Page 87 of Unplugged

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“The kid! You’re real daddy material!” He snorts and drinks.

“She’s part of Cerys’s life, man, so she’s part of mine.”

“Mmm-hmm.” A bowl of corn chips resta on the table in front and Dylan grabs a handful. “I never thought I’d see you with Cerys Edwards.”

“Yeah, I never thought I’d see you stick with one girl. I guess we’re both full of surprises.”

“Touché. So you’re serious then?”

“I think so. Well, I am.” I take my beer and drink.

“Is Cerys the reason for the wedding disaster?” continues Dylan, shovelling more chips into his mouth.

“Not beating around the bush, are you?” I retort.

Sky reappears with a bottle of red wine, face flushed. I know enough about Sky to spot when she’s drunk too much wine “What’re you talking about?” she asks.

“Liam’s wedding.”

Sky’s eyes widen. “Are you getting married again?” I open my mouth to retort and she puts a hand over hers. “I mean a real one.” She shakes her head. “Crap, I mean one you’ll stay for.”

“Sky, you’re drunk and digging a hole,” says Dylan and laughs. “I asked if Cerys was the reason for the last disaster.”

“Can we not discuss my personal life?” I snap. “What about you guys? Set a date yet?” I’m secretly pleased by their shifting looks and lack of response. Ha.

“No,” says Dylan eventually.

Sky pours a glass and takes a long drink without replying.

Silence. Great, my attempt at a comeback is a conversation killer.

“I like Cerys,” says Sky. “Hang onto her.”

“I intend to.”

“But don’t scare her. Your life is a world away from hers, especially with Ella in the picture.”

“I know.” I’m irritated by their continued intrusion into my personal life.

“I’m just speaking from experience, Liam.”

Dylan rubs Sky’s shoulders and hugs her close; she snuggles into him and kisses his arm. Their love is obvious to everyone around. Could I ever have that with Cerys?

Cerys reappears and with her, the absolute certainty we can. She only has to enter a room I’m in, and the world retreats to me and her. I love Cerys, and when we’re apart, everything inside aches for her in a frightening way I haven’t experienced before.

She crosses to us and sits on my lap, resting her head on mine, in a way as natural as I see in the other couple with us. I nudge her neck, she smells of roses and chlorine from the pool. Of Cerys and home. I hold her tight and bury my face into her warm skin, wishing we could live here forever and never let her go back to Wales.
