Page 15 of Step Monster

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But Astrid had already helped me, or I guess helped me to help myself. It made me wonder if maybe I should talk to her about my feelings for Trevor. Maybe she could help me work through my confusion and fear.

It was too new, though. Too fresh. I wasn’t sure what I would even say, so I just fell back on old, comfortable habits and said nothing.

Besides, doctor patient confidentiality aside, it was a small town and things had a way of getting around. And I had a feeling that admitting I was falling in love with my stepbrother was one of those things that would rip through Fayshore like a brush fire in a drought.

Best to wait until I actually knew what was happening before I opened a can worms I couldn’t close again.

“Okay,” Astrid said finally. “I’ll see you next week then.”

“Thanks.” I hopped to my feet and walked out into the parking lot. My ride wouldn’t be back for a little while, but that was fine. The evening was cool and pleasant, and I didn’t mind sitting on the sidewalk in the fresh air.

A soft breeze blew across me and my heart started to hammer in my chest as the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and gooseflesh broke out over my arms.

Something was wrong.

It felt as if my beast were clawing at my insides, desperate to be let free even though the full moon wasn’t for weeks yet.

“Don’t,” I pleaded with it, closing my eyes and trying to gain control over the need to shift. “Please.”

But it was no use. My joints started popping as bones reshaped themselves and my conscious mind was pushed aside as the panther broke free and propelled my body into the woods behind the clinic.

I ran blindly, the scent of dumpster water flooding my snout, getting closer and stronger the further I ran. It was enough to turn my stomach, but the beast seemed anxious to reach it.

“No!” I screamed in my head. What if this was the thing that Trevor had been chasing? Why the hell would my panther want to find it? “Please, we have to turn back.”

But the beast wasn’t interested.

My body crashed through the trees, skidding on loose rocks and slamming against limbs, but not slowing until the smell was overpowering and my body spasmed and skidded to a stop in front of a massive black panther that was sitting on it’s haunches as if waiting for me.

“Celia,” he hissed, his green eyes shining and glowing in the darkness that surrounded us. “It’s time to come home.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I spat, forcing my mind to take over the beast, who wanted nothing more than to follow this creature wherever it wanted us to go.

“Still stubborn,” he teased. “How did that work out for you last time?” He shook his head as he stood and padded closer to me. “I’ve come a long way to gather my children and bring you back to the pack. You never should have run. I will always find you.”

“We have to fight him,” I begged my beast in my head. “Please work with me here.”

“Poor little Celia,” the panther taunted as he began circling me. “Always running off and getting yourself into trouble.” He made a tsking sound between his teeth. “When will you learn to stop fighting? Fighting will only make things worse for you.”

His words hit me like a brick between the eyes. It was the same thing my father used to say to me. Two weeks ago, those words would have shattered me. But tonight…tonight they just pissed me off.

And the beast right along with me.

I snarled at the panther that had tried to ruin my life and lunged forward, my teeth bared and mouth open as I launched myself at his throat, sinking my fangs deep into his flesh.

He roared with anger and shook me off him, sending my body flying and slamming into a tree trunk before I hit the ground hard on my side.

“You can’t beat me,” he roared. “You are mine!”

But I wasn’t his. And neither was my beast. We were done running. Done being scared.

Done being separate.

We were one…and we were going to kick this guy’s ass.

Chapter Ten

