Page 17 of Bred By The Bad Boy

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When I left California, I had the most trouble talking to Lisa because of our visits into remote areas to meet with undeserved populations. I was tired, frustrated to be away from Lisa, especially for such a stretch of time when we’d only just meet. Long story short, I messed up when my phone required some obscure permission while performing an update. Lost tons of saved data… including my girl’s number. I tried getting it through theBoys & Girls Club.Checked local phone directories, but Lisa isn’t listed. I tried getting Kofi to use his connections to find it, but the stubborn ass wouldn’t budge. Stating I was careless and needed to wait till I got a chance to see Lisa again.

And of course, nothing went according to plan. Our trips were already as short and efficiently planned as humanly possible. Three weeks were barely enough to cover the number of countries, cities and meetings we’d spent months scheduling. So I bit the bullet and followed the plan.

But when we returned to the U.S., my agent was waiting at the airport with an offer he claimed we couldn’t refuse. One of my exes, a Spanish actress, was in the run for a big Hollywood production and needed exposure. She was offering a large donation to our foundation just to be seen on the red carpet with me. No kiss, no date, nothing. Just arrive at the same time at some charity event, pose in front of the press, then go our separate ways. Easy. I did it. Then I got the fuck out of dodge, because it was way past time to reconnect with my woman.

* * *

I only hesitate a second before my knuckles rap the wooden door. Coming from some far part of the house, I hear a voice I would recognize anywhere.

“Coming,” she singsongs.

After hours, days, weeks of agony, I’m about to see her. Finally. I hear the bolt getting unlocked, then the door opens. And here she is. Lisa O’Malley, soon to be Ford. All big, curly hair, caramel skin tone, light brown eyes, perk nose and that full mouth I’ve been fantasizing about since the moment I left my bed that morning. She blinks up at me, incredulity painted all over her face. I take advantage and take a step forward, closing the distance between us.

“Hey baby.”

I press my lips to hers and let the sensation of finally hitting home run through my body. Lisa melts into me, her soft curves fusing into my hard body. I take advantage and wrap my big hands around her waist. We continue kissing, the soft pecs turning into deep, wet, hungry, open-mouth, tongue -fucking. Lisa clutches to my shoulders, whimpering against my lips, and I walk us inside, kicking the door close. Then I turn her, putting her back against the door, wedge one powerful thigh between her legs and slowly rub my knee at her apex. She moans again, wantonly meeting me hip roll for thrust.

We’re going at each other’s mouth like our lives depend on it. My dick swelling in my jeans, Lisa’s breathing coming out labored, when a feminine voice asks from way too close to us, “Lisa, who’s at the door?”

We jump like two criminals caught red-handed and Lisa turns toward the intrusive voice. She also attempts to put some distance between us, but that I can’t have. I’m sporting a raging hard-on and would really rather no one other than my woman be subjected to the tent in my pants. I wrap an arm around her midsection and pull her flush against me, nudging my hardness between her glorious ass cheeks. Making my predicament crystal clear. Lisa let’s out an involuntary moan and I feel a shiver run through her body.At least nothing has changed on that front.

A woman with an uncanny resemblance to Lisa walks in the room. Her eyes go from my girl to me and her mouth falls open in surprise.

But she quickly recovers and resting a hand on her hip in an offensive pose, she asks, “What is he doing here?”

“Hi, I’m Malik,” I attempt.

But that doesn’t fly, nope.

“I know exactly who you are, youfihloda…”

“Isabel!” Lisa exclaims.

The woman studies me with squinted eyes and I recognize that expression. I’ve seen it on a much smaller, much ypunger member of the O’Malley family. This must be Lisa’s sister, Ana’s mom. I wonder how my little friend has been,

“you’re lucky my sister has a good heart, and that now we’re stuck with you, anyway…”

Stuck with me?

But before she can elaborate, Lisa cuts her again, “It’s all good, Isa. You see? I’m fine. Why don’t you get on with your day. I’ll call you later.”

“Yeah, you make sure to do that.”

She snatches a purse from a nearby coffee table and walks past us, still giving me the stink eye. When we move away from the door to give her access, Lisa’s back still plastered to my front, Isabel’s eyes grow huge, pinging between Lisa and I. Before she shakes her head, throwing her hands in the air in a dramatic way.

“Oh for chrissake! At least wait nine months!”

She stomps out on that parting shot, leaving me perplex.

As soon as the door slams behind her sister, Lisa pushes my arm away and takes a wide step to get out of my reach. She gives me a stern look and moves to her small but comfortable and very nicely decorated living room. And I follow. She sits and indicates the club chair facing her.

“Sit, please. We need to talk, and I have news that might knock you off your feet.”

Now what?!


