Page 31 of Say It's Me

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"Insurance, of course. I had to play the devoted fill-in mom card and act like I was the better parent. You already know I was your dad’s third wife. I knew one day he would inherit his parents' money and I was going to be there for it. You my dear were my golden ticket. Whenever he would consider divorce, I would play the ‘loyal mom’ card. The only problem was he left you everything.”

Maybe dad was onto her all along. I found it strange that he left me as the sole beneficiary, but seeing as how Maria isn't my real mom, things are starting to add up. It's possible he never really loved Maria but thought I needed a mother figure around. Maybe he left me everything because I was the only thing that was a part of him. Well, besides Elio—however, Elio wasn't born when this deal was made. Elio came years later, and since he thought he lost his investment it makes sense that it was never amended. Which leaves the question?

"Is Elio my brother?"

Maria’s eyes dart to Ethan before she responds. My heart immediately drops because I know whatever answer she’s about to give me will be complete bullshit. That’s her tell. When she lies, she can never look you in the eye.

"Unfortunately, yes, Elio is Mario's son. A drunken mistake that I tried to abort only to fail multiple times."

Before I have time to swallow those harsh words, a lot of things happen simultaneously, and I wish like hell the next thirty seconds could have played out differently. But what’s life if not a series of imperfect moments scattered throughout our short lives, set as reminders of the things we endured that either broke us or built us.

That day, I lost my first love, I let go of my hate, and I embraced my new reality—I just wish I could have been there for it.

No sooner than Ethan lets his guard down for me, the front door swings open with August barging in. His eyes go wide when he sees Maria pointing a gun in my direction. Immediately he tackles me to the floor right as a gunshot goes off.

On cue, my body starts to get clammy, my chest tightens, and I start to feel lightheaded. I hear myself murmur August’s name before everything goes black.



Onthedrivetothe golf course, all I could think about was how I hated leaving Gianna. Something about leaving her felt off, and when she mentioned her reservations about Ethan, I couldn't deal, so I left. My dad started texting me on the drive over to Mason's. He wanted me to call him immediately. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I also needed answers only he could provide.

The phone only rings once before he answers, "August, what the hell is going on. Why are you working with John? Does this have anything to do with Carson? What have you gotten yourself into son?"

Fuck, that's a lot to unpack. First, I could have sworn there was something called client confidentiality. I know he and John are good friends, but damn. I'm not surprised he knows about Carson. Our families are close. After all, our parents are the reason we ever dated.

"Dad, God, no, I had nothing to do with Carson's unfortunate death, and I'm not the one in need of John's services. Is that all you called me for? To make sure I wasn't bringing shame to the family name?" I grit my teeth to clench back my annoyance so that I don’t say something I’ll regret.

"August, why would you ever say something like that? You need to understand how this looks from my perspective. John sends me a heads-up text that he's helping you with something on the same morning that Carson's mom calls to tell me that there was an accident and Carson has passed. Then, to top it off, I find out you weren't in the office this week." I can't blame him. That all does seem very suspect.

"Dad, Carson and I hadn't been dating for the past six months. The only reason she attended your fundraiser with me was because you and the Bradburys orchestrated it. I wasn't going to rock the boat for you on your big night."

I don't answer his question regarding work because this isn't the time to tell him that I won't be going back or that I was tied up in Carson's basement for the past week. I'm praying he's too occupied with the other events to notice.

"Well, I'm disappointed to hear that, but I suppose it doesn't matter anyway, seeing as how she is no longer with us. You know we always liked Carson for you, but I didn't know you weren't happy with her. How about we get lunch together on Monday when I'm in the office?"

I'm not sure what he's playing at with the Carson card, so I stay silent while trying to figure out his angle. Maybe the fact that she's dead has him biting his tongue because there's not really anything he can do to salvage the relationship, but I know damn well what I've said very much displeases him. For a split second, I think maybe I've read him wrong all these years and put unnecessary stress on myself, but then he says, "Well, I guess since the two of you haven't been seeing each other for a while now, it's not too soon to set you up with the Carmichaels’ daughter." And there it is. This is why I never second guess myself.

My gut instinct is never wrong. I knew he was trying to find a way to slip in his agenda, and now I know what my following words must be. I'm not embarrassed by Gianna my any means. In choosing her, I'm choosing myself, so I know when I tell my dad I have a girlfriend and it's her, I'm also done with everything else. From here on out, it's my life. I won't be running the family business, I won't be living on the right side of the highway and I sure as hell am done with all the pretentious keeping up with the Joneses shit my parents make me attend at their beck and call.

"Dad, thanks but no thanks. Not only am I capable of finding my own girlfriend, but I also have one. Look, dad, I really need to get off the phone."

I don't immediately say who it is because I need to catch him off guard. Deep down, I don't think my dad had anything to do with this mess the Morettis are in, but since Maria worked for my family for so long, I can't just turn my head. If there was evidence, I have no doubt Mason would have found it. While I never voiced my concern out loud, I know that his interest is in protecting Gianna. I'm more than confident that he's explored every secret he thinks I might have to find something to hold above my head and bring her back to him. But I need to hear this from my dad myself, nonetheless. I know I hooked him with that last line. He wants to know who it is, but because he feels rushed that I'll hang up, I'll know by the tone of his voice if he has any reservations about Gianna Moretti.

"Well, who is it, and when do we get to meet her?" I can tell he's taken back and surprised. He would never say I couldn't date someone, but I know the type of woman he wants me with, and it's not someone with Gianna's background.

"Actually, you know her. I've been seeing Gianna Moretti for a few weeks now."

"Gianna? I thought she was dating Ethan Grand since she was on his arm at the fundraiser."

There was no pause between my last breath and my dad's response. He didn't stumble over his words, there was no audible gasp, and his questioning of her involvement with Ethan sounds truly genuine. This leads me to believe he has nothing to do with the mess Gianna is in with Robert and Eduard.

So, I lie to save face. "Since I was previously committed to bringing Carson, Ethan brought Gianna as a friend." My dad doesn't need to know about any of this drama, and I don't want to give him any more reasons not to like her.

"As long as you're happy, son, that's all that matters. Gianna is a beautiful woman, which makes you a lucky man. Your mother is going to want to meet her. Maybe you guys can come by for dinner next weekend?" I am completely shocked by the outcome of this conversation. It makes me think I've misread my parents all these years, but I know that's not the case. Either way, I don't have time to dwell on it because just as I'm about to hang up the phone, he says, "Oh, and August, don't think I haven't noticed how you avoided my questions about work. I expect to see you for lunch on Monday." I don't even have a chance to reply before he hangs up on me.Damn it.

I pull up alongside Grant's car just as he steps out. He comes in for a pound hug before saying, "You must have really fucked up with Ethan because I couldn't persuade him to meet up. What's with you guys lately? It can't really be over that girl." Before he finishes the sentence, I'm rounding my car to get back in.
