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“Really, I feel fine,” I say again.

The nurse frowns. “You used far too much magic. You’re lucky you’re alive.”

I glare over at my mates. All four of them are sitting in plastic waiting chairs around the hospital bed I’m occupying.

“She’s strong,” Liam says.

“She suits you,” the nurse says. “Same reckless streak you have.”

Liam smiles and I think he’s pleased by the comment. The nurse certainly didn’t mean it as a compliment, but he’s taking it as one.

We’re all reckless, I suppose. We did just take down the reigning king of keys. The weight of it hits me but I hold it in until the nurse walks away.

“What are we going to do?” I ask. “We - I - took down a member of the royal family.”

The nurse throws back the curtain around my bed before any of them can answer. “You have a visitor.”

I tense at the sight of Lucina Drake.Oh, shit.Whatever my punishment is, I won’t have to wait long.

Her lips are pressed into a thin line and she looks pissed. Her gaze only lingers on me for a moment before turning to Liam.

“Well, nephew, what do you have to say for yourself?” she asks.

“It was my fault,” I blurt out.

“I’ll get to you,” she says, not taking her eyes off Liam.

“He was going to take my mate,” Liam says. “We didn’t have a choice.”

“I’m not concerned about your father,” the princess says. “I’m upset that you didn’t come to me sooner. How long have you known your birthright?”

“I found out when I was ten,” Liam says.

“Summer,” Corbin confirms.

“Yes, that summer,” Liam says. “When I first shifted.”

Lucinda shakes her head. “Your father was wrong to do that to you.”

“Well, technically he’s not my father, is he?” Liam says.

I can hear the pain in his voice. It’s faint, but it’s there. I want to reach out to him. Hold him. Tell him everything is going to be okay.

But I have no idea if it will be okay.

And his aunt scares the shit out of me.

“Alastor Drake is a disgrace and he is hereby banished from the Underworld,” Lucinda says.

She turns to me. “Am I to understand you already fulfilled the sentence?”

I blink a few times as I consider how to answer. Is this a trick question? Finally, I decide on the truth. “I think I sent him to the monster realm. At least that’s what I tried to do.”

She nods. “Harper Love, the royal family is grateful to you for saving the life of one of our own and for completing justice.”

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