Page 7 of Say You Promise

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"Well, if you're okay, I'll just be on my way. Again, sorry."

Before I can even put together a response, I'm watching her perfectly plump ass walk away. What the hell was that? Girls never render me speechless, especially ones that work for me. And why the hell did she look so mad when she ran into me?

This training just got a whole lot more interesting. I need to know this girl. I need to know everything about her. I’ve just found my newest obsession.

Surprise-surprise,I'mthefirstone back to the conference room. Hell, I'm even shocked. But running into my mystery woman gave me a whole new take on this week. Maybe it's the hangover talking, and by tomorrow I'll be over whatever the hell feelings I stumbled upon by running into her in the hallway, or perhaps I won't.

Everyone is starting to file back into the class when she walks over to the snack table and grabs a granola bar. I can't help but take the time to admire her perfect body. The temptress has an athlete's body like she played sports in college. She has lean muscular legs that make me think she was a dancer, a toned stomach, and fit arms. While her breasts aren't huge, they're perfect. I'm so tired of fake tits and seeing them on the smaller side assures me they're real, and that's ideal.

Before making her way back to her seat, she tosses her long dark blonde hair over her shoulder and quickly glances in my direction. As fast as our eyes connect, they disengage as if she was disturbed by the fact that I happened to catch her glancing my way. We will have to fix that because her ignoring me just won't do. I get what I want, and right now, I want her.

Just as Phyllis begins to make her way up to the front, I clear my throat.

"Phyllis, I believe you mentioned introductions at the start of class, but we never got around to it. Maybe now is a good time. I sure wouldn't mind a break in the monotony."

"That's a great idea. I completely forgot. Would you mind doing us the honors of starting off?" I should have seen that coming.Damn it.

"Well, I wouldn't want to be rude. I insist ladies first."

Stealing a glance at my mystery woman, I notice her cheeks flush, and her spine straightens. Well, now isn't that something? A moment ago, she was all too confident in the hallway, and now she seems so much less assured of herself. Serves her right. She should know her place.

"Gianna dear, you don't mind going first?" So, my mystery woman not only has a name but a beautiful name. From where I sit I can see her twisting her hands together nervously on her lap before she brings them up and lays them flat on the desk to respond.

"No problem, Phyllis, my name is Gianna Moretti. I've been working here part-time for the past few months in the afternoons, but I was recently brought on full-time to work in the Sample Room for the summer. I'm excited to be a part of the team and start my next chapter."

When she finishes, her eyes quickly catch mine one last time. It was so fast that I would have missed it if I had blinked. I think I make her uncomfortable, which is perfect. I don't want her to see me coming.

"Thanks, Gianna. We are excited to have you with us full-time. Ryan, would you like to go next?"

Phyllis is sure to go around the entire room and end with me. I suppose since I opted out of going first, she decided I would go last. Little did she know I have no reservations about going last. After all, don't people always save the best for last?

"Well, it was nice to formally meet all of you, and I'm hopeful that you all will be value-added to Reds. My name is August Barron Branson IV. I will be working in the Marketing department as the head of new business ventures in branding."

Once I dropped my name, I think everyone in the room stopped breathing, including Phyllis, and she knew who I was all along. I'm not a name-dropper in general, and it's not like my family is world-renowned or anything, but when I'm here, people obviously know the Branson name. Wanting to make sure everyone takes a breath, I try to make light of the moment.

"Don't worry, guys. I don't have the power to fire you."Not yet anyway.

That earned me a few half-smiles and some nervous chuckles, but hey, at least everyone took a breath. My girl has yet to look my way again, but she will. I will make sure of that. I found a treasure in Gianna, and I plan to make her mine.



Ohmygod!AmI really in training with August Barron Branson IV? That explains Phyllis's cryptic statement earlier about how this class would be entertaining. Not that I expected a heads up or anything, but it would have been greatly appreciated. I wouldn't have been so rude to him when I ran into him in the hallway.

Before I knew who he was, I thought he was some punk not taking his new job or training seriously. I still believe that he is a jerk. However, he is the next owner, so maybe I shouldn’t be quick to judge.

Maybe he's just having a bad day, and he's not as big of a douche as he's making himself out to be, or maybe he is simply a proud narcissist. Regardless, who talks to Phyllis that way? She's like a lovely old grandma, and I would never speak to my grandmother that way. Now that I'm thinking about it, he deserves the cold shoulder I gave him. If he can't respect his elders or the people who keep this company running, why should I show him respect? He did say he doesn't have the power to fire us, so I think I'm in the clear.

I need to make sure I stay off his radar. If I face forward in class and watch where I walk in the hallways, that shouldn't be terribly difficult. Technically I'm the summer help, so I don't need to get on anyone's bad side, especially not the owner's son. I just wish I wasn't so affected by him. That would make ignoring him a lot easier.

Before I even ran into him in the hallway, I could feel his eyes on me during class. I swore when he walked into the class, he took all the air in the room with him, and I haven't been able to calm down since. What I haven’t been able to figure out is where all these feelings are coming from.

Now, as I sit here watching some training video on workplace safety, my mind is a million miles away. All I can think about is the instant electricity that ran through my body when he grabbed my arms in the hallway. Scents of cedar-wood and leather quickly enveloped my senses, but I could also smell hints of alcohol. Normally that would be a turn-off, but his devilishly good looks easily make up for the questionable scent.

Don't even get me started on the man's eyes. He has the most velvety smooth shade of caramel eyes I've ever seen. Taking a step back from him was by far the most challenging step I've ever taken, and that's just ridiculous.

It was the strangest thing being that close to him. Like some kind of magnetic energy was pulling us together, and the longer I stood next to him, the more I was lost to it. I had to truly focus on the fact that I had never met this man, and we in no way had any sort of relationship to warrant the butterflies swarming in my stomach or the fast-paced beating of my heart.
