Page 63 of Daddy Commands

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It was impossible to know who’d knocked on the door, because everyone was waiting outside. The whole damn MC. Bikes lined up, cuts on, ready to go. The Drifters weren’t concerned with subtlety today. This operation was all about defending what was theirs.

The one thing that wasn’t obvious were the weapons that everyone carried. Wolf knew they were there, though, and he could see the telltale bulges of holsters under cuts, knives in boots. They looked fearsome, and he felt proud — proud to be part of an organization that demanded respect but used it for good.

Sophia looked almost shocked to see everyone. She’d spent plenty of time with the other bikers recently, but seeing them all lined up and ready to ride like this was definitely a touch intimidating.

‘You ready to roll?’ Rainer asked. His bike was gleaming in the morning sun. There was no-one prouder of their hog than him.

Sophia squeezed Wolf’s arm.

Was he ready to roll? He knew that Marcus would be looking after Sophia in a safe location, but that still didn’t make it any easier to leave her. He looked at his Little — thought about how much she’d been through.

‘I’m nearly ready,’ he said. ‘Just one thing I’ve got to do first.’

It was an old tradition — one that he hoped Sophia wouldn’t mind. He hadn’t told her he was going to do it, either, but it just felt so right, especially as the whole club was gathered here today.

Wolf cleared his throat, squeezed Sophia’s hand, then turned to address the group. ‘Sophia here is my girl. I claim her, publicly. I love her. I belong to her. She belongs to me. Club first, yes. But Sophia is right behind. I’ll do anything to protect her, and I advise each and every one of you to keep your hands off. She’s mine.’

Wolf didn’t think, for a moment, that any of the other club members would ever so much as look at another man’s girl, but there was something about saying the old-fashioned oath that meant a lot to him.

He thought back to the time Marcus had said the same words about Tatiana, just before he’d married her. At the time, Wolf had thought that he’d never, ever feel that way about anyone. How wrong he’d turned out to be.

Marcus was here right now, looking with pride at him. At his son. His Prez nodded approvingly, then, when Wolf turned to look at a smiling Sophia, clapping, cheers and whistles broke out from the assembled bikers.

‘Proud of you, son,’ Marcus said.

‘What does all that mean?’ Sophia whispered in his ear.

‘Means we’re going steady.’

‘Congrats to the both of you,’ Baron said. He’s been sitting quietly astride his hog at the edge of the circle, but clearly, he was anxious to get moving. He was risking a lot to do this raid, too. Wolf hadn’t really been sure if Baron would come. He’d stepped down from the Sergeant-at-arms position to avoid too much danger ever since he got with Molly. But Wolf needn’t have doubted him. His club still came first. ‘Now, I think we’d better hit the road, right?’

This was a momentous occasion. It was the first time the whole club had ridden like this, together, for many years. Hopefully, it was a taste of things to come. Shame it wasn’t under better circumstances, of course.

‘I’m ready,’ Wolf said. He kissed Sophia, hard, on the mouth, then he saddled up.


There isn’t much in this world that compares to the sound of dozens of Harley Davidsons being revved at the same time in close proximity. Certainly nothing that Sophia had experienced, anyway.

As she watched The Drifters ride away from the Den, she was full of mixed emotions. Pride, fear, love, dread.

‘Don’t worry,’ Marcus — who had stayed behind with her — said. ‘You’ll see him again. I promise.’

‘I know,’ she said. ‘I just… I never cared for anyone the way I care for him.’

‘Hurts, don’t it? Like you’ve got a second heart that’s outside your body. You want to keep it safe, but you know you can’t be everywhere.’

He really had hidden depths, this man. She knew that Wolf had deep love for him — he practically viewed him as a father — and she was beginning to understand why.

‘So,’ she said, ‘you want to come in and have a cup of tea? It’s the least I can offer someone who’s going to be guarding me all day.’

‘Come in?’ Marcus looked confused. ‘We’re not staying here today. You got a helmet?’

‘Yeah. Daddy bought me one so we could ride together.’

‘Grab it and get on my bike. I’m taking you somewhere that happens to be both extremely safeandextremely fun.’

