Page 46 of Daddy Commands

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‘So, this is me,’ he said.

She took him in — the fullness of him, the wholeness. There was ink up and down his tough, experienced body. She could see the years in him, the way time had shaped him, changed him. It was intoxicating, and for a moment, she felt as though embracing him, holding him close,taking him inside her, might transfer some of that time, some of that experience, some of thateverything, right into her being.

‘You’re beautiful,’ she said.

Wolf shook his head. ‘I’m a rough old goat.’

‘No,’ she said. ‘You’re not, Daddy.’

Then, without even thinking for another second, she reached back and undid her bra. She felt her breasts relax and her nipples harden as they were revealed to the cool, then she pulled at her panties, letting them hit the floor.

‘Now,that’sbeauty,’ Wolf said.

‘I’m shaking,’ Sophia said.


‘No,’ she said, cut through by sudden clarity of thought. ‘I’m shaking ’cause this feels big. Bigger than anything else. And I’ve got that feeling — you and me, me and you, us, we’re important.’


She was everything. A body like nothing else, with a mind that was perfect for him. Sophia had an incredible, womanly form — generous in its curves, tight in its expression. But she also had a playful, quick, warm soul.

Somewhere, deep down, Wolf knew that he didn’t deserve her. Wasn’t worthy of what she was about to give him. He felt a type of pressure he’d never experienced before. A feeling of spiky, hollow anxiety.

Fuck this up and you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your days.

In that moment, he truly understood what vulnerability was. But more than that, he truly understood love.

He was sure of it — this feeling, as fledgling and new as it was — was love. The start of it, at the very least.

This wasn’t the time for more words or for more jokes.

He stepped forward and so did she. They were connected, somehow, and both of them knew exactly what the other wanted.

To feel her body press against him — her smooth softness juxtaposed with his hard coarseness — was to touch paradise.

He let his hands move over her and he encouraged her to explore his body. He wondered what it was like for her, to be feeling the touch of a lover for the first time.

What might she be thinking?

Are they all like this?

Do their cocks all work like this?

Are their hands all this rough?

Do they all push their tongue into my mouth just like that?

Would any other man leave me this breathless, make me this wet?

Her mouth was open for him, and he opened himself for her. Their tongues danced as the push and pull of desire played itself out between them.

Wolf was aware that he was holding back. Not much, but certainly a little. If he hadn’t known that Sophia was a virgin, his hands would most definitely be delving more deeply under her buttocks, between her thighs. They’d be moving over her breasts, pinching her nipples. His lips would be diving down, kissing her clavicle, stomach, clit, ass.

Just hold back a little, don’t overwhelm her. Keep checking in.

‘You okay, baby?’ he whispered into her ear.
