone rings––its Dylan’s mom, great.

“Andrea, is Maddie okay?”

“Yes, Olivia, she is perfectly fine. I’m sorry but we must cancel your visit on Friday, we have a trip booked.” Her tone is clipped, leaving no room for discussion or argument, not that it stops me from trying.

“Wait, you can’t do that, this has been agreed with the courts. I want to see my little girl, please, Andrea, she needs me.”

“Look, Olivia, I have cleared it with the courts, they will also call to confirm at some point today, but they said I should also inform you. Please don’t make this any more difficult than it needs to be. I will call you tomorrow and you can talk to her for fifteen minutes. I must go. Goodbye.”

“Wait, no, please…” But it’s no use, she has already hung up. I stare at the phone, feeling lost. I have no idea what to do. I miss my baby girl so much my heart hurts. Everything is turning to shit, and I’m losing control. I know Dylan wouldn’t stand for this, but I can’t get hold of him.

“Arrrghhhh,” I scream and hurl my phone across the room. It smashes off the wall and lands on the floor in several pieces.

“Shit.” Now on top of everything else, I have to pay for a new phone.

A rapid knocking at the door pulls my focus, and I shake my head. Whoever it is can fuck off. But they persist.
