Page 8 of Say You Promise

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My brain was indeed the only functioning part of my person since my traitorous body saw no reason to flee. I've never felt that type of pull to anyone in my life. Sure, I've dated, and I have Mason, but never have I been so enticed, so drawn in. No, this is bad, so bad, seeing as how we will be co-workers, and in the long run, he would be my boss.

I've mentally checked out of the training session since we've returned to class, and I'm sure we just covered how workplace romances are forbidden.

This could be a total disaster if I don't watch myself. This job is so important to me. I need this job. So much is riding on me making good money this summer to pay for college and get my own place. I can't let some little crush, if you could even call it that stand in the way. So, it's settled. In fact, I'll make sure to alleviate some of this built-up tension tonight. Quickly glancing behind me over my left shoulder, I see that Phyllis is distracted, so I take a moment to pull out my phone and text Mason.

Me: Hey, are you busy tonight?

Mason: You know I'm never too busy for you babe.

Me: What time do you get off work?

Mason: I'm off at 4 today. Didn't you start your new job today? I can pick you up. We can get something to eat.

I forgot Mason works in the area. He started helping his dad with his IT company a few months ago. Mason was a year ahead of me in school and is almost done with his IT degree. Seriously he is one of the most brilliant guys I know. I'd rather not leave my car and have to come back, but if he's already out this way, I'll let him pick me up now instead of driving to my house later.

Me: Yes, I started today. See you at 4 unless things change.

Mason: Nope, you're stuck with me tonight, no take-backs!

Mason and I met through my best friend, Vivian. Vivian was the first friend I made when my family moved to Arrowhead from California. We've been friends since we were six years old. When we were ten years old, her family moved a town away, which meant I only got to see Vivian on weekends when our parents would carpool us to see each other. That's how I met Mason.

Mason was Vivian's new neighbor. The first time I met Mason, I thought he was cute, but the more we hung out together, the more I was drawn to him. When everyone started having boyfriends in middle school, I would claim him as my boyfriend. He didn't go to my school, so he was none the wiser about the label I had put on our relationship from a young age. Eventually, I fessed up, and he said he had done the same thing with my name a time or two.

We have never discussed what we were or if we were technically anything outside of that confession. But, as we got older my feelings changed and one night at a party I got ballsy and decided to kiss him, and what do you know, he liked it.

I think he knew for a while that I had been crushing on him, but we had been friends for so long that I think he had reservations about changing our dynamic. What if things didn't work out? Would we still be friends?

I'm not going to lie and say that didn't cross my mind as well, but you can spin the 'what if' card however you like to fit your narrative. What if we didn't work out was one way to look at it. Or what if we were the most incredible love story to ever exist is another way.

Either way, after that first kiss, we became each other's first for many other things. Well, PG things anyway. For as much as I like Mason, I'm not in love with Mason. I could be if I thought he'd want that. While I'm comfortable with him and have given him many of my firsts, I've never been ready to go further. I've wanted to believe me. Mason is very attractive in a hot geek kind of way. He has blonde hair, alluring blue eyes framed by what I call his "Clark Kent" glasses, and a slender, muscular physique.

I've never asked him about other girls, nor has he asked me about other guys. He could potentially be saving himself, but I highly suspect that’s not the case. Most people my age are not virgins, but for me, it’s a choice. Or maybe that’s just the lie I tell myself so that I don’t have to deal with the feelings that come after being with someone intimately. Lord knows I have enough emotional baggage as it is without adding that complication. At the end of the day, Mace has always been my safe place, and if he's content with how things are, so am I.

Lunchtimehasfinallyrolledaround, and Phyllis has dismissed the class. We are only given thirty minutes for lunch during training. Once we are in our positions, we will be allowed to take an hour. I make sure I am the first one out of the door, which isn't too difficult, seeing as how I'm sitting next to it. I'm also making it my mission to have no further accidental run-ins with August.

I power walk to my car at a pace that could almost be considered a slow jog. To any onlooker, I probably look ridiculous, but I don't care I just need to get away. I need to breathe, clear my head, recenter myself, and that cannot happen if I am in the same vicinity as August. Climbing into my car, I quickly throw my purse in the passenger's seat, buckle myself in and head out.

We don't have very long, so I decide to head down the street to Grinders. It's a small coffee shop right down the street from Reds. From what I've noticed over the past few months, not many people who work at Reds come here. There's not that much down this way in terms of shopping or places to eat. So, coffee and a pastry will be perfect. I can't imagine eating a heavy lunch with my stomach being in knots over today's events.

Standing in line to order my coffee, I pull my phone out of my purse and lazily scroll through emails. I'm quickly pulled out of the menial task when the hairs on the back of my neck rise and heat envelopes my back. I don't even have a chance to turn around before that unmistakable voice asks.

"How do you like your coffee?"

I gasp, wholly startled, and caught off guard. I mean, out of all the people to run into at Grinders, why him?

"Um, you really don't have to do that, but thanks for offering." With a smirk, he responds, "Who said I was offering?"

Oh my god, could that be any more embarrassing? Why would I assume he wanted to buy me a coffee? On second thought, what a jerk. Why would he ask me such a question if that wasn't his intent? Maybe lead with, "What's good here?"

"I'm sorry, I just assumed anyway. I usually have a latte and a pastry, not really one for ordering a big lunch."

God, I sound so lame. Why am I so nervous around this guy? It's like my brain forgets how to form sentences. Finally, it's my turn to order next, but before I can step up to the counter to order, August has placed his hand on my lower back and has stepped around me.

"I'll take two lattes and two cinnamon scones."

I haven't even finished processing the fact that he just took an awkward moment and turned it into an unbelievably sexy gesture. Not to mention his hand on my back has sent warmth straight to my center in ways I've never felt before. He keeps it there as he guides me over to the side to wait for our order, but when he removes it, I can't help but feel unsettled from the loss.

"Thank you for that. Like I said before, you really didn't need to pay for my lunch." I’m fiddling with my purse strap trying to compute this entire encounter. For a minute I think he might actually be decent but then he had to go and open his mouth.
