Page 6 of Say You Promise

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When my dad was brought onto the company at a young age, he took the bull by the horns and worked in every department. He was over the moon excited to start working with his father and carry on the family legacy, going above and beyond to make sure he knew all the ends and outs. Now that I’m starting, he expects the same from me, which is why I’m sitting in training rather than just starting at the top. What he doesn’t seem to get is that I’m a smart person and as such, I don’t need to do someone else’s job to understand it. So now I’m stuck in hell for a week.

I’m determined to find a way to get out of this. Maybe I'll just not show up the remainder of the week. I'm sure Phyllis doesn't have enough balls to tell my dad in person that I decided training week was not necessary.

The only issue with skipping out is that training was moved to the executive conference room this week. It just so happens to be in the same hallway as good ole dad's office, and right outside the Sale’s team offices where my uncle Eduard sits.

If my dad happens to be in the office this week, my presence will be missed. I could bet my inheritance on it that he'll make a special appearance just for my benefit alone. While today is the first day of the end of my life, it's the beginning for my dad. He couldn't be happier and isn't that just perfect.

The weekend was spent on a bender. If not for that, today wouldn't be half as bad as it is. After I left Ethan and Grant at Crushed, I was fucked up the remainder of the weekend. But, my god, did Mike and I get ripped. I can't remember the last time I had that much fun.

Don't get me wrong, Ethan and Grant are entertaining, but it's on a different level. Mike is a straight-up walking party. There is never a dull moment. Once we got to Smokey's and popped a few addies, it was all over from there.

We had a group of girls with us all night and ended up taking the party back to Mike's lake house. The girls were fucking hot as sin. They definitely are not the type of girls I grew up with in East Lake.

Sure, the girls where I'm from are attractive, but they're conservative attractive. Of course, they have fake tits, fake ass, fake lips, you name it, but they keep that shit covered with tight-fitting clothes that don't show too much. On the other hand, the girls this weekend were straight-up stripper hot and dressed like it.

I'm not going to lie and say I didn't let one grind up on my cock for a lap dance. I can't tell you how much I was tempted to take things to the next step. The relentless throb between my legs was begging for release. You would think I'm a saint from the amount of restraint I had shown in Carson's absence, but I'm far from it. I have my reasons beyond Carson for my choices, but the more I try to justify those, the more I just want to let it all go. Once I let her go, the next girl will be the one. Not someone my parents pick out for me, but one that I can be my authentic self with.

I didn't get back to my place until Sunday. We literally partied from Friday through Saturday. I got home Sunday afternoon and fell asleep immediately, but I haven't had enough coffee or non-alcoholic liquids to even feel human.

That's when I spot a coffee pot off to the side in the training room next to an array of pastries. Those must be for trainees, which apparently, I am. Scooting my chair back I inwardly cringe at the screech it makes as it drags along the floor from my abrupt movement. I’m fully committed to my task now so I head over to the refreshment table.

As I'm pouring my coffee, I feel the room go silent, and at that moment, I've realized all eyes must be on me. There's no good way not to look like an ass for getting up in the middle of Phyllis's talking. So, I play the cocky, arrogant, entitled prick card that is expected of me.

"Sorry, Phyllis, I noticed this subpar display of breakfast pastries and coffee and decided I wasn't sure when you would take a break from boring the class, so I thought I'd help myself. I'm sure we all survive on coffee, yet not one person has one."

The complete disdain for the situation was not lost in my tone, and judging by the shock on Phyllis's face, she couldn't believe I just spoke to her like that. Well, good, I want people to fear me. This isn't little league where everyone gets a trophy. You either make the cut, or you don't, and these assholes need to learn that on day one.

Deciding to take pity on Phyllis and her loss for words, I motion with my arm for the others to grab a coffee and return to my seat.

Phyllis finally recovers by clearing her throat and patting down her blouse.

"Yes, well, August, you couldn't be more right. I'm sorry I got swept away in the excitement of corporate policy. But as you know, I can't get enough of the Employee Handbook."

Her voice was thick with sarcasm, and her eyes seared into me with a heat that would burn me alive if she could. I shrug casually and tap my fingers on the desk absentmindedly as if the entire interaction was nothing but a mere inconvenience.

The break-in lecture gives me time to scan over the other new hires. Five guys and one girl, all of them older apart from the girl who's probably in her early twenties like me. I can't really tell because out of everyone in the class, she decided to stay seated and not take advantage of the break to grab a coffee, and her back is to me.

Her stature, clothing, and overall choice to sit in the front of the class like a good little new hire give her away. It screams I'm young and green. This is probably her first job out of college, and she wants to make a good impression. Well, jokes on her. Sitting in the front of the class to go over the employee handbook isn’t going to win you any accolades. But, to her credit, her seat choice did earn her my attention seeing as now I will spend the remainder of this stupid training week trying to crack miss goody-two-shoes.

We'refinallygrantedabathroom break. I think Phyllis is starting to pick up on my not-so-subtle queues as to when I've had enough. If she doesn't want another verbal assault to occur, she better fall in line. I've never given much thought to the type of boss that I'd be, but I'm starting to think ruling by browbeating isn't so bad.

I haven't been paying any attention to all the crap she's spewing, but I'm sure it's necessary information for the rest of these peons that I've been forced to endure hell with.

Making my way to the bathroom, I catch a glimpse of the blonde from my class walking toward the sample room, which piques my interest. However, taking a leak currently takes higher priority than following miss goody-two-shoes.

Once I've relieved my bladder, my phone pings with a text message from Carson.

Carson: Hey, I just thought I'd let you know that my return home will be delayed another week.

My blood is now boiling. Not only has she refused to answer my phone calls or respond to my texts, but now she ends her silence to let me know she isn't coming home as initially planned. I'm starting to think this relationship has an expiration date sooner rather than later. As much as I want to hold out to see how things play out, this shit is getting old.

Rounding the corner, I head down the hallway towards the training room and run smack dab into a very pretty blonde, my blonde. I catch her by the elbows to keep her from falling backward, and instantly tendrils of heat flare in my veins and head straight to my groin.

Before I have time to analyze my body's reaction to her touch, my eyes lock on her big green ones staring straight into the depths of my soul with a look filled with utter disdain. The woman couldn't be any more incensed than she is right now, all because I ran into her.

Noting her obvious discomfort, I reluctantly let her go. Now that she's standing in front of me, I notice she's not at all the mousy girl I pegged her for while staring at the back of her head for the past two hours. No, she is drop-dead gorgeous, and I can tell by the way she carries herself that she is entirely blind to the fact.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I was hoping to steal a peek at the show samples before class started back up, and I guess I got a little too excited." Show samples? What the fuck is she talking about? Who even cares?
