Page 44 of Daddy Commands

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‘Yeah, cause you know to stop when stuff’s going bananas.’

Wolf smiled. ‘I love it. Okay. Banana it is. Also, from now on I’ll probably never look at a bowl of fruit the same way again.’

‘So if I say banana that means…’

‘Whatever I’m doing will stop immediately. And we’ll talk. Because using a safeword isn’t the end of something — it’s the start of a conversation. At least, that’s the way I see it.’

Sophia liked that. The start of a conversation. It made her feel less worried about using her safeword if she knew that Wolf wouldn’t be offended or upset.

‘That feels good,’ she said.

‘Good,’ he replied. ‘There’s a lot more stuff we can do to increase the safety, which increases the trust, which increases the pleasure.’

Pleasure. Just hearing Wolf say the word sent wobbly happiness around Sophia’s body.

‘That all sounds good,’ she said. She could feel herself inching closer to Wolf. She couldn’t help it — it was as though her body had some kind of deep, chemical attraction to his, like her cells wanted to mash together with his cells. She bit her lip. ‘So… Mr. Motorcycle Daddy, you think you could try out some stuff with me? You know, purely for my education?’

‘So long as it’s for your education, I think that could work.’ A smile spread across his lips. ‘What were you thinking?’

‘Um. I’ve never really been naked in front of another guy.’

‘Right — that makes sense. You nervous about it?’

‘I don’t know. Not really. But maybe?’

‘Nothing wrong with feeling nervous. We could always take it in turns. Quid pro quo.’

‘Quid pro quo?’

‘Means a kind of exchange of goods or services. But in this context, why don’t I take my top off first, and then you take yours off in return?’

Sophia’s heart pounded in her chest. There wasn’t much she wanted more right now than seeing Wolf’s naked body. There was a little part of her that worried she wouldn’t be able to take it or something — that the sight of his perfect, muscular form would send her into some kind of hormone storm and she’d end up giving in to her lust with no thought of taking anything slowly.

But that was a chance she’d just have to take.

‘Okay,’ she nodded. ‘Quid pro quo.’

Wolf stood up and, without ceremony or hesitation, peeled off the white t-shirt that he’d been wearing.

Sophia had watched him sleep topless the other day, but this was nothing like that. Seeing his body flex and stretch as he reached up was almost indescribably sexy. The way his muscles worked together to move him was so fucking hot. She wanted to touch.

‘Your turn now,’ Wolf said. ‘If you’re still OK with it.’

‘Mmmhmm,’ she said, standing. She felt a little tremble in her legs. ‘I wonder if anyone’s ever done a striptease in bear pajamas before.’

‘I’d say almost certainly,’ Wolf replied.

Do it quickly. That way it’s just like pulling off a plaster.

She reached down and grabbed the pajama top, before tugging it up over her head. She felt the cool air on her body, and her skin puckered under Wolf’s gaze. She was wearing a simple, cream bra that wasn’t in any way sexy, but she couldn’t help but notice a change in Wolf’s expression. There was even more hunger there now. ‘Well?’ she asked.

‘Sophia, you’re stunning,’ Wolf said evenly.

She felt a blush spread across her face. ‘Thank you.’

‘I mean it.’ Wolf shook his head. ‘What have I done to deserve the chance to even look at someone like you?’

For a moment, Sophia bit her lip. ‘You want to know what you’ve done? Aside the fact that you’re like… super hot?’ She couldn’t help a tremble in her voice as she admitted just how attracted to Wolf she was.

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