Page 136 of Mountain Road

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He looked delighted, then sickened. “You really told, hm?”

“I did.” I pursed my lips primly. “Ruby accused you of clitoral abuse.”

He barked out a laugh and hugged me close. “I hope you at least told her I made it up to you.”

“I haven’t.” I smirked, then grinned. “But I probably will.”

He shook his head in mock dismay.

I looked down. “I have something for you.”

His eyebrows arched, and he grinned. “Another present?”

“Sort of. I drew something for you.”

He palmed his chest. “You made it? Let’s see it. I can’t wait.”

I smoothed my palms down over my thighs and went out to my car to get his gift. It occurred to me, far too late, that giving someone art for their house was incredibly presumptuous. It’s not like he could hide it in a closet. Where else could he put it if not in the house. Does he have a mancave?

“Darling, do you have a mancave?” I walked into the house with the wrapped canvases under my arm.

“My mancave exists only in the dream realm.” He followed me into the family room.

I sat down on the couch with the canvases on my lap. “Okay, it’s not necessary for you to hang these up. Wall art is incredibly personal, and I won’t be at all offended if it doesn’t suit you. Maybe it’ll be good for when your mancave crosses dimensions.”

“Baby, just give it to me.”

I set the three canvases down on his lap and twisted my hands together on my lap.

“Does it matter which one I open first?”

“No. As soon as you see one, you’ll know what it is.” It was in fact a triptych. Three narrow canvases which when hung together forming one large square.

The first piece he unwrapped showed Barrett, resting on his back foot and looking down at his guitar. The second piece showed Lenny and Bax. Bax standing sideways to the crowd, Lenny facing forward with one stick spinning. The third featured Lucky, legs braced, the ropey muscles of his forearms straining, dimples on full display.

It was good. Objectively, it was technically excellent, but it also contained movement and you could almost hear it. That didn’t mean he wanted his band hanging in his living room.

He cleared his throat, then covered his mouth with his fist.

I watched his face. “You like it.”

He cleared his throat. “I love it. I’ve never received a better gift. The fact that it came from your precious hands…” He petered off, then lay the canvases out on the coffee table, side-by-side and stared at them. “You are so talented. Thank you, baby.”

He stood up, tucked his fingers into his back pockets, and continued to study them. Finally, he turned his head and took me in, his eyes sweeping down to my hands before returning to my face.

With one finger, he separated my twisting fingers. “You’re everything I never knew I wanted and far more than I deserve.” Turning, he folded both my hands in his. “I’m going to make you so damn happy.”

For the first time, his light didn’t hurt my eyes and I didn’t feel the need to look away.

“You do, darling. You truly do.”


I woke up shortly after three to find Minty swinging her legs off our bed. “Baby, where are you going?”

She froze and turned to face me. “I’m going to check on the baby. I’ll be right back.”

I sat up and pushed myself back against the headboard. “What are you checking for exactly?”

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