Page 34 of Needing Daddy

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“Well, I’d better go... Thanks again for today, David,” she said and opened the car door.

He made no attempt to stop her. She walked to her pathway to turn and wave. Reflection on his windshield hid him from her view. She bounced up the path and let herself into the house.I must text Allie...

* * *

Shaking his head inan attempt to clear it, David put the car into gear. After a glance in the rear-view mirror, he drove away. It was no good, he needed to think. He drove to Kenwood Park on the edge of Hampstead Heath, and parked up.

Walking between the borders of flowers, he barely registered the blaze of colour as he tried to come to terms with his emotions. His reaction when Penny admitted she was a little shocked him. Perhaps he’d been deluding himself that he could act like a big brother toward her?

He had always envied his friend Mark the relationship he had with Emily. True, David liked submissive women and dated strong young women, but they liked to be submissive in the bedroom—nowhere else. Secretly he harboured a yearning for a woman he could actively nurture and protect, but he’d quashed that desire due to a bad experience early on in his training.

Not long after he’d completed training as a dominant at a London club, he’d taken on a girl with age-play tendencies. At first their roles had worked perfectly, Leah fitted his desire for his own little lady, and she loved him playing the role as her daddy. Their relationship worked well until he discovered that she wanted nothing else in her life. Leah didn’t want to think for herself at all. It soon became obvious that she didn’t even want to work. She wanted to be kept by her daddy, with every detail of her life decided by a daddy dom. It wasn’t what David was looking for. He wanted to have the fun of nurturing a little, but he needed a partner too; a woman who could enjoy adult activities with him as a submissive woman.

He lost trust in his own judgement regarding women who wished to indulge in age-play. From then on he stuck to dating submissives, women capable of running their own lives without the need for his input. Meeting Penny had reopened his latent desire for a woman to become his very own little. Finally David admitted that he’d repressed any sexual attraction he felt toward Penny by making himself see her as some kind of sisterly relation. He snorted; who was he kidding? He stared across the lake, idly following the progress of a family of ducks.

It had shaken him to discover Penny had age-play tendencies. The fact his forgotten friend, Mike, knew that his sister was a little, and yet knowing this he had sent her tohim, seemed provident. Could he make a relationship work with her?

Walking on, David planned out in his mind what he should say to Penny. Where he could take her for their first date, one idea tumbled over another, and as his thoughts formulated, so his walking pace increased. Briskly, he headed back to his car. A strategy became clear, which added a spring to his step.

* * *

“Squee!” Penny squealedand shoved the front door shut with her bottom. Rushing into the bedroom, she spun in a twirl. Lightness and joy filled her for the first time since she’d discovered herself in a different world to her own. Today had been a major breakthrough. Suddenly there was hope of regaining something of her old life. Perhaps even a better life. Oh, what did she care, so long as she was with her daddy?

She spun around one more time and flopped onto the bed staring at the ceiling. She had to go slow, let David set the pace; she mustn’t rush him, or scare him off by being too pushy. It would be hard not to force the relationship forward but she could lose him if she didn’t let him do the chasing. He was a dominant, he was David; she must remember that.

Her fingers pressed against her lips where he’d kissed her. She recalled the caress of his lips; feather light, a kiss directly on the lips. His eyes had glittered; it was as though he was finally seeing the real her, recognising a kindred spirit.

Her hand stiffened. She frowned. How could she have forgotten that he might be seeing someone? The one thing she was sure of was David’s integrity, in this life and the other. He was an honourable man; David once told her he never dated more than one woman at a time. Still, the thought he might be playing with other women at his club was unsettling.

Penny got up and moved into the kitchen. Flicking on the kettle, she brooded as she waited for it to boil. Should she send him a text, a thank you for today perhaps? Agitated and unsure, her fingers drummed the work surface. She made her Earl Grey tea and took it into the living room. Curled on the couch, she looked at her phone and chewed her bottom lip indecisively.

Her phone sang. It was if she’d conjured him to call.

“Hi,” she answered quietly.

“Did I hear that a certain little lady lost her stuffy?” David asked.

“You did,” she laughed softly, her heart clenching with love for him.

“How would you like a trip to the Build-A-Bear factory shop on Saturday? I want to replace your misplaced friend; it will be my treat.”

“Oh, David, you don’t have to do that! You have been so good to me already,” she protested.

“That’s settled then. I’ll pick you up at eleven. I have a portfolio ready for you to read through.”

“Huh?”What is he talking about?

“Your investment portfolio. See you Saturday morning; be a good girl!”

Penny’s toes curled at his final remark. Then his words sank in; she stared at her phone. Shit, she’d forgotten all about her original ploy to get his attention. Now what was she supposed to do? There was no large amount of money for her to invest. Although... Everyone had a different perception of rich. Her thoughts gathered momentum. She’d noticed in her rummaging through her other self’s accounts that she had fifty thousand pounds in a savings account. It could be enough. Penny shrugged. It had to be.

The phone began singing again. She snatched it up without looking at the screen. “Hi, David?”

“No, it’s me. How did today go?”

“You won’t believe it, Allie, he kissed me!”

“Kissed you?”

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