Page 3 of Say You Promise

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Tonight, Grant has brought some craft brew from Urban Chestnut Brewing, which looks pretty good, but since I've started with whiskey, I'm going to stick with it. It's my last weekend before I start my new position at Reds on Monday, and I plan to get hammered since I'm giving up my dreams and all that.

"August, you have to try this new brew I picked up. It's their summer brew. You can taste all the orange peel, coriander, and star anise notes. I just love a good Belgian Ale." He sets the six-pack on the kitchen island before popping the top on two beers and thrusting one into my hand.

"Thanks, G! But I’m going to need you to pull back on that nerd energy tonight if we’re going to get lit.” Taken back by the comment he furrows his brows before saying, “What’s that supposed to mean bro?” My eyes shoot up at his balk.

“Oh, I don’t know you’re over here spitting lines about notes of coriander. I know you’re a Sports Med major and details are key but not when we’re trying to get fucked up.”

“Fuck you're right. My head is so not in the game. So where should we start out tonight?" He shakes his head at his oversight before taking a long pull from his beer.

Before either of us can get a word out, Ethan is spitting out his demands. "We will be going to Crushed first I told a few girls from class that we would be making the rounds tonight and they mentioned going to Crushed at 9 pm for live music, and there's a brunette with big blue eyes that I won't be mad about running into."

I swear Ethan always has some girl lined up with his dad being a big-shot mogul, but recently I thought he had a steady girl.

"What happened to that girl Andrea you were seeing? Won't she be a little pissed you're out prowling the town picking up numbers?"

Grabbing a glass to make a drink, he spots the Macallan I pulled out and proceeds to head over to the bar.

"Hey, I never said we were going steady or anything. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if she has a few guys lined up herself, girls these days always have a backup plan, and if I know her, she has someone else otherwise she'd be blowing up my phone tonight."

I shrug off his comment because his words don't take me off guard by any means. By the sound of it, Andrea is already yesterday's news.

"Well then, I guess you and G are on the market tonight, so we better do some serious pre-gaming if you guys plan on picking up any girls."

Grant lets out a deep laugh before saying, "Well, as long as you keep your pussy whipped ass away from our game, we should have a couple of girls lined up to come back here by 11!"Did he seriously just call me pussy whipped?

"Okay, Grant, you act like I sit at home wallowing because Carson decided to go away for school. In fact, it's just the opposite. I party with you assholes every weekend. Just because I'm not bringing girls home doesn't mean I'm pussy whipped. I'm pretty sure last weekend I had more girls on the dance floor than both of you combined, so fuck off!" Truth be told I’m getting tired of using my hand, but Carson should be home soon, and my problem will be more than solved.

None of us are hard to look at by any means. We can have our pick of any woman we want. Ethan is tall, pushing at least six foot three, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks like your typical male underwear model.

Grant is the complete opposite. He is built like a bodybuilder and is roughly six-foot-tall. His naturally tan skin from his Cherokee heritage is the envy of every girl we meet. If his complexion isn’t winning the ladies over his jet-black wavy hair that goes to his shoulders does the trick. I swear the women can’t resist the urge to pet him.

Then there's me. I have an inch or so on Ethan's height, brown hair that can pass as dark blonde on a good day, hazel eyes depending on how the light hits, and a boxer’s body. Growing up, I played lacrosse, but I always wanted to box. So, when I went to college, I started boxing in the evenings. Boxing is one of the few things I do for myself, and I don't plan to give it up no matter how much my father disapproves.

"Come on, August, that pretty face deserves a little sucky-sucky action from time to time, and we all know you're not getting it from Carson. Is it even cheating if you guys are on a break? She did say that you guys were taking this time "to reconnect with your inner selves," Grant gestures with finger quotes. "Maybe your inner self needs to grind on some chick at the bar tonight and get your dick wet."

As tempting as that sounds, every time the opportunity presents itself, I can't bring myself to do it, and trust me, there are many nights I wish I could. Part of me wants to move on from Carson, but I also haven't had a good enough reason to abandon ship, and now I'm two weeks away from her coming home, so it would feel all for nothing if I broke now. Plus, I’ve never been the cheating type.

"You guys know how I feel about Carson, and our so-called break, so just drop it. She is supposed to be back in two weeks, and we'll see where we stand then."

I walk around the island to grab my wallet off the counter, just as Grant shoots a beer bottle across the room into the trashcan. Lucky for him, his aim is spot on, or I'd have to kick his ass. We head to the front door of my condo and make our way downstairs to the street. I live close to all the bars, so we plan to walk tonight.

We're just walking up the street when we spot a line forming outside of Crushed. Fortunately for us, we don't wait in lines. That’s another one of the perks of Ethan's dad being a notable media mogul. Everyone knows Ethan and wants him to be seen in their establishments.

As we get closer to the bar, we hear someone calling out Ethan's name. We all turn and see a cute brunette with a pixie cut wearing a short blue dress that only enhances her huge blue eyes. This must be the girl Ethan was telling us about. When I turn back to Ethan, he has his megawatt smile on and starts walking in her direction while Grant and I follow suit.

"Megan, I was hoping I'd run into you tonight."

Megan also just so happens to have two friends with her as well. A coincidence, I think not. If I had my guess, there were more words exchanged than Ethan is letting on. Megan is way too excited to just have happened upon running into Ethan. This place is crowded. She had to have been keeping an eye out for him. Ethan pulls her aside into a big bear hug.

"Why are you guys waiting in line? Come with me. I'll get you in."

She quips up, "We all got here later than expected. We planned to get here an hour ago before the band was scheduled to start, but that didn't exactly happen."

To her credit, she did seem sincere, like she hadn't planned on Ethan's celebrity to get her into the bar tonight. That earns her points in my book. In our world, it feels like the girls we meet are always trying to be a part of our lives for what we can give them money, status, or celebrity. I think that's another reason I'm not so anxious to cut the cord with Carson. Carson's family isn't poor by any means. We both went to the same prestigious private high school and knowing she's not with me for my trust fund is a significant factor in our relationship.

Megan's red-headed friend breaks me out of my train of thought.

"You must be August. My name is Ivy." I turn to her with what I'm sure is a quizzical expression. If I want to talk to a girl I will, I hate when women come on to me. "You kind of spaced out during introductions, so I figured I'd come to save you from the group's ridicule of being completely oblivious." She is gorgeous I’ll give her that, maybe I would be interested under different circumstances, but that's not tonight.
