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I should just go all out. I miss your body, the warm drag of your lips along my skin. I love your big hands and how they make me feel protected and delicate. When I close my eyes, I replay a few of our interludes. I have favorites, but I’m not going to tell you what they are until you get back because I’m evil like that.

Hornily yours,


* * *

Dear Charlotte,

Jesus Fucking Christ, baby. If poetry gets you to write dirty letters to me, I’ll just copy the entire volume of Leaves of Grass in each letter. No, my letters aren’t prescreened, and if they were, someone just got an unfortunate boner.

Mine is also unfortunate. The worst part of deployments or missions is the lack of privacy. You almost always bunk with someone unless you have “admiral” in your title. If there’s one reason to be an officer, more privacy would be it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard some random squib jacking it. Welp, that’s probably more information than you wanted to hear and thinking of my teammates walking the dog, so to speak, has killed my own boner.

Keep rubbing them out. The endorphin release is good for you. As for me? I’m saving it all up. Be prepared. Eat a lot of protein and drink a lot of water because it’s going to be a marathon.


* * *

Dear Nathan,

I’ve been cleared for the resection of the tumor. This makes me all kinds of happy. Isn’t it funny, though, how no one uses the words amputation at the hospital? It’s all “tumor resection” and “radical intervention” but no “we’re cutting off your limb!”

At first, I was very upset at the idea of losing my leg because I was struck by the vanity of it all. But each day that passes with that diseased thing still attached to my body, the more I want it off. Dr. Bhoraskar keeps telling me he’s positive it will be a below-the-knee amputation, but I want him to cut it all off if it means I’ll be cancer free.

It’s been beastly hot up here. There’s no wind and the lake looks like it’s made of glass. Nick came up after the last of the preseason games. He’s excited to start the new season. They are saying really good things about his team. Lainey traveled with him, and they could not take their eyes off each other. Grace and I wanted to keep Cassidy with us for the rest of the summer so that the two of them could fight or fuck away their issues. Probably a little of both. I haven’t been able to convince Lainey yet, but I think she’s coming around to the idea. She could use the break.

Watching someone else’s relationship drama is a lot more fun that experiencing your own, that’s for darn sure.

Happily bored with you,


* * *

Dear Charlotte,

Wait, we’ve barely been married for a month and already you are bored? Write me another dirty letter. Or better yet, let me tell you in exact and explicit detail what I want to do to you when I see you.

I’m going to eat your pussy. For hours. Long, endless hours. There will be no part of your cunt that I will not have explored, tasted, licked, at least five times. I am literally going to devour you. Fuck, I miss the taste of you on my tongue and the feel of your body beneath mine. I plan to take you in a hundred different ways.

I want you completely drenched and ready because my dick is so hard and huge that you need to be wetter than you’ve ever been . . . shit, I just snapped my pencil in half.

Baby, I can’t wait to see you. I’m going to come inside of you for a century.

Then we’ll see how boring our marriage is.


* * *

Dear Nathan,

I am completely scandalized. I had to read your letter three or four times I was so shocked. Write me more.

Hungrily awaiting you,


* * *

Dear Charlotte,

We’re writing postcard sized messages now? I deserve more than that.


* * *

Dear Nathan,

I humbly request that you forgive me for the brevity of my previous response. I was so physically and emotionally overcome by your message that I was not able to compose myself sufficiently to respond appropriately.

The whole family has moved, en masse, into your home. By that I mean Mom and Daddy, Noah and Grace, Reese and Cassidy. Lainey has given her up for a few weeks. Her ostensible excuse is that she needs to devote more time to holding my business together.

This is undoubtedly true, but I’m guessing that it also has something to do with Nick as well. I’m being careful not to say anything because I want this to happen for them. I think they make the perfect couple!
