Page 19 of Step Monster

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Who the hell wouldn’t take that opportunity?

“Now,” I whispered against his lips as I pulled him backward with me toward the bed. “Right now.”

“Celia,” he argued weakly, his body following with no hesitation as we lay down together. “We can wait.”

“I don’t want to wait,” I insisted, reaching between our bodies to unbutton his jeans. “Make me yours, Trevor. Forever. Please.”

He climbed off of me and turned to close the door, then ripped off his jeans and tossed them to the floor before climbing over me again. His hips settled between my thighs, and I could feel him pressed hard and hot against my core.

“I’ve never done this before,” I admitted, rolling my lower lip between my teeth as I met his gaze.

“Neither have I,” he whispered. “You were my first kiss, Celia. My first and only everything. I think, deep down, I always knew I was waiting for you. I couldn’t have ever touched anyone else.”

My body shuddered as desire flooded through me and I canted up toward him, desperate to feel him inside of me.

“Slow down, kitten,” he teased, his breath ghosting over my lips as he lowered his face to kiss me. “We have all night.”

“I want you now,” I pleaded. “Please.”

He growled, the sound vibrating in his chest where it was pressed to mine, and he kissed me again, his tongue parting my lips as his tip parted my folds.

I sighed into his mouth as he moved forward slowly inside of me, stretching me open inch by inch until he reached a point of resistance inside of me and slammed forward, breaking my innocence and causing me to cry out in surprise, my back arching off the bed to press my breasts even more firmly into his chest.

“Are you okay?” he whispered, his lips trailing soft kisses over my jaw and up my cheek.

“Yes,” I promised him. “It surprised me more than it hurt.”

He lay still for a moment as my body spasmed around him, adjusting to his thickness, but his mouth never stopped moving over me. Over my nose, across my lips, down my throat.

“Move,” I begged him, shifting my hips. “Please, I need to feel you move.”

I hadn’t even realized I’d closed my eyes, but when I opened them, I could see Trevor illuminated by the sparks that were dancing over us as we became one. It was beautiful. He was beautiful.

“I love you,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss me once more before he pulled back again and started to finally, blessedly move.

With slow, firm strokes, he moved in and out of me, our bodies rocking together as we found a rhythm that became like a dance. He felt incredible inside me and for a moment I found myself so looking forward to the next time that we did this, I almost forgot to enjoy the fact that we were doing it now.

But then his pace increased, his body slamming into mine over and over again to bring me back into this moment. This moment that was causing every muscle in my body to tense up like an overwound spring. It was almost painful, and I didn’t know how to release the tension myself, so I just gave myself over to him. Letting him push me further and further toward a precipice I didn’t know how to reach on my own.

Trevor’s rhythm faltered as his hips snapped harder and faster against me, his hand sliding between us to press his finger against my clit, rubbing firm circles as his breath hitched.

The tightness that had been coiling inside me seemed to reach a breaking point and then I was screaming as every nerve in my body lit into fiery pleasure that absolutely consumed me. My nails dug into his shoulders as my body felt like it was falling beneath him, though I was still pressed hard into the mattress, and Trevor’s voice joined mine, yelling my name as his cock jerked and spasmed inside of me, flooding me with his release.

Light exploded around us, bright and white, illuminating the entire room before it seeped away, leaving us in darkness once more as our cries of passion seemed to echo in the stillness surrounding us.

Trevor collapsed onto the mattress beside me, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me to lean against his chest as he pressed soft kisses to my hair and forehead.

We lay there together for a few minutes, each breathing heavily as our hearts beat hard and fast against one another where our chests were pressed together.

“Are you happy?” Trevor asked after a few minutes, his fingers trailing lightly up and down my arm.

“I honestly never thought I could be this happy,” I admitted. But then a thought occurred to me that made me freeze against him. “How the hell am I going to explain this to my mom?” I moaned, burying my face in Trevor’s chest as I realized that I’d just bonded with my stepbrother.

As if on cue my phone chirped on the nightstand and I picked it up to see a message from my mom.

We’re staying at the hotel tonight, but we’ll be home in the morning.

“Ugh, I think we don’t have to worry about explaining this to our parents,” I said as heat crept up my throat and spread over my face. I handed my phone to Trevor who laughed and set it back on the table.
