Page 20 of Unplugged

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“Doesthat kid fall asleep every time she goes out in the car?” I mutter as we arrive in the town.

“I’ll wake her up, and then you can drop us at the top of the street.”

Not wanting to miss my planned opportunity to talk, I pull up at the edge of the car park, beneath the stark winter branches of the beech trees. Cerys makes to get out of the car but I place a hand on her arm before she can.

“Let’s deal with this, Cerys. We’re staying in the same house for Christmas and I’m uncomfortable about you getting shitty with me because I kissed you.”

Cerys looks sharply over her shoulder at Ella. “Liam! I’ve asked you not to swear when Ella’s around.”

“She’s asleep.” I push on. “Look, sorry if kissing me was a mistake but it happened.”

“Liam, this is wrong. We’re wrong. You’re engaged to someone else.”

“No, I’m not. The engagement’s off.”

Cerys’s mouth parts in surprise. “Oh. Okay. Louise never said.”

“Lou doesn’t know. Honey had an affair. I broke off the engagement and came back to Wales.” The words are stiff; she’s the first person I’ve told.

Cerys’s eyes soften, searching mine as if looking for a hurt she can acknowledge. “I’m sorry, Liam. That’s horrible.” She pauses. “No wonder you’re looking for something to take your mind off her.”

“I’m not. Don’t put yourself down. I’m attracted to you; I kissed you. I sure as hell don’t intend on dragging you to bed and using you. If you still knew anything about me, you’d know I don’t behave like that.”

Cerys studies her hands. “Okay, sorry. Let’s forget about all this.”

“If that’s what you want,” I say, irritation still tingeing my tone.

“I get that you’re hurting. I’m hurting too. We won’t find a solution to that with each other, will we?” Cerys shifts in her seat to face me and in the small space of the car, her perfume triggers the memory of her lips on mine yesterday. The soft lips I stare at and no longer hear any more of what she’s saying.

“I like you,” I blurt.


“I like you. Well, I could elaborate, but I don’t want slapping.”

Cerys’s response is interrupted by the sound of Ella’s coat rustling and her mumbling. I look over at the bleary-eyed girl.

“Are we there? Where’s Santa?” Ella struggles with her child restraint.

Cerys chews her bottom lip, and then shakes her head slightly before climbing out of the car. As she frees her daughter from the car seat, I lean over so I can see Cerys’s face.

“Don’t forget to ask Santa what you want for Christmas,” I say to Cerys.

Cerys laughs and doesn’t reply.

“I want Santa to bring Daddy for Christmas,” announces Ella.

I turn away and look out of the window in case Cerys’s eyes fill with tears. Crying women will be the death of me.
