Page 49 of Making Time for Us

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My dad laughs then replies, “Oh, they were wonderful, as always.” Then he turns to hug me.

“Hi, Dad. Thanks for having the kids over.”

“Any time. You know we love these little squirts.” He puts Camden in a loose headlock in his chair.

“Papa!” Camden wiggles out of his arms with a huge grin on his face.

“How was your sleepover with Nana and Papa?” I ask the table.

“It was fun,” Jonathan says as he stands to take his plate to the sink.

“We watched a documentary on bears last night! The baby bear almost gets eaten by a wolf, but don’t worry, he doesn’t,” Camden shares.

“Oh, that’s good! I wouldn’t want the momma to lose her baby bear.” I lean down to kiss his little cheek.

“Hun, I’m going to go get the kids’ bags for them,” my dad says to my mom. “We packed them this morning because we always forget something. Getting old, your parents.” He laughs at his joke.

“You don’t look a day over thirty-five,” I say as he walks past me, and I kiss him on the cheek.

“Hey, kiddos. Mom and I have a surprise for you. Who wants to go to the pool? It’s a beautiful day and we packed your suits.” Marco holds up a bag we brought with their suits and towels as a chorus of approval and excitement rings out. “Let’s get you all changed. Follow Papa and you can change and then grab your bags.”

Marco leads the kids to their room, leaving my mom and me alone.

“You look happy today, darling,” my mom says and then her smile disappears behind the cup of tea she’s sipping.

“Yeah, I am happy. Thanks again for having them for a sleepover. It was so nice to spend time alone.”

“It was our pleasure. What did you end up doing?” she questions.

“We went to the bowling alley and played video games all night like we were eighteen again.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“Yeah, it was.” I nod.

We stand in silence for a moment before she locks eyes with me again, “You seem different lately.”

“Yeah? I feel diff—”

“Mommy! Mommy! Look at my butterfly bathing suit!” Liliana shouts as she runs into the room, and I shift my attention to her.

“It’s beautiful, sweetheart. You guys ready to go?”

The rest of the family appears, my dad and Marco with bags in their hands. They all nod and we head out to the car.

My mom stops me on the way out and kisses my cheek again. “Let’s have lunch next week.”

“I’d really like that.”

“Good, text me a day that works.”

“I will. I love you, Mom. Thanks again.”

Chapter 19

Sexual Fantasies


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