Page 19 of Say You Promise

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My hand doesn't come off her thigh for the remainder of our dinner, which we have in silence. The air between us is pulsating with sexual tension. I know deep down it doesn't bother her that my hand is on her thigh. What bothers her is that I haven't done anything more than rub lazy circles on it with my thumb. I've felt her subtly rub her thighs together, no doubt trying to relieve the ache building at her center.

Touching her is like getting a taste of the sweetest drug. Its euphoric, erotic, barely sates the carnal desires that she sparks inside me. I tried to avoid her lustful gaze as we finished our meal. I already know I won't be sleeping with her tonight, and I don't need any more enticement to push her for more and make her uncomfortable. It's taking all my self-control not to cross the line with her now.

Finishing my glass of wine, I remove my hand from her thigh to stand. The loss of contact is painfully agonizing, and I can see that it has the same effect on her as she looks over at me with a mixture of loss and need in her eyes. I quickly stand and hold my hand out for her to take so that we can leave. As much as I don't want this date to end, we can't stay in this booth all night.

When she takes my hand, I place a kiss on it before I help her out. As we leave the restaurant, my hand makes its way to her lower back, but this time she doesn't ask me to remove it. It seems my touch isn't as unbearable to her now as it was earlier tonight. The walk to my car is silent. The heat radiating from where my palm touches her back at the base of her ass is all but bringing me to my knees with desire. I want more, I need more, I must have her.

When we reach her side of the car, I know I should do the gentlemanly thing and open her door to let her in, but I can’t resist the pull I feel toward her. If I wasn’t sure she felt it too I wouldn’t make my next move. Rather than play it safe I pin her between myself and the car leaving no mistake of my intent. Her lips part in a gasp, and as I lean into her deliciously soft curves, I run my nose up the side of her neck before she starts to protest.

"August, don—"

Pressing my finger to her lips I shush her before she can tell me to stop. A part of her wants me, of that, I’m sure. She doesn’t strike me as a woman that would cower to my advances, she would push me away if she genuinely was not interested.

Pulling her hair over her shoulder I whisper into her ear, "Don't tell me to stop when we both know that's not what you want."

I let my lips lightly graze her ear before I kiss the soft spot at the base. Her body shudders against mine. She smells like coconuts and summertime, and I’m hooked. I start kissing my way along her jaw until I reach her mouth, where I pause briefly to find her eyes pleading for consent with mine own. When she drops her gaze to my mouth, I know I have it. Taking her lips in mine is like getting a taste of the sweetest drug, you know there is no way one hit will ever be enough.

Her lips are lush and filled with sin, but it's not enough. Coaxing her lips open with my tongue, I deepen the kiss and my taste buds are immediately overwhelmed with the fruity notes of the wine we've been drinking all night. My hand goes into her thick hair and it's just as silky as I imagined it would be. I wrap it around my fist and lightly tug her head back so that I have better access to her mouth. The faintest whimper escapes her throat, and I swallow it down with my own groan as I press my growing erection into her stomach.

My knee is pinned between her thighs, and I can feel her ever so slightly rock her hips on my thigh, seeking relief from her swollen clit. The thought of her pussy hot and wet for me makes me crazy. Right now, this woman wants me, and I can't help but feast on it. I want everything she'll give me.

Slowly her hands make their way to my waist, where she puts her fingers under the hem of my sweater, seeking skin but finding none. For once, I wish I wasn't such a preppy bastard wearing two shirts. What I wouldn't give to have her soft hands trailing up my bare skin right now.

I'm so incredibly turned on right now I feel a bead of pre-cum leak out of my dick. Fuck I feel like I'm back in high school trying to get to second base for the first time. I grab her ass hard with my free hand, and she full-on moans into my mouth with appreciation. She is now full-on grinding herself on my leg. I can feel her heat through her jeans, and it’s making my cock ache for release.

Breaking our kiss, I bring my lips to her neck and suck hard. Her head rolls back, and her eyes flutter shut as she continues to grind onto my thigh, lost in ecstasy. Placing both my hands on her hips, I bring her pussy down hard on my leg. No more being shy, no more hiding. I don't want there to be any mistake about who is making her feel good right now. Her beautiful green eyes meet mine, and I say, "I want that pretty pussy to come on my leg, baby."

Bringing my lips back to her mouth, I bite her plump bottom lip enough to taste the sweet tang of her blood before sucking it into my mouth. Our teeth clash as her kiss gets desperate. We can't get close enough.

Tugging on my undershirt, her hands finally find my bare skin, and she slowly rakes her nails up my back until she reaches my shoulders where she digs in, and that's when I know she's about to come. I keep one hand on her hip to keep the pace and slowly move my other hand up under her shirt. Her skin is so soft, so warm, fuck I could come just thinking about it. I trail my fingers up her stomach ever so lightly before cupping her breast through her silky bra. I pinch her nipple hard, and that sets her off. Watching her come on my leg is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Her face is flushed, the hairs framing her face are damp from exertion, and her full lips are parted as she pulls air into her lungs.

When she moans out her release, I put my mouth on hers, unable to resist the way her sexy moans vibrate through to my soul, bringing me to life. She slows her pace on my leg before reluctantly pulling out of our kiss. Her hands are still on my back under my shirt, but she brings them down to rest on my hips as she lays her head on my chest. We're both trying to calm our erratic breathing as we come out of the throes of ecstasy. Pulling her head away from my chest, she peers up at me, and for a moment, I see contentment. I place a light kiss on her lips.

"You are so incredibly beautiful."

Her eyes search mine as if looking for something before she pulls out of my embrace. I'm not ready to let her go, so I pull her back.

"Come home with me." She puts her hand on my chest to push me back, but I don't budge.

"August, we don't even know each other. I'm not coming home with you tonight."

This time I let her push me back. I stand there, chest heaving from the arousal still pumping through my system, waiting for her to meet my eyes.

"Baby, I think we're more than getting to know each other, the evidence of that is still on my leg."

She blows out a frustrated breath before turning to open her door. Once she's in, I close it and put my hands on the side of the roof to collect myself. I know if I push too hard, she'll pull away, but I know she feels the magnetism that I do.

My soul is literally calling to hers. I have never had this connection with someone in my life, and I'll be damned if I let it slip away.

I get in the car to drive her back to Reds and catch a glimpse of her expression. She looks irritated and hurt, so I grab her hand and kiss her fingertips.

"I'm sorry if asking you to come back to my place sounded presumptuous. I just don't want to let you go."

She doesn't respond. Instead, she rolls her lips and faces forward as an unspoken take me home.

The ride to Reds is drenched in silence, but all hope is not lost. I never let her hand go after I kissed it earlier and our fingers have remained intertwined the entire drive back. She hasn't pulled away from my touch, and that's how I know part of her wants me, she's fighting it, but I can be patient for now.

Once we get to her car, I release her hand and walk around to open her door. When she gets out, she smirks.
